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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 19th day of Gathering, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 13 > Short Stories > Fuzzle Tears

Fuzzle Tears

by chimesjon

Zack was glad that he could finally relax. The school was giving everyone a week off for certain purposes. Whoopi and Rhenae went to the Lost Desert for vacation. PopcornMaster was enrolled for a week in the Training School. And Zack, he could try to finally get adopted by a new owner.

He took a quick shower, groomed himself, and looked for something to wear. As he looked, he found a blue ribbon. It was from Whoopi while Zack was still a Fuzzle. On his ribbon it said, "Zachary T. Fuzzle." The "T" stood for "The". He put it back on, which reminded him of the "old days."

Zack went out front for the owners to see. There was Dr. Death, smiling at him. He was put for the Neopians to see, and was seen by loads of owners. One girl passed by, looked at Zack as if she was interested, but she just came to abandon a perfectly good Aisha. That hag!! thought Zack. Then another looked at him, but he was allergic to fur, and left.

Five hours later...

Zack was practically sleeping, and over fifty seven people have looked at him without interest. Then it was time for Dr. Death to close the Neopian Pound for the night. He took all the orphan pets back to their beds, with many of them crying because that they weren't adopted. The Jubjub was the saddest pet there, and he tried to fight back the sad tears from his eyes. It was very painful for that to happen again.

He was going to try again for the next two days, and if it was unsuccessful, he would finally give up FOREVER. Of course, he might go back to what he did two times: Running away. It was very dumb of Zack to do that a third time, but he was very sensitive from the very first day Averay insulted him.

For the second time he tried, more nicer visitors came this time. They all looked at him with a little interest, but they adopted other pets. At the end of the day, it was better than last time, but still depressing.

The last day had come. Zack was so sad that he wouldn't even look at the visitors. Then a boy looked at Zack. He was about thirteen years old, and was staring with great interest in the Jubjub. Then finally Zack looked up. He had a feeling that this one was perfect! He jumped up and down happily. Then it was settled, the boy took out 1,000 NP for him, (since Zack was level 5), and bought him from the Neopian Pound. Every pet was waving good-bye as he and his new owner went home.

There was, sadly, a problem. His new owner (whose name was King) lived in Tyrannia. He would never see his friends again, and Zack wouldn't be able to go to Soup Alley Elementary anymore. It was sad, and would Zack have to live there forever.

A week later, Whoopi was sent a letter from Zack telling her about the adoption thing. She was glad that Zack had a new owner, but was terrified when she found out he would never return. It cost a lot to travel to Tyrannia by Lenny, so Whoopi, Rhenae, nor PopcornMaster could visit.

One month later...

Zack watched the days passed as he was very happy with King. They had wonderful times together, and he was having so much fun that he never thought about Neopia Central. Even the sound of Averay on the news didn't bother him. He found a new friend, who was a Pteri named Teruh. Then one day, he found something in his backpack. It was the same blue ribbon from Whoopi. He finally sobbed and tears went down his cheeks. He was so sad, and couldn't stop the crying.

Everything had changed, Zack didn't see a white Aisha, a purple Shoyru, or a Christmas Chia anymore. He had a owner who loved him, and only one friend. Things might never change.

On Sunday, Zack sat quietly on a wooden swing and rocked slowly. Then suddenly, someone tapped Zack on the back. He turned around, and you know who he saw? WHOOPI!!

"Hey Zack."

The End

Conclusion: Whoopi stayed with Zack for three days, and finally left. They send Neomails to each other every week and promised to see each other again. I hoped you liked this story as much as I enjoyed writing it!

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