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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 19th day of Gathering, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 13 > Short Stories > The Rather Lonely Kougra

The Rather Lonely Kougra

by lemon1234

One day a blue Kougra was waiting in the Create-A-Pet Centre. He was rather sad and lonely. He couldn't wait until someone took him and named him. Well he sat and sat until someone pick him. They named him Zack_1630. He was so happy that he roared a roar that everyone could hear. He wanted to go around to all the places in the world of Neopia. He didn't care how spooky, hot, cold, or high up the place was. His owner was unkind to him when he said this. Then Zack_1630 was thrown in the adoption centre. He cried all the time he was in there. No one knew exactly how long he was in the adoption centre.

One day, he was about to give up hope when he saw another owner inside the adoption centre. She saw him and started to cry herself. She quickly adopted him for 80 Neopoints. She didn't care how expensive it was. He was a level 1 blue Kougra still.

When he came out he met his sister and brother. Nutty_0594 his sister who is 2 days older than him said hi! I am glad that you came into this family. ShorteeShorty_123456 said you'll love it here. Zack_1630 was treated with lots of love. His brother and sister got PetPets so that they would never be lonely. The not so lonely Kougra was lonely again. He hid in his corner room thinking that he would never be "unlonely" again.

His owner thought that he should not be lonely so she created him another sister. Her name is Champion_Numb1. She always looked up to Zack_1630 because he was a lot younger than the rest. She also was lonely too. Their owner finally got 3 paintbrushes and 2 more PetPets. Nutty_0594, ShorteeShorty_123456, and Zack_1630 got painted but Champion_ Numb1 did not. She ran right to her room and cried, she left Zack_1630 alone. Zack_1630 was now lonely too. He wanted all of his siblings to play with each other, but Champion_ Numb1 refused to until she was not a "boring green Pteri."

Zack_1630 thought for a minute. Maybe just maybe I could get something to please my sister. So he worked to get thousands of Neopoints so that he could help her. He ran his owner's shop, played difficult games, went on quests, and even took a faerie job. Part of working in his owner's shop was to work there for 1 year. He started to get lonely again because all of this was by himself. No one helped except his owner who took him everywhere. He saved up for a magical yellow Poogle toy and a purple paint brush. His sister was now a purple Poogle. Zack_1630 was so lonely that he just ignored everyone.

Champion_Numb1 was feeling bad for her brother so she walked into his room and talked to him and played games. She volunteered to help him with earning Neopoints so that they could afford more rooms inside their house. Their other siblings heard and they offered to help too. Zack_1630 told them that now he would never be lonely again.

Zack_1630 is now 64 days old. He is a level 4 NeoPet. He has been to every Neoworld, completed courses at both training schools, and played many more games. He is a Christmas Kougra now and has a PetPet named BombyBall the Abominable Snowball, who matches him. He loves his brother and sisters and is never lonely. He has been in one serious battle that was later canceled. He loves to meet other pets.

Zack_1630 is the rather lonely Kougra when he has to work in his shop alone, unless his siblings visit or someone like you does. "This is based on my real life," says Zack_1630. "I will never forget any of my life."

The End

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