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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 19th day of Gathering, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 70 > Continuing Series > The Essence of War: Part Two

The Essence of War: Part Two

by xxtashersxx

Time passed quickly as they were having so much fun, and soon, night fell. Meridell had quieted down for the most part, and was romantically and dimly lit by street lamps and fireflies. The moon was full, hovering over the planet contentedly in the evening sky.

     Mik stood on a wooden bridge by a large castle; he wondered what was inside, but dared not enter. He gazed down into the peaceful, gargling brook underneath the bridge,, watching how the moonlight glistened and danced. Just then, he saw it: Illusen's Glade.

     "Meeep meep eep meep?" asked Pie.

     "I don't know, Pie," Mik replied, scratching his head.

     "Why, that there's Illusen's glade!" said an old Gelert farmer. "Gosh, Illusen's probably the kindest most prettiest earth faerie of them all, I reckon. Why don't y'all pay her a visit son?"

     Mik nodded in agreement. "Thank you sir, I suppose we will." The Gelert tipped his straw hat, and continued pushing a cart down the way towards the castle.

At Illusen's Glade...

     "Meep," Pie cooed, looking up and around.

     "Woah," Mik chuckled, as fireflies buzzed playfully around his head. A misty light surrounded the glade, like a magical fog. Suddenly, the beautiful faerie lookup out her window with a warm smile. "Oh... good evening!"

     "Hi, I'm Mik, and this is my Babaa Pie."

     "Nice to meet you. I am Illusen. So... what can I do for you?"

     "Meep eeep mee-eep meep!" Pie said with a goofy little grin at Mik.

     "Ah, you need a place to stay the night, eh?" said Illusen.

     Mik looked funny for a moment, and nodded. Apparently, Illusen spoke Babaa. And, apparently, Pie wanted to do most of the talking. He chuckled and said, "As a matter of fact, yes."

     "There's a hotel just that way," she said, pointing out to her left, "the Merri Inn. It's not too expensive, either."

     "Thank you, Illusen," Mik said with a smile. She waved goodbye as they went off.

At the Hotel...

     "Welcome to Merri Inn," an Aisha chimed from behind the desk. She was pink, wearing a white dress with an apron over it. "Would you like a room?" Mik nodded and said, "Yeah, just a 1 bedroom will be fine."

     "All righty," she said, "That'll be 50 NP. It's room A45." He muttered something under his breath as he tossed her the fee, took his bag, and Pie, and treaded up the stairs into his room.

     "Finally some rest, eh Pie?" Mik smiled, flopping down onto the soft bed. Pie snuggled up at the foot of the bed, on a little pillow. "I think we've had plenty of adventure for one day. But... I'm starting to worry, about this whole war thing. Maybe we should leave first thing in the morning tomorrow, OK? Good night, pal."

     He crawled under the covers and drifted off to sleep, totally unaware of what was to happen the next day.


The morning sun flowed through the hotel room window, glistening on the dew drops on the glass. Mik stirred under the covers; Pie was at the window, whining worriedly.

     "Pie," he yawned, sitting up, "What's going on out there?"

     "Meep!" he exclaimed, pointing a little black hoof at the window. Mik got up and yawned. "What the..." He looked out the window and shrugged. Wait... something wasn't right!

     He grabbed their things and rushed out of the room. The lobby downstairs was starting to get crowded. He checked out hurriedly, and ran outside, looking around in horror. Angry mobs of Neopets with torches, pitchforks and readied Battledome items wandered around Meridell.

     We've got to get to the boat dock and get out of here, he thought, flying above all the angry Neopians to the docks. "Oh, great!" He moaned; it too was overcrowded.

     "Attention," a loudspeaker boomed, "Due to the sudden beginning of war, all ships will be staying in the remote safety of the harbours, and will not be running. We are very sorry for the inconvenience, but there is nothing more that we can do. That is all." Mik clenched his fists; "What are we going to do?"

     He looked at Pie in his bag, who was meeping frantically and pointing his little black hoof desperately. He was pointing towards Illusen's Glade. "Great idea," Mik said, and flew determinedly towards it."

     "Illusen! Illusen, we need your help!"

     He smiled hopefully as she came to the window.

     "Hello again Mik, Pie. What an awful mess, eh?"

     "Awful is right! We need to get home, but the ships--"

     "--are being held in the harbours? I know, I know. Simply terrible..."

     "Oh. What do we do?" she thought. She thought and she thought and she thought. Then, she thought some more, until she thought of an idea.


     "Fight?" Mik questioned.

     "Yes, Fight." Illusen answered.

     "Meep?" Pie questioned.

     "Yes, Meep." Illusen answered.

     Mik was terribly puzzled. "How?"

     She thought. She turned, looked around inside of her tree home, and came back to the window soon after. "Here, catch!" she shouted, tossing an item into Mik's arms. He studied it carefully. "What is it?"

     "It's a Shoyru Grappling Hook. Now, you know what to do."

     "And what's that?" Mik said, still looking it over curiously.


     "Fight? Me? But Illusen, how-"

     She had disappeared.

     Suddenly, a bone-chilling sound came from underground. "What the..." He spun around, watching in horror as tons of Neopets screamed and fled all over the area. "What's going on now?" Mik yelled, scratching his head.


     "Meep meep? What the-"

     Tons of thick, spiky vines shot up out of the ground all around them, whipping and waving about viciously. Mik grabbed hold of Pie and soared up over them.

     "They've got to be 10 feet tall!!" he yelled, as mobs of pets ran in horror for shelter; most of them towards the castle. The castle! Mik thought, as he bolted off through the air towards the huge, white palace, towers crowned with gold and royal purple.

At the Castle...

     "So, which side are you going to fight for, then?" the green armoured creature implied to Mik in a British accent from behind a desk. "The name's Mikasaden... and I'm fighting for Meridell, without a doubt!" He scribbled something down on a large sheet of paper, and stood up to shake Mik's paw. "Thank you son, and good luck. Go on now, to the Battledome with you!" Mik nodded and flew outside past the long line of eager Neopians

     Outside, he followed the sign that read "THIS WAY TO BATTLEDOME" to a large, white building, crowned with a golden dome and a royal purple glag on top. "This must be the place," he said as he went in.

     A red Grarrl at a desk directed him to an arena. A purple Zafara was being fled out of the arena on a stretcher by a couple Gelert nurses. Mik gulped, then marched boldly into the arena.

     "First match: Mikasaden the red Shoyru vs. Drackonack!" The announcer boomed over a loudspeaker.

     "For Meridell, and for oppressed Neopets everywhere, I challenge you!" Mik shouted, drawing his Sword of Domar, smirk upon his face.

     And with that, the first battle began, fought with nothing less than pride, honour, and full-force-bum-kicking-action.

The End

Previous Episodes

The Essence of War: Part One

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