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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 19th day of Gathering, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 44 > Short Stories > Spun of Shadow

Spun of Shadow

by rain_hunter

All was quiet as Kransha made her rounds in the night sky. Funny how a black target in a dark sky is more obvious than a white one, she thought wearily, as her eye caught on yet another hacker, this one trying Neokeys containing passwords for accounts. Kransha sighed and swooped, her Shoyru wings gliding easily on the wind. Before confronting the fiend, however, she brought out her staff of the Earth Faerie and readied it.

"Halt," she boomed, using her best Voice, one that had cowed many into submission. The thief froze, and put his hands up, turning to face Kransha's ice-cold sapphire eyes. Eyes that many had said marked her as a born killer.

"Well it is that you have chosen the easy path, for the other choice is undoubtedly very painful. You will come with me, now." The ebony Shoyru knew that her odd accent was out of place in the "new" Neopia as a scarlet jay among crows. But she wasn't from "new" Neopia, and she didn't care. Her mind turned inward as she called the other constables and flew off, her shift completed. She landed gracefully in the middle of a road, much to the pleasure of the audience and the pain of her hip. Never could resist playing up to audiences, could you? a little voice in her head observed. Kransha surveyed the crowd, laughing, talking, eating, drinking. But she herself did not speak, for it always made others stare, and Kransha was afraid that she might not be able to restrain herself from breaking at least one finger. Kransha did not like to be stared at.

Kransha was also from the caverns of the Lost Desert.

She had been born with the coloration of the midnight shadow, the legacy of Shianri, her great-great-many-times-great grandmother. The heirloom trait was this--this curse, that every Shoyru born into her line and raised in the caverns would never take to another colour, for if painted, the foreign pigment would wash out in a few days. Every Shoyru of the caverns was expected to live up to the coloration that they were born with, but somehow, Kransha never did. So she was sent out to "seek her fortune," outcast from the Clan of Shoyrus that called themselves her family. So she had come here, to the Neopian police, and joined to aspire to a higher rank. And then...

"Kran. Kran? Do you know that your mocha's getting cold?" A warm hand shook her shoulder, and a familiar voice followed it. "Don't tell me you're brooding again. It really isn't healthy for you." By the "really," the black Shoyru had fully awoken, and looked up into the grinning face of Tammin, another Shoyru officer. She smiled weakly.

"Sorry, Tammin. I have had much to think about," she confessed. He shrugged, nodding.

"Don't we all. Listen, Kran, I'm sorry to ask you this, but there's been a spate of kidnappings, and..."

Kransha felt her head jerk up in surprise. "Kidnappings? There have not been kidnappings since... I do not remember when!" Tammin looked at her soberly, making her very uneasy.

"I know. But that isn't all. This guy isn't going after simple Neopets. He's going after painted Neopets. Shadowed ones." The verdin Shoyru glanced at her, as if to gauge her reaction. Kransha restrained herself from incipient hysteria, meeting his gaze calmly. He sighed. "Kran, I really don't want you to do this, but you're the only one who can."

"I know. I'll do it." Kransha heard herself say, as if she was controlled by a different being.

Tammin slowly stood. "Kran, I tell you, you're insane."

I know, the black Shoyru thought, But at least it's for a good cause...

Kransha remembered those words with a certain sense of irony as she scouted out the eastern border of Neopia. Several would-be thieves and frightened lovers had made their way into the station tonight, as she searched for the perpetrator of the stolen Neopets scheme. She was nearly at the border of the Haunted Woods when she heard a muffled shriek and an unholy mating of contortion and writhing shadow. The shadow was strapped onto a very dark blue back, and gagged as well. Kransha was alarmed at just the straps, but the form kept freezing at moments, looking very much like an odd shape. Without thinking, the black Shoyru swooped, calling a bloodcurdling war-cry--

--And everything went dark.

She woke, finally, but she could not tell what time it is, and her wings ached in the most peculiar fashion. Kransha attempted to stretch, but found that she was bound hand and foot -- and wing. A chuckle from the shadows caused the hair on the back of her neck to raise; it most certainly did not sound kindly.

"So... the play-hero awakes," said a deep yet nasal voice. Kransha could almost taste the sneer in it. "Well well well, did you have a nice nap?"

"Show yourself, fiend! You have been found out!" Kransha bluffed, hoping she could get him to release her. She wasn't betting on it, though. A bark of laughter met her demand.

