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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 13th day of Running, Yr 27
The Neopian Times Week 121 > Continuing Series > The Lost Queen: Part Nine

The Lost Queen: Part Nine

by laurensama

Her plan was simple, so simple that it appeared insane and rudimentary, but it would work. She had the utmost trust that this would work… or possibly just a heart that willed the plan so perfect that she actually believed it to be so.

     And so she researched her by-laws, finding that what she wanted was neither forbidden nor had even been done before. She ran over magical diagrams on what she planned to do and found that, if the Faerie who welded the artifact was powerful enough, she could indeed pull off the seemingly impossible.

     It took no more than a few hours before the one dubbed Valeane arrived at the castle. Fenella was researching magical inscriptions when the Faerie who maintained the library informed the queen that her guest arrived.

     “She’s waiting for you by your throne, m’lady.” The Faerie bowed before letting herself out. The queen jogged down the beautifully lit corridors, catching glimpses of the afternoon sky out the window. She longed to fly through them, uninhibited like so many of the other Faeries, but the reminder that she had a job to do slowly, and painfully, pulled her back to the task, which she was to perform.

     “Valeane?” the Faerie Queen questioned to the hall as she walked into it. Inside stood the entire Faerie council, each huddled around a cloaked figure speaking in hushed tones to what must have been the Faerie in question. The hooded mystery turned around and unbuttoned her guise. She was indeed a beautiful Faerie, with long green hair tied back in a graceful braid. At her wait were two interestingly shaped blades the likes of which Fenell had never set eyes upon before. She knew at once that this Faerie was indeed a force to be reckoned with.

     “Queen Fenella, this is the Faerie that we discussed,” Fiona nodded. Valeane quickly stooped into a low bow of courtesy before standing up again.

     “I have heard, my queen, that you require my help of some kind. Please know that I am honored to aid you in any way that I can,” her voice declared. The queen’s heart surged, grateful for the support and trust that she had from so many faeries and hoping that she could, in turn, provide for the faeries who would help her so much.

     “I hope that you can help us… but first I must ask of you a test,” Fenella said. Valeane said nothing for she had requests like these all the time and simply withdrew the two blades from her side. The Faerie queen waved a hand casually in a circle, producing a violent burst of light that quickly zoomed at Valeane. The Faerie easily dodged the first assault and blocked the second with her sword with little difficulty, almost as if it was a simple spell cast by a weak Faerie

     “Excellent,” Fenella smiled, earning a smile back from Valeane. “You are just as we need and so I must beseech you for your help. Our very foundation is being threatened by a dark sister who is known as Drentylia; threatened in a way that none of our ancestors have ever had to face. By-laws of my position prevent me from fighting such a foe, however you skill is a gift that few, if any, faeries can match. And so I must request that you fight this Faerie where I have failed and where I am forbidden to do so,” The room was silent once Fenella finished. Valeane appeared shocked, after all it wasn’t everyday in which you were requested by the queen to save your kind… but something bothered the mighty Faerie

     “My queen, how can I possibly vanquish a foe that you could not?” But Fenella held up a delicate hand as she settled down into her throne. She looked over at her court with a smile and they knew that she had an idea.

     “This Faerie possesses powers all the elements: dark, light, earth, water, air, and fire. Every single one. We cannot give a Faerie all of the powers of each element, for it would overwhelm them and possibly turn their heart dark and power hungry… as it did to this Faerie

     “But a talisman, endowed with the power of these elements, would not. You could tap into its power and easily vanquish this foe. Your skill as you just demonstrated was a mere taste at the might, which is at your disposal and I am sure that this talisman would guarantee success in your corner.” The queen turned towards her court who had taken in every word. Her plan was… it was simply brilliant! It was the answer to everything, which they would possibly have thought of! They felt liberated, they felt free… it would end happily as it did with all the legends and stories that they had grown up hearing.

     “How long will it take to construct this?” asked Reltyla the Water Faerie. Fenella took out a packet of complicated diagrams and symbols and handed it to her.

     “It should start tomorrow so that when the final day of its construction comes it will be finished on the full moon. However, before we start you must know that the power this pendant feeds on must be given willingly… that is to say,” Fenella explained quickly, “that you must consult your kind and see that they want to take place in this.”

