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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 29th day of Relaxing, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 66 > Articles > The Great Faerie Quests

The Great Faerie Quests

by onda_bianca

FAERIELAND - Have you ever been going about your normal Neopian business, playing games, buying items, searching for things on the Shop Wizard, when out of nowhere a faerie pops up and demands a certain item? Do you ignore it at the time until suddenly, but when you are looking up prices for your shop or hurrying to get an item for one of the other demanding faeries of Neopia you realise that can't use the Shop Wizard? At first you may be puzzled, and wonder why this is happening to you, but then you realise you are on an Uber-Faerie quest.

These quests are unlike the other quests that you choose to do, they're given out randomly and can become quite confusing sometimes. It can sometimes be confusing and overwhelming. These faeries are quite demanding and there seems to be so many of them asking for so many different things. There are actually seven different quick tempered Uber-Faeries that will send you to bring back various items for them. These faeries are:

1. The Fire Uber-Faerie:
The Fire Uber-Faerie asks for clothing items. These items are inexpensive and not difficult to come by. If you successfully bring back her clothing item, she will increase your pet's strength.

2. The Light Uber-Faerie:
The Light Uber-Faerie asks for different sorts of trading cards. These are also not too hard to come by and are usually fairly inexpensive. Occasionally, some of the cards asked for may be kind of spendy, but it is in your best interest to complete the quest. In return for the trading card, the Faerie will increase your pet's level.

3. The Earth Uber-Faerie:
The Earth Uber-Faerie asks for certain magic items which are hard to come by and often times very expensive. A lot of the time, your costs for completely the quest outweigh the benefits. In return for the magic item you give to the Faerie, one of your pets will be fed.

4. The Air Uber-Faerie:
The Air Uber-Faerie asks for different beauty items. These items are usually easy to come by and at a price you can afford. In return for bringing this faerie her beauty item back, you will be rewarded with an increase in movement.

5. The Water Uber-Faerie:
The Water Uber-Faerie asks for some type of book. These books can be easy to find, but can sometimes be expensive. They are, however, well worth the money spent for the item because in return, your pet's defence will be raised.

6. The Dark Uber-Faerie:
The Dark Uber-Faerie asks for a toy of some sort. This toy is usually inexpensive and easy to find, but can occasionally be more spendy than you'd like. In return for the quest item, the faerie will increase your pets health.

7. The Faerie Queen:
The Faerie Queen is the most rare faeries to offer you a quest. She usually asks for a random that is semi-expensive. The items she asks for are unpredictable, but her rewards are greater than the others, she increases two stats on your pet, so completing her quests are almost always well worth it.

You always have the option not to do a faerie quest. You can go to the Faerie Quest status page and cancel a quest anytime. Doing this, however, makes the faeries very annoyed. They will not give you another quest for quite awhile and you always see an angry look on their face.

I know I never want to make the Faerie's angry with me, and I enjoy getting increased stats, so I usually accept the Faerie Quests. There is a catch to these quests, however. That is, you can't use the Shop Wizard. So how do you get these items you ask?

There are many different approaches to completing your quests, you just have to get creative and resourceful. Here are some options for you:

Go to the main shops to buy the item. This only works with a fast computer but will give you the best price for the item you are searching. It is almost always cheaper to purchase something from the main shops rather from someone else. The only drawback to using this method is that it can be time consuming, and if you don't have a quick computer, it can quickly become a frustrating task.

Go to the trading post to find the item. This can take a lot of time, and to do this successfully you will need luck. Often times others will not have the single item you are looking for up for trade, so you may have to purchase a lot of things you don't need or want. You may also end up paying a lot of NP or items that this quest item isn't worth and it can take a lot of time for someone to decide if they want to accept your bid. Your bid may even be rejected several times. In order to try to get a speedy response, only bid on lots where the owner is online and only bother to bid if you are bidding what they ask for.

Go to the auctions and bid on the item you need. This method takes luck. You may be able to get lucky and get a good deal while being the highest bid. Or you may end up paying more than necessary, or constantly being outbid. This can take up a lot of your time and energy and become quite frustrating. If you do choose this method, try to bid on the auctions that have less than an hour or two left. Bidding on something that will take two days to go through can be a waste of time, especially if you do get outbid. Also, try to get an idea of what the item is worth and do not pay any more than what you believe it is valued at. It is very easy to try to "win" at the auction, but in the process of winning, you can end up "losing" NP.

Get help from a friend. There are several ways of going about this. You can tell your friend the item you need and they can either send it to you or they can give you the link to a shop that has this item. If someone gives you the item without asking you to pay, it is a nice gesture to send them a little gift or purchase something from their shop as a thank you.

Whether you choose to complete an Uber-Faerie quest is up to you. However, you'll mostly find that for a few NPs, it's to be a good way to raise your pet's stats without the high cost of training. It may be a bit inconvenient at times when you need the Shop Wizard, but with a little creativity and resourcefulness you can complete the quests and reap the benefits. Good Luck!

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