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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 19th day of Gathering, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 70 > Continuing Series
A Taitl Tale: Part Three

"Huh? What was that? Why I oughtta." It was obviously the Skeith, coming for the door.

by squieshie

Attack of the Evil Meerca Plushie: Part Two

She dropped the plushie back into the box, all of her wild, paranoid thoughts replaced with one, panicked observation: "I'M MISSING MY SOAP!!"

by al_the_chia

Broken Glass: Part Four

It had all started when an army of strange creatures had attacked King Skarl's castle. That's what set everybody off. Now he had to mobilise the hybrids...

by averyangryshaylir

Doomsday Rider VII: Military Intelligence - Part Two

"Well, his name is Doomsday_Rider, and he has defeated numerous invasions of this planet..."

by yugo149

Double Kyrii Handful: Part Five

Heilley looked around, blinking the sunspots out of her eyes. "Whoa, this must be Sloth's private rocket. Look at the decor."

by scriptfox

Guardians of Neopia: Darkness Creeping - Part Three

"You waste my time," Hubrid hissed, curling his lip in a sneer.

by alkuna

How I Helped Destroy Neopia: Part Four

"I sold some fake snow paint brushes, and those dumb humans fell for the scam and paid me millions of Neopoints for them. I also stole from the big shops' tills, too."

by hippiesoul

Lost in the Desert: Part Four

"I smell a sequel," said Baroo. "And I want a refund! I wasted 100 NP!"

by smileyface12_5690

Needed Too: Part Seven

Feruli and Silviana were heading down the hallway of their NeoHome when suddenly they both froze, their ears standing at attention.

by tdyans

The Essence of War: Part Two

Mik stood on a wooden bridge by a large castle; he wondered what was inside, but dared not enter.

by xxtashersxx

The Shadows of Hubrid Nox: Part Two

"I once belonged to the Faerie Queen herself?" Sakirina couldn't believe what she was hearing.

by iluvpuppies986

Usuls Don't Snowboard II: The Ridge of the Vanishing Usuls - Part Two

"Do you or do you not notice that your elder daughter is carrying a snowboard? Where are her skis?"

by shelleylow


"Gninrael Naipoen" by loveablepet2007 - Hotty the green Mynci was attempting to teach Zelkon common Neopian. "Read this," she instructed, writing something down on a sheet of paper. "Errr... t-h-ee qu...quick b-r-o-n, no, br-ow-n, w-o-k-ee ju-mps..." more>>

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A Change of Heart
Up until a few months ago he'd lived in the forests of Meridell in a small band of friendly Ixi that gathered herbs for medicines.

by fishstickmuffin

More from the Case Files of Dark Night
I couldn't find a single clue so I walked out into the door into the pouring rain. Questions flooded my mind. Who was this thug?

by 2hot4u181

Bad News Orb
The orb! The object that supposedly saved a dying Meridell...

by rxtaurus

Beauty Contest Embarrassment
If you see an image that is made without that tiny bit of love and care don't harass the artist, just don't vote for it.

by ladee_sarah

Fluffy the Cobrall
How old is Fluffy?

by al_the_chia

Alpha70 and MuRou
You know what they say about female drivers.

by felabba

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