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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 19th day of Gathering, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 31 > Continuing Series > The Cheating Cheat! Scoundrels: Part Three

The Cheating Cheat! Scoundrels: Part Three

by gzusgirl


"Everyone here?" the green Eyrie asked.

Everyone nodded.

"Okay. First, I suggest we all say our names. Let's start with me. I'm Brakothii."

"I'm Gemofice," a little striped Shoyru said.

"I'm Moustous," the Mutant Kacheek said.

"I'm Jibojibber," peeped a cute blue Jubjub.

"I'm Nicona," said the tomato Chia.

"I'm ToxicFirePower. Call me Toxic," smiled the Pink Aisha.

"I'm SayoJEN," said a red Zafara.

"I'm SayoBOB," announced a red Techo.

"I'm Wingbing," the voice came from a blue Scorchio at the end of the table.

"I'm Wingster106. Call me Wingster," smiled a green Shoyru.

"I'm dedededededededededede. Call me De," said a blue Tuskaninny.

"I'm Kikachu105. Call me Kikachu," a yellow Kacheek said.

"Okay, so we have 12 pets fighting in this battle," Moustous calculated in his oversized brain.

"Woah! Hang on! I didn't know we were fighting!" protested Toxic.

"If you don't want to fight, then you can leave," Brakothii said, annoyed.

"I'm not a chicken. I just didn't get all the details, THAT's all!" Toxic said hotly.

"What's with her?" Brakothii muttered to Moustous.

"She's an only pet. She's got at least 50 toys and only eats expensive food. She is SPOILED," Moustous whispered to Brakothii.

"Wonderful..." Brakothii muttered under his breath.

They all worked out a plan. Moustous would have to go play Cheat! again and work his way up to the highest round. Then, they'd all bust in there together and fight off their army. Then, they'd notify the Neopian Police.

"Like they'll do anything!" SayJEN didn't like the Neopian Police at all.

So Moustous went on playing Cheat! at his hardest. He earned a lot of NP, and beat everyone for the fourth time.

"Spectre! I played Moustous today!" Fernypoo said excitedly, as if she had just discovered electricity or something. And the next day...

"Spectre! I played Moustous today!" Hog said with enthusiasm, as if he had just discovered Mystery Island or something.

"Today's the day!" Spectre said evilly the next day. I don't know when he'll show up, but sometime today he'll come in here, unsuspecting... and we'll get him!"

The three began to laugh evilly, when a green Lenny poked his head in, "Your next challenger, a mutant Kacheek is Ahhhh!!! Oh..." He fell limp on the ground.

"Uh-oh..." Fernypoo was worried.

Brakothii and Moustous kicked the door in.

All three of the evil cheat! players stood up.

"I overheard your little plan, and guess what? We're ready!" Moustous smiled.

"C'mon you guys! Get them!" Spectre shouted.

From trap doors in the floor, air vents in the ceiling, fire exits in the corners, under the table, hiding behind potted plants, jumping down from the ceiling fan, and just appearing out of nowhere, came mutant Grundos and rough-looking pets galore.

The other pets looked worried. They hadn't anticipated this many and half of them didn't have decent experience in the Battledome.

Nicolna was the bravest. Crying her war cry, "Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!" she plunged forward and started shooting them with her Chia Bubble Gun.

The two Sayos were next. They began jumping, hitting, kicking, and punching the mean, evil pets. Soon Toxic and Moustous were in it with their lightning guns and lightning beams. Then Gemofice and Jibojibber pushed their blue frost cannon through. Soon, all of the pets were shooting, kicking, cannoning, bubbling, sparking, using abilities, and just plain fighting.

Things were getting broken, NeoPets were getting hurt, lots of terrible feelings were going around the room. But amidst all the fighting, a cry of help was heard, "HELP! DR. SLOTH HAS GOT ME! HELP!!!!!" Moustous' voice rang out through every pet's ears, and they all stopped. The good pets saw Dr. Sloth carrying Moustous out one of the fire exits. Brakothii and Toxic ran after them, the rest of the pets to busy fighting they couldn't get away.

Two Mutant Grundos and Spectre ran out after Dr. Sloth and Moustous.

They all jumped into a spacecraft of sorts. They rose up into the air.

"I bet they're headed for the space station. Come on! Get on my back and I'll take you there." Brakothii said with urgency. Toxic hopped onto his back and they followed the space craft. The space craft flew up, up, and...

"Hey! They're passing the space station!" Toxic shouted at Brakothii.

"I think I can see that!" Brakothii couldn't figure out what they were doing. Everyone knows that there is nothing beyond the- Oh dear.

Attached to the Space Station by a small tube, was a large square-like building, like a giant metal cube floating alongside the space station. The space craft landed on top of it and the small group got off and went into it by way of a flight of stairs. Brakothii landed on the cube right by the spacecraft, and him and Toxic sneaked down the flight of stairs after them.

They followed them into a stone chamber. There was no light source that could be seen, but yet the whole room was lit up, as if with a thousand light bulbs. They couldn't go much further than the top of the steps, because the room was so small, that there would be no way they could go any further without being noticed.

The three Grundos, Dr. Sloth, Spectre, and Moustous, could barely fit into the tiny room. But somehow they managed to also fit a chair in there, which Moustous was tied to.

"Come in, now!" Dr. Sloth ordered. A wall opened on one side, and the Monocerous, the Pant Devil, and Jhudora the Dark Faerie came in. The room seemed to be growing now, because they could all fit, not exactly comfortably, but they could fit.

"Can we now induce total pain and torture upon this little mutant?" Jhudora asked, smiling viciously at Moustous, who was shaking so violently, the whole cube was shaking and shuttering.

Toxic was so afraid, she started shaking, too. The whole cube was bouncing everyone around. It knocked Brakothii and Toxic off from their perch, and they tumbled into the room. Dr. Sloth saw them just as Brakothii was grabbing Moustous and making a run for it. "Get them!" He shouted.

Jhudora, the Monocerous, and the Pant Devil chased after them. Brakothii grabbed Moustous and Toxic and flew off. Jhudora grabbed the Monocerous and the Pant Devil just floated.

The chase continued. Brakothii could fly faster than the three, but they could run faster than he. So he continued flying. It looked like it was going nowhere, when finally, the Pant Devil rolled his eyes and pulled out a lightning gun. He shot Brakothii in the wing. He could not fly, only glide. He was swiftly falling downward. He looked below and through the clouds he saw the ocean. Toxic and Moustous both saw it and shouted, "WE CAN'T SWIM!"

How was he going to get himself out of this one? All three of them plummeted faster and faster, with the three on their tails. Then they saw it...

To be continued...

Previous Episodes

The Cheating Cheat! Scoundrels: Part One

The Cheating Cheat! Scoundrels: Part Two

The Cheating Cheat! Scoundrels: Part Four

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