     “We will! Oh I promise we will, dear Fenella!” the light Faerie declared passionately with tears in her eyes. This was a burden on all of them and they longed to release it. “I will talk with my sisters tonight as well as everyone else… but… what about the Dark Faeries?” she quickly asked, thinking about them. But Fenella was not unprepared and so she gave grime smile as she began to stand up from her throne.

     “I will be speaking to them tonight, as well,”

     “Hrmp, good luck! Trying to convince Dark Faeries to do a good deed is like trying to tell gravity not pull an apple towards the ground,” snorted Yelian as she crossed her arms.


Dark Faeries rarely congregate preferring solitude to large families and groups. But on the rare occasions that they do meet, it is only under the cloak of perfect darkness, when the moon is completely swallowed up by the sky.

     This was such a night.

     The Dark Faeries from all corners of the globe stood in the forest clearing, glaring at each other questionably as if they had something to do with this. A small whisper broke out among the Faeries concerning the recent scale of events, informing the more secluded dark ones of what had been going on.

     “Faeries missing?”

     “I heard that, too!”

     “Didja know that Queen Nendlitha is gone?”

     “Really? Good! I hated her!”

     “Too kind if you ask me…”

     “Who’s our queen now?”

     “…You don’t wanna know…”

     The silent whispers continued until two faeries emerged from the shadow trees, clad in the armor found usual on the guards who dwelled in the Faerie queen’s castle. Few Faeries wondered what these disgusting do-gooders were doing here, while the others realized who was their new queen…

     Before a Dark Faerie could raise a voice in anger, another figure emerged from beneath the trees, the unmistakable form of Queen Fenella of the Faeries. Many Dark Faeries made a hissing noise while others jeered loudly in the long forgotten tongues of the Dark Faerie, taunting and saying words which I dare not repeat here. The guards narrowed their eyes, longing to teach these impudent Dark Faeries manners… but they didn’t and simply looked over at their queen standing strong in the torrents of their insults.

     “My… such a warm welcome,” Fenella smiled as the Dark Faeries finished their hissing. Many scowled at her calmness while others made a loud booing noise.

     “Speak your piece Faerie queen then leave us be! You have no authority over us!” hollered a young Dark Faerie with purple hair. Fenella gave an airy chuckle at the comment, which infuriated some of the crowd.

     “My dear, I assume you are misinformed or possibly not even informed at all. I do indeed have authority for I am your new queen,” The queen knew the affect these words would have upon the Dark Faeries, and yet didn’t expect it to reach the multitude that it did. Many screamed louder curses, while a few tried to send magical curses at the Faerie queen, which she easily blocked with a magical shield.

     “Hmmm… Dark Faeries,” Fenella heaved a sigh before making her voice audible to the crowd. “I am your queen now, and as such your magical laws command that you give me respect. Oh yes, I know all the laws and creeds of the Dark Faerie… and I also know the answer to the disappearances you have heard about.” Fenella smiled, instantly obtaining a hush from the crowd. The disappearances were considered a hot topic, even among those who lived as far away as possible from this spot. What was the cause? Who did it? Why? They all wondered thee things and longed to know the answer.

     “Now then,” Fenella said quietly. “I have found the answer to this dilemma and will now share it with you. It appears that a powerful Dark Faerie by the name of Drentylia has set her ire against not only the faeries of fire, earth, light, water, and air elements… but of her very own kin as well…”

     “IMPOSSIBLE!” roared a tall Faerie, roiling the crowd into agitated cries.

     “I assure you that it is possible and true. This Faerie has stolen almost six of your kind including your queen, Nendlitha. Her aim is to have control over your entire element… and species, as well.

     “And so that is why I am here. I have devised a plan to combat the Dark Faerie and I ask your help in this. We require that you are cooperative in this and help us in any way that you ca—“

     “I’m not helping out any light Faerie!” screamed a Dark Faerie in the back, instantly arousing the crowd up into fury. Fenella knew that her endeavor was hopeless and turned towards the forest, the jeers of the Dark Faeries following her.

     “My queen, where are you going?” questioned a palace guard, following her away from the Dark Faeries.

     “I knew that they would never agree to help, but I simply had to ask,” Fenella’s voice was sodden with regret that they would not join, however she never truly expected them to do so in any case. The tired queen turned towards the palace guards who flanked her on each side with a look of deep concern.

