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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 13th day of Running, Yr 27
The Neopian Times Week 119 > Continuing Series > The Lost Queen: Part Seven

The Lost Queen: Part Seven

by laurensama

Fenella knew not time it was when she finally managed to break away from the high court. They had been discussing long into the night and morning, deciding the next action, which should be taken upon the matter. Though they still had not a face to go with the criminal of the crime, they knew that soon the enemy would make a slip-up, and when they did…they would make sure to use that to their fullest advantage.

     Twilight began to invade the night sky, but the Faerie queen did not see it through her window . She was thinking of only one thing, sleep; a way to recharge her batteries after the long and trying day (and night) that she had.

     She didn't even think of changing out of her formal gown to a nightgown as she simply collapsed onto the soft purple sheets that covered her bed. The feeling of lying upon them was bliss; to just rest there floating, not feeling a care in the world. For that time, and that time only, she was not thinking of the missing faeries or the state of panic that her entire kingdom was in. It was simply a blank buzz that circled her mind.

     Fenella did not know when she finally drifted off to sleep, but the dreams she had seemed so real and vivid that she could almost swear to the fact that she was wide awake.

     The stone floor walked upon felt cold upon her bare feet, and through out the corridor that she traveled down there whispers and shouts. She struggled to discern what they were, but it was impossible to comprehend them from the distance she was at, and so she broke into a run, her feet beating against the flagged stone, the pounding matching her wildly beating heart. Why was she so nervous? It was just a corridor and this was, after all a dream! Nothing was wrong at all… nothing.

     The voices were louder, but no longer were they voices, they were screams… cries even. The queen began to slow her pace and quickly stopped in front of a large stone door that was left ajar a tad. Fenella quietly tiptoed towards the door, not even aware of the actions that she was taking or why she was doing this. The door gave no sound as Fenella slowly, ever so slowly, opened it to give her enough room to peek into the next room…

     On the other side of the door was a room in a style much like the hallway she had just come down. The walls, floor and ceiling were all made of stone and completely barren save for a few torches, which sat in iron holdings, scattered among the walls

     "Please... please don't…"

     The queen turned her attention to the corner of the room. If she hadn't heard the voice Fenella doubted if she would have noticed the small, huddled figure in the corner. She was bound to the floor with chains that looked far too heavy for her to even lift up with her thin, weak arms. For some odd reason seeing their small Faerie just made her heart cry out with sadness…but why?

     "Don't what, my child? I won't hurt you… you're perfectly safe… I swear," It was a voice like ice and pure evil, sending the deepest chills down Fenella's spine. Where it came from she couldn't guess, but the Faerie in the corner heard this voice, and instantly began to cry out in hysterics.


     "Oh, but you can live without them, you and I both know that! It's not like anything awful will happen to you," the voice sneered again. Where was it coming from? Fenella had to know. She didn't know why… but she had to know who owned that voice.

     "Bu-but I won't be-be able to fly or-or perform m-magic!" the Faerie stammered, trying to inch away from an invisible shadow that loomed somewhere in the room. The unseen horror chuckled at the Faerie's fear, finding extreme amusement in her pure fear.

     "Hmm… you are right on that one dear little Faerie You are a bright little one aren't you?" it commended falsely. "Yes… yes you'll become powerless and weak, but no matter! Everyone will become weak in the end," the shadow laughed again, but the laugh only send the Faerie into hysterics yet again.

     "W-what are you talking about?!" she howled, desperate to stall for some time. But there was no more stalling, the shadow had work to do and it had to start soon…

     Something gripped at Fenella's heart almost instantly, causing her every ounce of willpower to not cry out in pain. Was it the shadow's doing? And where… where was it?

