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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 19th day of Gathering, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 31 > Continuing Series > All Because of a Scarf: Part Three

All Because of a Scarf: Part Three

by katchi_k

"You…" the Fire Uber-Faerie hissed, "Why haven't you come to me with my items?" Her eyes seemed to glow a deep shade of red as she spoke with anger, "I have been waiting for the past few days, but yet you seem to have forgotten about me…"

"Uhh," I stuttered, "no. I haven't forgotten about you, I just wasn't able to get both the scarf and the overalls at the same time…" Sana110 looked at me as if to say "Nice save." Then she winked at me. "Let me get the overalls from my house and I'll meet you on Faerieland's cloud."

"Fine, but you must bring both, or your pet won't get such a wonderful reward, maybe even a curse if you aren't careful…" Then she disappeared, and you guessed it, in a flaming puff of smoke.

"Well," Sana110 said, "I guess you got her mad." After a short pause, then she burst out laughing, "Hey! You're plan worked to get her mad at you! Congratulations!" We both laughed and headed back home to pick up the overalls and scarf for the Faerie.

Faerieland looked very gloomy and depressing that day. It was raining on the world below it. The cloud that supported Faerieland was very dark and cold. You could hear thunder and the raindrops falling from underneath the enormous city-barring cloud. The ground you walked on was very wet and caused you to shiver with every step.

Sana110 stood next to me as we walked down towards a small house, were the Fire Uber-Faerie was waiting for her quest items we promised to get her. We walked into the room and there she was. Cross-legged, and very angry.

"You know I have been waiting, don't you?" she said, gritting her teeth with every word. I just nodded and she continued, "Do you have the quest items, or have you let me down once again?"

"I have them, don't worry," I said in a somewhat panicked voice. I walked up to her and placed the scarf and overalls on the table that was placed in front of her. I backed up as she analysed the items closely.

She sighed under her breath, "You can do better. This is very bad quality. Never get a high quality scarf in the rain after it has been in a rotting, wet old box for three days. Leave, and get me a better quality scarf, or no deal. The overalls are fine, though."

"What? I go out of my way and wait for about an hour in a tacky old clothes store and get you a perfectly fine scarf and all you do is say how much you hate it? Well, what if I don't want to get you another scarf? What if I just leave?" I burst out with disbelief.

"Then you will regret it for a long, long time! Do you know what I can do to good pets and owners? Don't you want to be like one of them? I can make Sana110 stronger. I know for a fact that she isn't at her max strength and would like to be…" the Fire Uber-Faerie rubbed her hands together creating a small ball of fire, and then snapped her fingers and it was gone. "Now, are you getting me the scarf?"

I looked over at Sana110, she looked up at me and smiled, "I guess so," I said. Sana110 rubbed her head against my leg and purred loudly. "I guess I should be going now…" I sighed as I opened the door. The Fire Uber-Faerie laughed as I left.

I placed my arms behind my head as I walked, shaking my head as I did so. "I can't believe you got me into this…" I sighed, looking down at Sana110, who was walking close to me. She looked up and lowered her head in what seemed to be shame.

"I'm sorry, Wild_K…" she sighed, and looked at the ground, "I just thought this would be interesting… We've been spending more time with each other ever since we got this quest… I've been enjoying out time together; that's all…"

My eyes widened. I wanted to speak, but I was just too touched by what she had just said. I opened my mouth, but no words came out. I sighed deeply and finally spoke, "I've enjoyed our time together too, but don't you think that Faerie is pushing it just a little?"

"Yes, but you have to admit…" she started, "You're pushing her a little…" I laughed, and nodded. It was true; I was purposely trying to peeve the Uber-Faerie off the entire time. I even waited a few days! I guess I was asking for it all along…

I wanted something more to say at this point, but no words came to mind. We just returned to Neopia in silence. I had the rejected scarf wrapped around Sana110's neck and we walked into the clothing shop once again. I was starting to get sick of the look, the smell and the weird people who always hung out inside the shop, since I've been seeing them so much lately. They were even beginning to know me as a "regular" there!

"Look…" I started at the Uni behind the desk, "I want a quality scarf, and I want it now!" I said. Seeing how I was serious, she grabbed a pair of keys and unlocked the door behind her. I had never noticed that door before, and looked puzzled as she took a long, thin box off of one of the shelves in the small room.

"This should be to the Faerie's liking…" the Uni said, and pushed the box towards me. I opened it, and there was one of the nicest scarf's laying inside it. I looked down from the scarf to the Uni, to the scarf again; my jaw hanging low.

"Why didn't you just sell me this in the first place?" I burst out, "I could have dealt with this situation a long time ago!" then something hit me, "How'd you know that it was for the Faerie?"

The Uni cleared her throat and started with her explanation, "You see, the Fire Uber-Faerie has a tendency to make the people who accept her quests go a little crazy - and when they start yelling at me like you just did; I take out one of the items from the back room. She can to horrible things if you don't match up to her likings…"

I blinked for a while, I was going to start yelling again when Sana110 bit my pant leg and pulled on it a few times to get my attention. I looked down at her, "Yes?" I asked, crossing my arms. She could see I was mad at everything and she spoke softly.

"Wild_K, I think you shouldn't be taking this so badly…" Sana110 said, "Let's just pay for the scarf and get back to Faerieland and give it to the Faerie; okay?" I didn't know what it was, but she always had this way of making me feel better. I sighed and nodded. We paid for the scarf and returned to the stormy outside, which was the rain.

"Okay, this took me a few days to get--it's perfect quality, and if you don't like it that's too bad! Because we tried, we really tried; and if that's not good enough, then--" I was going to finish my speech for the Fire Uber-Faerie, when she cut me off.

"This is perfect quality!" she exclaimed, looking over the scarf from one end to the next, "Why would I be angry for this? Sana110, you deserve an extra reward for this accomplishment! I reward you with more strength and power! Thank you so very much…" The Faerie leaned over and kissed Sana110 on her nose and disappeared in a puff of flaming smoke, the scarf gone with her.

I looked down at Sana110, not saying anything. She looked up at me with the same expression on her face that I had. "Well," I started to say, "that was certainly an interesting experience…"

Sana110 just stared up at me, "Indeed…" she gasped, and we walked out of the small circular building in which we were in and returned home. That moment was never forgotten in my life; that's why I decided to share it with you, so maybe you could see how a simple quest can turn your entire life upside-down!

The End

Author's Note: Yup, this story isn't completely real, but I felt like writing it. Yeah, I started this part a while back, and I didn't finish it until now, the 22nd of Awakening! That's only because the account it was based on was hacked, so I didn't want to finish it until now. I'm Wild_K at heart, but the author's name is Katchi_K-- hope you enjoyed it!
Previous Episodes

All Because of a Scarf: Part One

All Because of a Scarf: Part Two

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