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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 19th day of Gathering, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 44 > Short Stories
Goldpaw the Alpha

Being the lead Lupe wasn't as easy as it looked...

by al_the_chia

Gosh Darn It... I Think That THING Ate My Arm!

You may also want to know I'm writing with my right arm, and I'm left handed, because something went wrong.

by epk

Sarah the Zafara

"Sarah the Zafara knows everything about Neopia. She has read every book and collected almost every item..."

by sunshinejenny45

Spun of Shadow

Kransha sighed and swooped, her Shoyru wings gliding easily on the wind.

by rain_hunter

The Annoying Forest

"Uh, would you mind letting go of my paw?"

by soggydude

The Doctor

Hockey the skunk Lupe sat straight up in bed. His head spun and stomach ached.

by jupiter2770

The Great Escape

There once was a Chia named Kent. There he sat in the pound, in a dark, damp cage with only dried prunes to eat.

by mewz

The Invisible Zafara Plushie

Ringo was a green Zafara, but he was a misfit.

by battlesunn

The Pant Devil: Still at Large

I was reading the morning Neopian Times when my darling Shoyru, Sunblaze, tumbled into the room.

by laura2s040

The Power of The Baby Paint Brush

I put the paint brush in the pool and the magical water changed colours. "I'm ready," Ace said and he went into the pool.

by hivenperious

The Wooden Spoon Society

Leisel the Kacheek and Gregory the Shoyru were what some might call 'thrill seekers.'

by chocolate_frog120

Who I Am

I'm Kinlick. I'm a glowing Pteri... or, was it a starry Lupe... no, I'm sure it was a speckled Lenny... well, to tell you the truth, I didn't really know...

by snowagerprincess


Lupes and Chias: Historical Enemies

Why do Lupes and Chias seem to hate each other so much? Why do they act like born enemies? What's the deal? True, many Lupes hunt Chias. It comes down to this: they do taste pretty good. After all, they do get turned into all sorts of delicious fruit... more>>

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Awesome Items! Impossible to Sell: Part Two
Just because the Wiz has an item for 100k, it doesn't mean that item is worth 100k.

by lunabeach

Bad Pet Name? No Problem!
Many times at the pound, pets are passed up because of an undesirable name.

by shidi

Dierdre Aleta's Tale: Part One
My plain yellow fur was not as beautiful as Gorgina's faerie wings, my brain was not as big as Bahinda's...

by writing_obsessor

Evangeline's Faerie: Part One
Many people believe that Faeries created pets. Actually, just about everybody thinks that faeries created pets. And who wouldn't?

by rainyneko

Fluffy the Cobrall
Don't ever mention the word "carrot" to a floud.

by al_the_chia

Life as a Teenager
The saga continues...

by candy_cat_77

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