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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 16th day of Gathering, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 6 > Articles > Those Sibling Blues

Those Sibling Blues

by nidoramy

Ever since NeoPets first came to exist, the same conflict I am about to discuss was very popular among Neopian stories, poems, pictures, you name it. It's happened to everyone. What am I talking about? I'll start off with a quick story explanation.

"Tina the Peophin was her owner's first and only pet. She was pampered to no end. It was the day that her owner got an Usul from the pound that everything changed. Tina was no longer pampered, instead, she was taken care of at the same amount that the Usul was taken care of. But Tina was jealous. She had never had a sibling in her life. She had been an only pet for as long as she could remember. She would always glare at the Usul with intense dislike..."

I think that some of the older Neopians know where I'm getting at. Only NeoPets getting siblings. It's been a problem as old as Neopian time. Stories about first pets running away when their new sibling seems to be getting all the attention. Becoming jealous when they don't get a lot of the attention anymore.

Being that I have experienced this conflict myself with my beloved Aisha, Benekah, I thought I should give tips on this problem and solve it once and for all. This article is mainly directed towards people who have more than one pet, of course, or are planning to have another one. If you do have two or more pets, listen up!

1. Talk.
Before getting a second pet, be sure that your mind is completely made up. Let your pet know before you get the second pet, or the results won't be pleasant. Believe me, they don't want to get a new sibling as a surprise. They won't be thrilled. It is unfair to them. You should always let them know what you are doing, and better yet, ask what they think. They'll be pleased about how you can let them in on your decision. But, sometimes the rare occurrence of a pet actually being excited about getting a new sibling will come. They won't be excited for long, however. Let them know the consequences of a new sibling and what changes will occur.

2. Remain calm.
Usually, your pet will not be pleased from the news if you have decided to get a second NeoPet. Hey, my Aisha screamed and ran around the house, throwing items against walls and pulling her ears. Don't let it get to you. Stay firm and try to talk to them again. They still may not approve, but, in the end, good things will happen.

3. Choose wisely.
When picking what type of pet you will be getting, remember your first pet and think of how they will get along. I doubt, for example, that a Chia and Lupe could live in the same neighborhood, what with this whole stupid war thing going on. You won't know the exact results from what species you'll choose, but at least use common sense.

4. Give them time.
Once you have your second pet, things will become a bit uneasy in your household. Give it time. Introduce your new pet to the surroundings, and of course, your other pet. Let them talk for a while. If your first pet refuses to even come out of their room, you must give that time as well. Eventually, they'll have to come out for dinner. ^_~

5. Let them know.
Let your new pet know about the feelings and thoughts of your first pet on getting a new sibling, and get them to understand the change that their presence has made. Making them aware will really help, and usually they will try their best to be nice to the other.

Of course, once the first day is done, it's still not the end. The following are tips on regular living in Neopia with two or more pets.

This is very important and very essential, and what usually causes pets to run away. Sure, a new pet may be thrilling and you may want to play with it more, but remember that your first pet is probably the one getting the most out of this change. In other words, if you buy your second pet a pile of toys, you better go buy your first pet a pile of toys as well. Showing that you love them both equally greatly helps.

2. Take turns.
I use this method for when I find a faerie, a delicious food, a Battledome move, etc. Don't give all of your rare items and such to one pet. Take turns. If your second pet was blessed by a faerie before, your first pet should be blessed by one this time. It's an easy practice and it has worked well for my two pets.

3. Take them on outings.
Take both of your pets on special trips, maybe when you go shopping or maybe to Faerieland. Although this also counts as quality time with your pets, it will also count as both of your pets having quality time together.

4. Count them in.
The only time I ever lavish more love than usual on one pet is if it is their birthday or the day their species was created. However, don't leave your other pet in the dust because of this. Let them celebrate, maybe give them a little gift as well.

5. Let nature take its course.
Siblings naturally argue. It's not uncommon, it's not a crisis. It's natural. Usually, siblings' harmless bickering will come to an end sooner or later. Just don't let it go too far. Small arguments help NeoPet siblings learn more about each other, and hey, it also helps get them closer. It's just hard to tell at the certain time. :)

6. Love them!
Although taking care of more than one NeoPet is hard work, it pays off. The ending result is a happy and loving family...


Deraxyl: *snickers and waves plush yellow Aisha in the air* Miss Snuggles, eh? Maybe I should just show this to some of your friends...


*random noises of glass breaking, thumping, and struggling come from the background*

...well, at least most of the time. ^_^

End of Article Note: Hope you liked my article! Remember, I love Neomails, but I may not be able to reply right away being that I receive a lot each day. If you have any questions or comments, don't hesitate!

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