"Oh, have I? I think not!" the owner of the voice moved into view, and Kransha's eyes widened.


"Balthazar, you have lost the little sanity you had," Kransha said flatly. The giant lupine form snickered, for there was no other word for the sound he made. Kransha decided to follow up on it. "Was all of this to find the mind you lost, or the virility you misplaced?" This time he ground his teeth, and Kransha was both alarmed and fascinated. This mood swing served only a deranged mind, but she had never seen someone grind their teeth in rage. And all this time she had thought it a cliché!

"Oh, you'll see, little Shoyru, you'll see. And then you won't, for you'll rejoin my little trophy cupboard." He giggled, and swept out of her sight. "Goodbye, little Shoyru! I'm off to get another prize!" A sound of a door closing, and then the candle must have gone out, for she was left in darkness. Kransha dredged up every piece of information she knew about knots, and started wriggling towards the wall. She eventually found a sharp rock, and rubbed against it, cutting herself several times in the process. Once free, she invoked her night vision, and searched for a lock, a handle, anything, But when she turned, she found nothing. Not even a door. Pathetic, Kransha thought, shaking her head and continuing into the next room.

What she saw was not pretty.

Starved, beaten Neopets sat around the room in chains. Their dark coats were lank from being mistreated, and lined up on the walls were many, many bottles of Light Faeries. It all made horrible sense. The Light Faeries, being what they were, would not be able to help themselves, and would rush... right into the hands of Balthazar. Kransha shuddered. These days, they would not be set free. They would be passed from hand to hand for Neopoints, never to see the light of day. A wave of determination billowed in Kransha, and she went about the room, liberating the faeries and commissioning their help in setting the Neopets free.

"What would you like us to do?" One whispered in Kransha's ear.

"Put them back in the homes they belong to," the black Shoyru said, "Please." A warm, balmy ray swirled around each Neopet, moving on to the next, each in turn. When she was alone, Kransha sighed, but this time with happiness. But she noticed a shining glaze on her hand where the faerie had touched her, ever so lightly, and blinked. "Fae gold," she breathed.

"You!" the roar of rage came from behind, and Kransha rolled just in time to avoid razor-sharp claws. "You!" Balthazar snarled. "You set them free!"

"Yes," Kransha said quietly, yet forcefully, " I did."

With another roar, Balthazar launched himself at her, and Kransha was forced to scramble out of the way. Another lunge caught her wing, and the black Shoyru heard a dry snap, but she was too caught up in fear and the need to escape to notice the pain. Kransha was quite sure that he had gone mad, and when he dived for her, she reached out her hand in a futile gesture of warding, and brushed his cheek. Balthazar howled, not a battle-cry, but a shriek of pain, and Kransha dimly registered that the golden dust had stuck to Balthazar and was glowing a very violent yellow. He screamed again, and she seized the chance to flee, attempting an impromptu glide from the only open window. Behind her, Balthazar screamed "Curse you, Shianri!" as Kransha started to fall.

The black Shoyru looked at her hands for the comforting glow of the fae powder, but it was gone, and her wings were radiating faint light.

The last thing she saw before she hit the ground were her wings, her sight blurred with the excruciating pain and the tears, dotted with golden stars and looking remarkably like the night sky.

Kransha awoke to the sounds of a hospital room, and Tammin hovering anxiously over her. "T-Tammin?" she stuttered slightly.

"Oh! You're awake, eh?" he said, relief on his features. "Good! I must say, if there are any more like you where you grew up, we're staging a raid!"

"Where am I? What happened?"

"Well," he began, a small tinge of regret in his voice, "the perpetrator got away. But the Neopets were recovered, and upon seeing they state they were in, pampered outrageously. Good work. We enlisted the Water Faerie at the Healing Springs to fix you wing, which, might I add, is good as new. How did you do it?" Tammin asked, a bit of awe in his voice. "I--it--well, it's a long story." Kransha confessed, "And it wasn't all my doing. Some faeries had a hand in it."

Tammin whistled. "I should say! But still, the owners of those pets have given you a hefty reward," he said with envy, and gestured to a table covered with bags of Neopoints, food, and various items. Kransha blinked. "I still say you're insane, Kran," Tammin continued, "But at least you're on our side."

Kransha smiled tenderly, and nodded, for the first time feeling warm.

The End

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