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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 19th day of Gathering, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 27 > Articles > Famous Neopian Quotes

Famous Neopian Quotes

by epk

Here are some famous quotes you may hear from some of your fellow Neopians.

I've got enough Plastic Butter Knives to make a Golden Butter Knife.
- Luoal Jias, an Aisha Picnicker

Rats... I spilled that Mutant Adam Potion again!
- Dr. Sloth, after being paid lots of NP from someone who is only known as 'Donna'

I don't just invest in stocks, I invest in rare cars.
- Nigel the Chia

Don't forget--you can lose weight easy!
- Back of the Faerie Book, You Can Lose Weight Easy

What in the world is are NeoHomes?
- Someone who is clearly behind in the times

Great. The power went out. Anyone know where Magnus the Torch is?
- Soup Faerie

The NeoHomes gardens will be released soon.
- NeoPets' Staff, A LONG TIME AGO, and finally they are coming out.

It's CHEAP! And it makes plants grow twice as tall!
- A person getting ready for the NeoHome Gardens a long time ago, winning Green Sand at the Tombola.

- Anyone walking by Safety Deposit Box #5934143, the one with 5934143 Bottles of Green Sand.

- Adam

- Donna

- Me

- Someone trying to scare the Snowager

- Treasure Hunters being brutally injured by the awoken Snowager

Hey, I thought this was Fast Food?
- Someone at the Golden Dubloon

Use of this site signifies your acceptance of the Terms and Conditions...
- The Little Grey Words on the Bottom of 98% of all NeoPets' Pages that some people have a hard time paying attention to.

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