     Almost instantly after Fenella pondered these very words in her head entered another Faerie, but she was different than the one in the corner… far different. The wings on her back were large and bat like, a tell tale sign of the Dark Faerie But beyond that Fenella could make out nothing else, for her back was towards the door and she appeared to be staring down at the helpless Faerie

     "I speak of an ancient magic little one, something too powerful for your happy little mind to understand, but you'll understand someday…all of you will. Step one has already been taken and step two is underway! Soon all of the pieces will fall into place and you my dear will help me." The shadow bent down towards the Faerie, closer and closer.

     "But first…" the shadow whispered before quickly whipping around and waving her arm swiftly. The stone door flew open, barley missing Fenella who ran out of its way. But there was no where to hide…

     "Hello Fenella, lovely to finally meet…"

     A tall figure stood, dark and meaning. It was like the specter that one always imagines to be under the bed at night, or possibly whispering through the trees before you laid down to sleep. The Faerie's hair was a dark purple, beautifully long and silky, which complimented perfectly with her dark purple skin. Her eyes were redder than a shade of color Fenella had even seen before and it sent chills up and down her spine. The shadow stared at her, smiling with her pearly white fangs…

     BANG! The door to Fenella's room burst open, snapping her out of the fearful dream. A guard from the lower palace levels ran in, breathless with haste as she held out a letter.

     "Queen Fenella! There's been an emergency! I've been ordered to escort you down to the hall immediately!" The guard thrust the note into the queen's shaking hands. The dream still swirled about in her mind, but was it a dream? It was so real…so frighteningly real. Still, there were other things to do before the dream could be worried about, so Fenella grabbed the crown off of her bed and placed it on her golden hair.

     "Lead the way, Trelnga," Fenella requested, dashing out of the room to keep up with the palace guard. As the two dashed down the halls the Faerie queen noticed the flurry of faeries whizzing back and forth down the halls. It must have been five in the morning and yet everyone was awake, even the Faerie representatives who had stayed overnight.

     This worried her…

     "What is the situation?" Fenella questioned loudly as she entered the room where her court and her always met; she was starting to become annoyingly familiar with this room. The faeries each looked up from either squabbling or their paper work, each wearing a different expression of fear, anger, of panic.

     "Nendlitha has disappeared," Yelian quickly said, thrusting a paper into the queen's arms. "We received word from one of her guards that something snuck into her room and locked the door. The things that guard her castle broke in the room in less than ten minutes, but by that time she and the perpetrator disappeared!"

     Instantly, Fenella remembered a quote from her haunting vision. It made sense now, it all did…

     "Step one has already been taken… and step two is underway," Fenella mumbled mindlessly. Yelian wore a confused glance as she peered into the eyes of the queen.

     "Fenella? What's wrong?" she asked, but before she could answer there was a gentle tapping outside the window. The Menshlia, the Light Faerie nearest to the window, quickly unlatched it as a small glowing purple ball flew into the room carrying a large scroll. The Dark Faerie descended upon the table and gave a rather resentful bow before pointing down at the scroll.

     "Oi, yer names Fenella, aint it?" The dark Faerie snapped, not noting the angry frowns she received from all the faeries for her impudence. Fenella give a rather startled nod.

     "Good, cause this notes for you. Apparently if the queen ever disappeared then we were supposed to deliver it to you. Hey is it true that we have to side with you guys now?" the Faerie asked interestedly. Fenella gave another simple nod as she began to untie the scroll deliver by the Faerie

     "Ugh, having to work with light faeries! This day just goes from bad to worse." The miniature Faerie then flew out the window without another word. Menshlia snarled in anger before harshly snapping the window shut and turning towards Fenella.

     "What does the note say, my queen?" she asked, however Fenella could not even speak after reading it, so she simply placed it in the middle of the table where the court clamored around.

     This declaration, written on the 7th day on the month of Gathering hereby indicates that I, current dark Faerie queen Nendlitha, daughter of Gremlya, hereby relinquish command to the current queen of the faeries, Fenella, if I am not present to pursue my duties.

     Each Faerie read this in turn, then gaped open mouthed. No queen since thousands of years ago had ruled over all faeries. No queen… until now.

