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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 6th day of Collecting, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 55 > Articles > The Fine Art of Destruction

The Fine Art of Destruction

by geovii

HAUNTED WOODS - Undead Aishas got you down? Can't seem to get rid of those slime-spewing Chias? Is MAGAX: Destroyer becoming MAGAX: Destroyed? Fret not, fellow Neopians. Your days of frustration are over. Now, you too can learn the intricacies and secrets of the art of destruction.

MAGAX: Destroyer is the Haunted Woods' latest game. You play as MAGAX, a super powered Wocky out for vengeance against the unscrupulous evil of Hubrid Nox. You must face down hordes of undead ghost Neopets, the result of Hubrid's latest scheme to conquer all of Neopia. Your weapons: the power of flight, your ghost-zapping laser blasts, and your trusty axe. Your foes: hundreds of ghastly ghosts and a moustachioed arch villain with many dark magicks at his command. Sound like fun yet?

Aside from being a fun game, MAGAX: Destroyer is also a great way to earn Neopoints, with payoffs equaling your score. It is possible to score up to one thousand Neopoints per game, for a grand total of three thousand per day. An impressive sum for just one game. However, this is much easier said than done. What follows is a compilation of hints and strategies to maximise your game, whether you're out for a hi-score, or just out for NP.

Key Skills - The first thing any good Destroyer needs to do is to familiarise themselves with the controls. The arrow keys move MAGAX up and down and turn him left or right. MAGAX always flies at full speed in the direction he is facing, that is to say, he cannot hover. The only way to stop yourself from crashing into enemies is to turn around and fly the opposite way. Sadly, MAGAX's handling isn't too good. It takes him a couple seconds to stop himself once he's turned around. Learn to turn early to avoid hitting enemies. I find the best strategy is to slow yourself down by turning right before you get to the point where the enemies are on screen. Take it slow. Charging in with your laser blasts going will only end your game all the more quickly. Speaking of lasers, you should also practice your aiming. Being able to take out an oncoming Chia in one good shot is preferable to madly shooting blasts in all directions without care. In the upper left hand corner is the Power meter. Every time you take a shot, the meter depletes. Though it recovers quickly, too much shooting can cost you big time. If the meter reaches zero, your health will start to deplete each time you take another successive shot. To be safe, you shouldn't hold down the spacebar for more than three or four shots unless you REALLY have to. In fact, you should learn to time your shots carefully to take out more than one foe with a single beam. This becomes useful in the later levels, when enemies will come at you in increasingly larger swarms, so getting the most out of every shot is crucial if you're out for a hi-score. After you master turning and aiming, it's time to combine the two skills. The ability to turn and shoot simultaneously is invaluable. You can take care of many enemies on both sides if you can successfully utilise this skill. Moving and firing fluidly is the key to winning.

Watch the Radar - On the top of the screen between the Health and Power meters is the radar, quite a useful device. The red dots on the radar represent enemies, and the white dot is you. Keep an eye on the radar whenever you can! It will show the positions of all the enemies in relation to your own, helping to tell you when to slow down before you hit the next batch of enemies. Knowing where your enemy is helps you to not hit them when you need to do some dodging. Experienced players can even use the radar to shoot enemies that are off screen! However, the radar is not perfect. Be mindful of the red band on the bottom. Low flying enemies can conceal themselves in this band, hiding them from your radar. Look for a slight bulge in the band to indicate the position of a hidden foe.

Grab the Health Orbs - I cannot stress how important it is to grab health whenever you can. Not only do the oversized skull marbles replenish one fifth of your health, but they also score you five extra points as well, so it's worth your while to snag one even if you don't need the health. Health Orbs will disappear if you wander too far away from them, so go for them as soon as you see them. There are two Health Orbs in every level, so finding them both is a good idea unless you're pressed for time.

Know Thy Enemies - There are four different enemies in the game: Aishas, Jubjubs, Chias, and that despicable Hubrid Nox, each with different attributes and powers. Of the four, the Aishas are the simplest. They have no abilities whatsoever, they merely float about, waiting for you to bump into them. One shot finishes them, so they shouldn't cause any trouble unless you're careless. Next in the hierarchy is the Jubjub. Jubjubs make no aggressive movements, but when hit, they split into three smaller Jubjubs that must be dealt with individually. If you fire immediately after the Jubjub splits, though, you should be able to catch all three before they scatter. The good thing about Jubjubs is their point value. Killing the big one earns you five points, and each of the smaller ones also earns you five. Therefore, one Jubjub earns you twenty points. Jubjubs are not too much harder to deal with than Aishas. After they split, the smaller Jubjubs are harder targets to hit, but are also very difficult to bump into, even on purpose! Since they are also non-aggressive, they shouldn't give you too much grief, so you should deal with them last if there are other enemies in the general area, since taking out a Jubjub requires some concentration. Chias, on the other hand, can be quite dangerous, especially in groups. Once they see you, a Chia will begin to spit gobbets of green slime at you at random intervals, they may even shoot two or three in succession! This can be quite hazardous to your health, so the best defence against it is to take them out before they get the chance to start shooting. One shot will do the job, so get it in quick. Remember to always keep in motion around a Chia. If you don't move around enough, you're likely to get slimed. And for goodness' sake, keep your distance! The more room there is between you and the Chia, the longer it takes their shots to reach you, and the more time you have to dodge. Always always ALWAYS get rid of Chias first if you happen to see one in a group of enemies.

Last, but certainly not least, we have Hubrid Nox. This bad boy cannot be killed by any means, unfortunately. Every now and then he'll come flying down on his little black cloud and cast one of three not-so-nice spells. Their effects cannot be avoided, so the only way to defend against Hubrid's attacks is to complete the levels as quickly as possible. Stick around too long and you'll give Hubrid more chances to attack. The first of Hubrid's spells is a Drain Life spell. MAGAX becomes engulfed in flames, draining one tenth of his maximum health. This problem is easily solved by collecting Health Orbs, so try not to give it too much thought unless you're low on health already. The second attack is a Freezing spell, encasing you in a ball of ice, temporarily freezing the controls. This is Hubrid's most dangerous spell. While frozen, you will continue to fly in the direction you were going, hitting any enemies in your path. If you get frozen in the middle of a large group, you can take anywhere from one to three hits, severely lowering your health. The last spell is a Growth spell. All enemies double in size. This is actually a mixed blessing. While the enemies are much easier to run into, they are also much easier to hit. If you keep an eye on your radar, you shouldn't bump into one accidentally, so this is actually a good thing. It's especially useful against Jubjubs!

Practice, Practice, Practice! - Even with all the tips provided above, there is simply no substitute for experience. Keep at it! Practice those turns and perfect your aim. Soon you'll dazzle those undead with your aerial finesse and deadly accuracy as you watch your score skyrocket. Never give up the fight!

Well, I hope this guide has proven useful to you, my fellow Destroyers. And now I have but one last thing left to say. Get out there and show that dastardly Chia who's boss! Remember, all of Neopia is counting on you to foil Hubrid's evil scheming once and for all!

Got any questions or comments about this article? Feel free to Neomail me. I'm always open to suggestion. Thanks, and good luck to you all!

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