     “Let us hope that the other elements will be more supportive than the Dark Sisters,”

     “I’m sure they will, my queen. We all trust your judgement through the kingdom,” chirped in a guard hopefully. Such words strengthened Fenella, but offered little comfort… after all they were her guards and were prone to say such kind hearted things.

     “I only hope your sentiments are echoed by the rest of the court,” Fenella heaved a sigh and started back towards her castle in the sky, nervously awaiting the outcome the Faeries had decided on.


The palace appeared to be the same on the outside as it was every night. From each window shone the light of the hundred of chandlers, in which thousands of magical lights were positioned to achieve the maximum amount of beauty and light. But inside rested the very fate of the Faerie kind. Fenella knew this horrible piece of information and it tore at her heart like an angry monster.

     Slowly, she approached her throne room, almost afraid of the answer, which awaited her. What if the Faeries said no, what was she to do then? Would she have to break her promise, her oath that she proclaimed back when she was a mere child? Would this, in the end, come to such a hay-ness end? She shuttered to think of it.

     Fenella laid her hands upon the golden door handle, pausing for a second before in taking a deep breath and entering the throne room.

     “And so, what is your decision,” she asked briskly, causing the Faeries inside the room to jump. They were huddled in a corner, whispering excitedly amongst each other for reason unknown to the queen. Besides her court members stood other prominent constituents of their respected element, obviously highly consulted in this decision.

     Reltyla stepped forward from the fray, followed by three others of her element, and walked towards Fenella her eyes glowing with promise.

     “We, the Water Faeries, which dwell in the many seas and oceans that cover Neopia have consulted and hereby bestow every power, which we can offer to this project!”

     The Earth Faeries departed form the group and stood next to the water faeries, their heads height and shoulder set back. With a firm voice the earth Faerie of the court boomed their answer as well.

     “We, the Earth Faerie, which live in the forests and jungles of this planet also consent to aid the queen in whichever way we can!”

     "As do the Fire Faeries, which thrive in the lava and fires of the world!” proclaimed Yelian.

     “Alongside those Faeries who reside in the skies covering the planet from above,” announced the air faeries in one voice.

     “The Light Faeries, who devote their energy and powers towards that of goodness and purity will set for all that we can afford to give to our Queen, and even more, in hopes to defeat this foe,”

     One by one they proclaimed these statements, their voices strong and stances proud. Each word was a drop of strength into Fenella’s tired and weary being, and by the end of their speeches they all stood in unison not separated by element or ancient rivalries, declaring in one voice that they would fight…

     And it made Fenella proud to serve them as best she could.

     “I-I cannot convey how much… this… this means to…” But Fenella could not find the words as she tried to wipe a tear from her eye that threatened to run down her cheek. They all trusted her so, and she never believed that so many people looked to her for guidance and strength. It made her awestruck to know these things.

     “How did it go with the Dark Faerie?” asked an Earth Faerie excitedly. The queen’s expression changed from happiness to disappointment quickly confirming their suspicions.

     “We never expected them to come in any case,” Fenella decided. “And it will not matter, with all of these elements we shall triumph.”

     And so began the process of forming the pendant. The metal was carefully selected among the secrete mines of Neopia, choosing only the purest of all the silver bits and the strongest metal inside the mines to magical combine the two into the necessary ingredients. The silver and metal was melted into a shimmering mass of liquid; then delicately poured into an intricate mold. This particular mold was different from any other mold constructed for it was endowed with an excruciatingly complex maze of enchantments, which bound it together and made it suitable for the task at hand.

     Upon the third day the pendant’s base was completely formed. The craftsman who constructed it brought the magical disc before the queen and her court for their approval before further steps for its perfection were taken.

     There was not much in the aesthetic department for the magical item, being simply a thick silvery disc, which had a delicate chain, attached to it. But the magical aura surrounding it was intense, and they all could feel its mere presence in the room while it was still in the box.

     “What will happen to it next?” inquired the Light Faerie, holding the item gingerly in her hands, feeling as if she was possibly holding the fate of the entire world in her grasp.

     “It’s really quite obvious, isn’t it?” interjected the Fire Faerie who peered over the Light Faerie’s shoulder, also in awe at the item to be their salvation. “The elemental powers will be added, will they not?”