     "What are you going to do now?" questioned Fiona the earth Faerie The queen turned towards the members in the room, the shock still incapacitating her. However, she now had an idea, and there was no time to dawdle around it.

     "I need to go to Nendlitha's palace…"


Fenella poured over the ledges and volumes inside the spacious walls of the Dark Queen’s library. Now that she was queen of all faeries, the library was hers to scour, and so she did, looking over every Faerie from the last 5,000 years trying to find a picture that matched those fierce eyes.

     But the books were large and the pictures nothing more than awful artists renditions. The Lupes who guarded the palace simply sat by the door, grudgingly guarding the room Fenella dwelled in, ignoring any requests from her for help. In the end she knew that if they could, they would gladly give her up to the invisible threat that circled all of the Faeries.

     Her eyes drooped over and over as she turned page after page. She had barley slept last night and even feared going back to sleep in case she met her adversary in any dreams again. And so she ploughed on tiredly, her heart giving a painful ache every now and then, letting her know that somewhere in Neopia a Faerie was pleading for the evil menace to spare the wings on her back.

     “Excuse me?” Fenella croaked towards the door. The Lupes ignored her, pretending to find their claws amazingly interesting spectacles. She voiced over to them again, but they simply got up and walked off, not wanting to be near the simpering queen anymore.

     “Nendlitha has the most interesting choice of help,” Fenella grumbled as she closed the ledger in front of her and pulled over a chart and a few tables. A draft from the open door scattered the papers among the floor, annoying Fenella to no end.

     “Even the wind seems against me these days,” the weary queen signed as she got up from her chair and bent down to grab the nearest paper from the floor. Simultaneously every entrance to the room close with a startling bang, each giving a gentle clink as the locks sealed themselves. Fenella straightened up and, sitting upon the chair where Fenella had just sat, was the Faerie from her dream.

     “Fenella, so glad we could meet in the flesh this time,” the Dark Faerie smiled with false kindness.

     “As am I,” the queen retorted in a calm, collected voice. The Dark Faerie stretched the bat like wings attached to her back as she gave a large yawn of boredom.

     “My my, so what should we discuss my dear Fenella? After all, you’ve gone through all this trouble to hunt me down so you obviously must want to ask me something,” The Faerie noted quietly as she studied the Faerie queen. Fenella’s mind quickly reeled about what to do in this situation. The Lupes would surely not come to her aid, and there wasn’t a Faerie who was truly loyal to her for miles about; not to mention that everything was locked down.

     “Oh yes... hmm you went through a lot of trouble for me. I’m quite honored,” the Faerie whispered before Fenella could say anything. She continued to shuffle through the books and ledgers with mild interest as she flipped back her dark hair. “I assume that you were trying to find all you could about me. Well I cannot tell you everything… that wouldn’t be fun at all! But I will tell you that my name is Drentylia, just to make things a bit interesting,” Drentylia grinned as she looked up from a book before her.

     “Drentylia… interesting name,” Fenella nodded. The Dark Faerie nodded, quickly turning her attention to the other books, which lay on the table in a scattered mess.

     “Yes, it’s modeled after the old Faerie tongue. Not sure what it really means but it sounds delightfully sinister, don’t you agree? Well I’m sure you would agree or not, but right now your fear would probably induce you to say so,” Drentylia drawled on.

     “Fear, my sister? I’m afraid you’re mistake for I don’t fear you at all,” Fenella lied. Truth be told she was positively terrified of the Faerie sitting across from her, but if Drentylia knew that then half the battle was already lost.

     The bluff worked better than Fenella had hoped for Drentylia scowled darkly and stood up, her hands behind her back. She slowly approached the queen, her scowl transforming in a smile that would make anyone cower in fear at the very sight of it.

     “Not afraid yet, are you? Well you will be, eventually. But I digress in any case. I must say rather bluntly that I have come here for your wings,” Drentylia pointed at the purple translucent wings protruding from Fenella’s back.

