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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 19th day of Gathering, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 13 > Short Stories > Chia or Cheeseburger?

Chia or Cheeseburger?

by dreamgirl3001

I was at the grocery store casually walking along with Courtney, my owner, Linsey, my striped Kacheek older sister, and Bobo my younger sister, a blue Aisha. Courtney picked up some instant soup, doughnuts, and a few other things that I didn't seem to notice. She finally came to the food court. "Hey you guys? Would you like something from the deli? They just baked some ultimate burgers!"

"Ooh! Me want b-u-u-rger! Me want burger!" BoBo cried.

Courtney laughed and said, "What about you Linsey and Artem?"

Artem was my nickname, my name was Artemis271. "Uhm, can I just have a veggie burger and a Splime Slushie?" ICK I can't believe Linsey eats that!

"OK what about you, Artemy?"

I thought and I looked through the fresh sandwiches and burgers. Nothing seemed tasty until I came to the Chia section. I opened my mouth with delight, my tongue was drip, drip, dripping--I wanted a Chia burger. "Mum, I'd like a Chia burger, very well done and a--" I was interrupted.

"ARTEMIS271! How dare you? I thought you had manners!"

"Mum! I'm a Lupe... I'm supposed to eat Chias!"

And with that Mum just got a grilled cheese sandwich for me and we left.

The next day was Monday. I woke up and put gel on my hair, I wanted to look cool for Cindy, the pretty faerie Lupe whom I had a crush on. I then put on my leather jacket and trailed down the NeoHome and picked up my lunch.

"BYE Mum I'm leaving," I said as I trailed off.

When I got to school I saw Gugu12 and Venturer9900-my buds (Gug and Vench for short). "Yo Gug! Sup? Vench?"

"Nothing... you?"

"Same old, same old."

"So, anyway, have you seen Cindy today?"

"NO what's wrong with her?" I inquired.

"She's starting to hang around with WolfeyRoar92."

I jumped on the lunch table we where we sitting at. "NO WAY! WOLFY IS THE WORST!"

"Talk about it, but sorry to say she is."


"Because he's hunting Chias. He's the first Lupe to do so in the entire sixth grade!"

"Yikes! When I asked Courtney for a Chia burger she flipped!"

"Geez... owners today! I'm going hunting with Gug today after school, and all of us male Lupes in the ENTIRE sixth grade are going out for a hunt out and Cindy is going to be there. Maybe your owner will let you?"

"I wish! I'll ask her today."

School zoomed by that day and I raced home with my buds "WAIT HERE I"M GONNA ASK COURT!"

"Hey, Courtney!"

"Hi, Artem!"

"Can I go Chia hunting with gug and Vench today and go with the whole sixth grade tomorrow?"

"No Artemis! NO!"

"Please, Mum PLEASE!?!?! Everybody's going to PLEASE!!"

"No, Artem, we've been through this ten times !And the answer remains the same! NO!"


"ARTEMIS GO TO YOUR ROOM!" With that I said bye to Vench and Gug.

The next day when I woke up I grabbed 1000 NP from my wallet and combed my hair. The Lupes were all going to get lunch at the deli and I wanted to impress everyone by getting a Chia burger.

I walked along to school and saw a big high school Lupe threatening a new born Chia. How sad it looked, being beat up like that, I closed my eyes and walked away, but I kept thinking about the poor thing. Lunch came fast and we all went to the deli. All the boys order a Chia dish of some sort, finally it was my turn the worker snorted, "Chia or Cheeseburger?"

"Uhm... I guess... I uh..a chi-" Suddenly the vision of the poor Chia came to mind. "I'll have an ultimate burger sir."

"Ya' pullin' my leg or sometin' Lupey?"

"No sir, I'd like a ultimate burger."

"Look, Lupe kid, you are 12 and when you are 12 you can eat anything with Chias so I suggest you try the Chia special."

"NO! I want an ultimate burger."

"Fine Lupey here, 150 Neopoints."



"129 and that's my final offer."

"Fine, Lupe kid."

Everyone started laughing at me about how I didn't want to eat a Chia, even Gug and Vench.

Cindy came to me and sat down. "Go ahead, laugh at me and call me names, I don't want to be a Chia eating machine."

Cindy giggled. "Don't worry I just wanted to say that I think it's glorious and brave to turn down a Chia meal. That was a very kind gesture. Very heroic."

"Thanks Cindy."

But then Cindy licked me (a Lupe kiss) I smiled and then remembered, "Aren't you hanging out with Wolfy?"

"Oh no, once I found out he was hunting Chias I gave up being friends with him, now I'm going to hang out with you and forever we shall be friends."

I smiled and from then on I always said, "Cheeseburger not Chia."

The End

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