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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 6th day of Collecting, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 55 > Articles > Blocking Codestones and Faeries - Good Idea?

Blocking Codestones and Faeries - Good Idea?

by epk

NEOPIA CENTRAL - Recently Neopets made it so the Shop Wizard would not be able to search for any Codestone or Faerie, due to people who were using auto-refreshers and clogging up the database, thus preventing the release of Tyrannian Land War. Well, I'm not sure if it did or not, but it probably did.

The day after, probably sometime around the time the inboxes were spinning out of control, Neopets added it back on, hoping that people had learned their lesson. And at the time of writing, this is the point we are at.

I actually liked the idea for several reasons. No, not because I got two Codestones for 700 NP since no one was around to buy then when I found them...okay, that is one of the reasons, but still. I felt it make Neopets more fun.

Your probably saying, "Yo, Mr. Cheap Codestones! How could making it so you couldn't find codestones or faeries even get close to making the game more fun?" Well, as I said, I liked the idea for several reasons. Allow me to explain.

1. Everyone is Balthazar!

Yes, it is a said reality. Everyone who has ever sold a Faerie is just as good as the world's most hideous Lupe. (Well, second Most Hideous if you add Cerbekus.) I mean, come on, we despise him capturing Faeries and eating Petpets (I liked the Bluna Burger he sent me yesterday...yum...) but we still sell Faeries as goods, and even the Bluna Burgers!

And doesn't it say somewhere that Balthazar sells the Faeries on the Black Market? As in I-l-l-e-g-a-l? Does that make our shops, nice and clean, Illegal? Yes. But with the Faerie Search Ban in place... no one has to know, eh? Oh... the life of being the bad guy. Yo, Sloth, pass the chips.

2. Bargain Prices

This is what is some people's favourite part of the Codestone and Faerie Searching Ban. Since no one had any prices to compare too, some people really had to take huge chucks out of their prices in order to sell. (As I mentioned earlier, I got two Codestones for 700 NP each)

Of course, most people stayed at the normal price. Which is okay. That just means lazy people have an easier time with codestones and faeries not selling as often, and not so lazy people can put effort in and get these bargain deals. I mean, it is really nice for those people who have to pay fo Codestones of course. It just takes a bit of looking.

Sloth...where are those chips?

3. Adding to Ads

Remember the Shop Ads board? It is still there. Yeah, I know, wow. And also the Noticeboard, aka the Get Bigger Guild Board. During the ban, there was a reason to post your shops there! Before, people would only post guilds and pointless messages. Now they had to attract people to their shop if they wanted stuff to sell! And that wasn't a bad thing either. This made the life of shopkeeping more fun...for some people. And it also gave a section Neopets Database a use again other then 'Quest Shops' and 'Pointless Messages' which you rarely see anymore. Well, there are lots of Pointless Messages, but you know.

This would also be good for NeoCircles. Some people were even thinking of starting a Codestone/Faerie Neocircle. Okay, I was. But you know.

Um...Sloth, these chips look a little purple...

4. The Mystical Training School looked more Mystical

Did you know that to get into Faerieland you needed a thing called a Faerie Totem? And guess what! You could only get it from the Magic Shop! The Shop Wizard was of no use. Why? Because Neopets added a Mystical Factor to Faerie Totems, adding to the demand and making it a much more exclusive prize.

Why can't codestones be sorta like that? Hard to get, but a nice reward? Especially with ***Super Bonuses*** at both Training Schools. It makes the Training School on Mystery Island look a lot more mystical, a lot more mysterious...and who may even make a good Neopian Times story... or a intro into a new plot...

Ugh...these chips even smell like your Transmorg-thingies. But I am hungry...*chomp*

Okay, so there are my four reasons. That's a lot, eh? Now, I what are we going to do if Neopets reinstates the search ban? Panic? (Fools...I just explained.) No, we are going to get these codestones and faeries? How? Well, I have many ways.

A. Think Tombola

Who knew that the Can of Baked Beans might one day come in useful in training your pet's stats. Well, they will. Sadly, it won't be your Can of Baked Beans. It will be whomever you get the codestone or faerie from. Okay, now you think I'm a psycho. Let me explain.

First you go to the Shop Wizard. Type in Can of Baked Beans. You will get a list of shops with a Can of Baked Beans. Choose one. Odds are you will see a whole bunch of other Tombola Items, for this person stocks their Tombola Winnings in their shop. Sometimes the Tombola gives away Codestones and Faeries, today's magic words. So the person may be giving away Codestones and Faeries! Possibly for a discounted price!

Please note this won't always work the first time, or the second, or the third, or ever. But I did get my two Codestones in a similar way, I used a different Tombola Item. (I used Tiki Tack Key Ring, which is probably the best, for it is inedible and I don't think it is sold at the Tiki Tack Shop. Neopian Times Issue 3 will be good also.)

This will probably even give you a few discounts...

If you are really greedy, buy all the Tombola items so no one knows of your secret purchase spot. MWAHAHAHAHA! Hmm...that reminds me...

Sloth! These chips are making my fingernails glow green! And my toenails blue! And I have eyes on the back of my head!

B. Think Ads

Remember Reason #3 on why I thought the ban was a good idea? Well, if there are more ads for this cause, why not read them? I doubt you can find discount codestones and faerie's this way, but hey, there is a whole world of possibilities. Also, join a Neocircle or book mark the Random Link. That could help.

Bookmarking an entire shop works also.

Purple skin...ahh...

C. Cap'n Threelegs

If you are really... really... really... lazy, you can just do Cap'n Threelegs Training School! It is a tad expensive, yes, but less effort. And it is also great for when your pet day rolls around. And no, I don't think Dubloons should be banned, Cap'n Threelegs was designed for people who are new, and we need to give them a break. (Lupes should be banned, but not from the Shop Wizard...erm...please do tell me I didn't say that.)

Yes, with a little help from Cap'n Threelegs, you can have a 78 HP/Attack/Defence/Speed Pet at Level 40! That is pretty good, around that stats of my recently-zapped Grundo.


D. F5

This is the hotkey for Refresh. Go to a quick loading page. I'd say World. Push F5. Again, and again, and again, and again, and gets kind of repetitive, but soon, you will have a Random Event that gives you a Codestone. (Push F5 one more time for good luck, Pant Devil comes...mwahaha.) You also get Faeries. Clumsy Balthazar. Always dropping the bounty. Amateur. Not that I know or anything...

Yes! A Potion that will fix me right back up...*gulp*

Well, I hope you enjoyed this useless article. Well, it will be useless! Honest! Unless we don't get that ban back in place, we won't have discounted codestones! We won't have the 'Black Market of Faeries!' We will have people back at it with refreshers clogging up Neopets Servers...and soon...WE WON'T GET TYRANNIAN LAND WAR! (If it isn't already out...don't forget, Time of Writing and Time of Publishing vary nowadays.) Support the Search Ban! Send it to here! Send it to here! Send it to here! Do it! Do it! Do it! Tell your Neofriends! Tell your actual friends!

I won't, my fingers hurt and I wanna get a glass of juice. You know, I wrote this article in one evening. So I'm going to end it right here before my fingers fall off. Support Maraqua and bye in Six Different Still-Not Banned Languages until next time!

Sloth: Pitiful, weak fool.

epk: Yes! I'm back to normal.

Sloth: Pitiful.

epk: What are you talking about! I mean, my skin is a little purple, but it's to be expected.

Sloth: You were dancing right on my trap door. You are now my slave.

epk: This is just an article. If I stop right'll vanish. Right?

Sloth: That makes no sense.

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