     “I wish I could give them to you, Drentylia, but you see they are attached to me and therefore I really cannot give them to you,” Fenella clipped. Once again the dark Faerie let out a chuckle, just as she had in Fenella’s dream.

     “Ahhh, amusing Queen Fenella, quite amusing! But you see I did not have the intention of asking you…I was merely going to take them!” And without another word Drentylia drew a wand out of the air and charged at Fenella. The queen easily dogged the stampeding Faerie, her wings springing to life as she floated away.

     “Impressive, very impressive,” Drentylia smirked. “Those wings will make a lovely addition to my collection. Oh yes, I’ve already started to college some,” She smiled at Fenella’s angry expression. “Though they were young faeries their power was some what decent, thought nothing like the power I will absorb from that weakling Nendlitha! Biggest traitor of our kind if there ever was one,” she spat bitterly.

     “You stole their wings?” Fenella gasped, the dark Faerie nodded.

     “Six so far and there will be more tonight! Oh the faeries are still healthy and alive…though if you can still call them faeries now. Powerless creatures they have become, turning grey and pathetic as the days go by. But I wonder how long it will take for Nendlitha’s hair to wither away. I’ll enjoy it…seeing that pathetic little smirk whipped off her face!” Drentylia made a slicing motion with her wand, creating a green flame in it’s wake. The fire flew over to the queen, who managed to barley miss serious injury.

     Amazing, the queen thought. Never have I seen such power from a Faerie before! It confirmed Nendlitha’s theory that this dark Faerie was indeed sucking the magic essence from other faeries wings. It chilled her to the very bone to think of the young faeries (wherever they were) turning grey as she thought upon the matter. But there was another matter at hand, for Drentylia had a look of pure determination on her face as she stared at Fenella and her wings.

     “Oh the power those will wings will bring,” Drentylia sighed dreamily as she repeated the motion with her wand again. Fenella was ready to spring to the side, but her reflexes were far too slow. The blow was not as serve as Fenella anticipated, but it knocked her on her back and sent her skidding across the room. Drentylia let out a howl of triumph, convinced that her victory was eminent.

     “This is it?!” the Dark Faerie sneered. “This is the power, which the legendary queen has? If this is the best that you can do, why should I even bother to take your wings?!” she questioned. The queen slowly got to her feet, wincing at the dull throbbing in her legs.

     “We don’t have to be enemies. If you simply give up now then the council will go easy on you,” Fenella’s speech was nothing more than a whisper. Her hair was tangled and disoriented, but her face was as cold and hard as stone.

     “Give up?! When I have so much to gain?! I-think-NOT!” Drentylia howled with determination as she pointed her wand at Fenella. She stood steadfast, simply staring with an ill will at the enemy.

     Drentylia began to furiously chant a spell as she faced Fenella. She had only progressed a few words into the incantation when a large black shadow erupted from the tip of her cursed wand and began to charge down Fenella. There was not a motion of remorse nor hesitation as it charged towards her with a hauntingly focused stare. The queen simply stood there, steadfast and angry.

     SMASH! The shadow collided against an invisible shield around the queen. Drentylia howled in anger, sending a constant stream of the shadow crashing against the shield. Fenella leaned against her shield, desperately pushing against it, trying to keep it working. Her strength was failing her and if help did not come soon… she feared what might come to pass.

     Suddenly, the barraged ceased. Fenella heard an angry shout and then a dazzling orange glow that flew across the room across the room. Beyond this Fenella could remember nothing more, for she simply collapsed on the floor in exhaustion.

To be continued...

Previous Episodes

The Lost Queen: Part One

The Lost Queen: Part Two

The Lost Queen: Part Three

The Lost Queen: Part Four

The Lost Queen: Part Five

The Lost Queen: Part Six

The Lost Queen: Part Eight

The Lost Queen: Part Nine

The Lost Queen: Part Ten

The Lost Queen: Part Eleven

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