     “Tonight it will hopefully be done, and so I will need you all present if possible,” Fenella said, gently taking the item and giving it to the craftsman. “Keep it saved. If Drentylia finds out… who knows what could happen…”

     But Drentylia did know, or at least a small tidbit of the plan was known to her. Fenella found these things out each night she would close her eyes and drift off to sleep… but it never really was sleeping for in her minds eye she would see Drentylia plotting in a large stone hall. Fenella never knew if the Dark Faerie realized that she was there, but had a faint inkling that perhaps this special type of vision was known only to her.

     Faeries involved with this or any type of project were forbidden to talk outside in the night, for fear that perhaps ,as the old legend had stated, that the dark night did indeed have ears, and it was whispering the castle’s secrets to the malicious ears of Drentylia…

     Because of this, the pendant was stored in a windowless room, kept bright all through the day and night as to prevent any darkness from penetrating and circulating inside the room that held their only protection.

     The ceremony to add the power to this pendant took place that night in the eternally glowing room, as it came to be called. The shimmering splendor of the room masked the insecurity every Faerie felt in their heart, wondering if this would work and what they would do if it didn’t…

     Light, air, fire, water, and earth… all these elements were represented by a court member of Fenella’s, honored to be the one to add their power to this pendant. Their normal garments were shed in change for some of their most exquisite attire normally used only for coronations and special festivals.

     But tonight was no ordinary night, it was the night in which they either saved their wingless sisters or possibly met the downfall of their entire race.

     The small pedant was brought into the room by Fenella, still an ordinary disc as it was seen that afternoon. It struck a few of them as ironic how the faeries, an amazingly powerful species on their own, were entrusting their continued survival on a small, slivery disc. But these images were chased out of their minds when Fenella lovingly placed the pendant onto a small slab of marble jutting out of the floor in the center of the room. Each Faerie knew their assignment and their duty, but hesitated at first, wondering who would possibly seal their doom first…

     The water Faerie gracefully broke from the circle, approaching the pendant with caution and respect, such as one would walk towards the Faerie queen herself. She placed a long, white finger upon a section of the ornament and closed her eyes, muttering in the ancient Faerie tongues slowly.

     Each eye was focused upon the silvery weapon, not a breath stirring in the silent room. The water Faerie’s finger glowed momentarily, a gentle blue glow that if you did not look carefully you would have probably missed. Then, as quickly as she started her chant it quickly ended as she opened her eyes and withdrew her finger from the pendant. Where there was once nothing more than a perfectly smooth surface now had an inscribed symbol; a delicately inscribed symbol of a swirling mass, which almost looked to be like the ocean…

     One by one, not saying a word to either or even looking at each other, the Faeries broke from their circle and blessed the pendant with the power they were allotted to give to any Faerie, which they had chosen. It was all the same for each Faerie; a soft chat, a shimmering glow, and then a rune permanently scarring the perfect silver surface, reminding it of it’s eternal devotion to these elements, which bound it together as one.

     And as the air Faerie drew back into the circle, the last rune finally inscribed into the surface, the faeries became nervous, not sure what to do next, until Fenella stepped up to the pendant and lay both her hands upon it’s somewhat glowing surface.

     Fenella said no words and did not close her eyes, simply staring at her hands, as if in deep, meditative thought upon the matter. The Faeries looked at one another, wondering what in the world Fenella could possibly add to the pendant. But as she briskly stepped back another item was found on the magical item, a jewel.

     The jewel was not beautiful; if anything it was an eyesore upon the perfection that was the pendant. Its color was a soft pink pink, but a graying pink at that, while the inside was clouded and imperfect, almost intentionally flawed.

     Then without a word or a nod to each, the faeries left the room. Amongst them all they gave no acknowledgement to the other, no sigh of relief nor fear, simply ambivalence to each other. What was there to be said, anyway? That they hoped for the best? That perhaps this would be the answer to it all?

     No, these things were best left unsaid, but they were understood to each of the court’s members when they looked out the window at the dark sky, or when they looked into a mirror and saw their own wings and wondered about their sisters and how they were slowly graying… straying away from their Faerie roots.

To be continued...

Previous Episodes

The Lost Queen: Part One

The Lost Queen: Part Two

The Lost Queen: Part Three

The Lost Queen: Part Four

The Lost Queen: Part Five

The Lost Queen: Part Six

The Lost Queen: Part Seven

The Lost Queen: Part Eight

The Lost Queen: Part Ten

The Lost Queen: Part Eleven

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