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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 19th day of Gathering, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 70 > Continuing Series > Doomsday Rider VII: Military Intelligence - Part Two

Doomsday Rider VII: Military Intelligence - Part Two

by yugo149

Previously on Doomsday Rider VII: Military Intelligence, a powerful and incredibly smart villain known only as M-I has made himself known to the denizens of Neopia, his goal: universal conquest. His only true opposition so far is a white Shoyru with one eye known as Sabre. Both M-I and Sabre are after the Sacred Gemstones, but what could they possibly want with them?

"Exactly who is this young blue Shoyru?" M-I asked.

     "Well, his name is Doomsday_Rider, and he has defeated numerous invasions of this planet by the Phoenician Army, the Vela-Sei Empire, the PSY-Borg Army, and even the Serpent Dragon," Kromanè explained. "He is also the only being in history thus far to reach the second hyper form."

     "He sounds like a true challenge. I love defeating challenges, they give me such a sense of accomplishment," M-I said, grinning. "Very well, send the Spider Wolf after the Jadestone. It should take this Doomsday_Rider a little while to enter hyper stage 2 and by that time, Spider Wolf will have injected his fatal venom into his veins."

     "Yes," Kromanè simply said, then went and gave Spider Wolf his commands.


Sabre stood on top of a building near the heart of Neopia Central. The city was still in shambles from the battle of Hyper Doomsday_Rider Stage 2 vs. Delfanel. "Doomsday_Rider must have colossal power," Sabre said, scanning the area. He saw a slight movement in the corner of his eye, then flew toward it for closer inspection. "It's only another shamble of the city collapsing," he said in disappointment. He spotted another motion out of the corner of his eye. He took a closer look, this time he watched through a nearly destroyed building. It was Spider Wolf, heading toward our NeoHome.

     "What is Spider Wolf doing here?" Sabre whispered to himself. "Oh, well. I can figure out now that he's been sent by M-I to try and claim another Sacred Gemstone," Sabre said, opening up his wings to follow Spider Wolf.


I was sitting on the front porch of our NeoHome, enjoying the beautiful scenery. I took a deep breath. "It's so peaceful here. I just love it," I said, taking another deep breath. Then, out of nowhere, there was a booming voice that seemed to come from everywhere, but at the same time, nowhere.

     "Where is the Jadestone?" The voice echoed.

     "Why would I tell you?!" I shouted.

     "Because if you don't, you will die," the voice hissed.

     "Don't be so sure. Why don't you show yourself?" I asked.

     "Very well..." the voice said in its hissing tone. A figure stepped out of the shadows. It was hideous. It was a wolf with eight legs, eight eyes, and enormous fangs.

     "Oh great. How do I get myself into these messes?" I asked, gathering up energy for my hyper form. I gathered the energy for a Kanena and fired it before Spider Wolf could move. He was thrown across the street, and into the path of an oncoming semi. The semi hit Spider Wolf full force, and carried him for several miles. I simply looked on in surprise. Soon, a much deeper, much more powerful voice began to speak.

     "I, like Spider Wolf, am after your Jadestone. May I have it?" A white Shoyru asked.

     "Who are you, and why do you want the Jadestone?" I asked.

     "I am Sabre, and I don't think it's any of your business as to why I want the Sacred Gemstones," Sabre said, hovering at least thirty yards above the ground. "We can do this one of two ways: either you can give me the Jadestone, or I can beat it out of you."

     "I say you try to beat it out of me," I said. I wasn't going to give up the Jadestone without a fight.

     "Very well, but I will not lose," Sabre said, a hint of pure rage gleaming in his eyes. He reached behind his back and unsheathed his Fire and Ice Blade. Sabre rushed me and I unsheathed my Million Degree Sword just in time to block his attack. We were holding our swords against each other, and trying to push each other back. He was forcing me back with little to no effort.

     I can't fight like this much longer, I might have to go to hyper stage 2, I thought to myself. I pushed Sabre's sword off to the side and fired a Kanena at his face before he could react. It forced him back about seven feet and drew a small bit of blood from his mouth, but not much more than that. Sabre wiped the small bit of blood away from the corner of his mouth and spat out the rest. He began a sentence, but stopped when I was engulfed in the white fire and white electricity. When the fire and electricity cleared, there I was in my hyper form stage 2.

     "Let's end this battle now," Sabre said. He rushed me again, but an energy blast exactly like my Kanena cut him off.

     "Aah, ahh. Not so fast," a new voice called out. I looked up. There, in a hovercraft accompanied by a mutant Buzz was a human.

     "M-I and Kromanè..." Sabre said, his eyes filling with rage. "I thought I'd defeated you, Kromanè!"

     "Wait, what?" I shouted, but none of them heard me. The mutant Buzz laughed with an evil cackle.

     "Oh, you had, but M-I here brought me back up to speed," Kromanè said.

     "Give us the Rubystone, Sabre," M-I said, extending his hand to take it.

     "Never," Sabre answered, rushing at M-I with his sword held at his side.

     "I don't think so!" M-I said, swinging his hover craft to "sidestep" Sabre's attack. Before Sabre could recover from his attack, M-I held his hands out in front of him. "Bioshock!" he yelled, sending electricity at Sabre. When the Bioshock hit Sabre, he dropped to the ground like a rock. I simply looked on in terror.

     "Fool," M-I said, turning his attention to me. "Now, give me the Jadestone, or the same thing that happened to him will happen to you." I quickly ran inside, grabbed the Jadestone, ran back out and threw it at M-I. He caught it with ease and tucked it under his arm. "Come on, Kromanè, we must now find where Sabre hid the Rubystone," M-I said as he and Kromanè disappeared in an enormous flash of blue light. I flew down and landed next to Sabre to see if he was all right. He sat up with a groan.

     "Anybody get the license plate number of that bus?" Sabre asked, rubbing the back of his head.

     "That wasn't a bus, that was M-I's Bioshock," I answered.

     "Eh, close enough," Sabre said, standing up. "I take it M-I has the Jadestone?" Sabre asked, trying to mask his pain. I could see through his cloak. It showed in his eye that he was hurt.

     "You got it, and he's going after the Rubystone, too," I answered.

     "Arrgh!" Sabre shouted. "I might have to make an alliance after all." He glared over at me. "Well, I suppose I'd better tell you where I came from and why I'm here..."


Sabre was in his peaceful home in the calmest part of Neopia Central. His parents were in the Neopian Army battling Hyper Ienou for control of the planet. Sabre and his brother and sister were worried about their parents.

     "Do you think mom and dad will be in the first unit to defeat Hyper Ienou?" Dimee asked.

     "Probably not," Sabre's sister, Sapphire said. "You did see what Hyper Ienou did to that squad of heavily armoured tanks, didn't you? He destroyed every one of them in an instant without even trying."

     "Yeah, but don't forget who mom and dad are. After their friends died at Hyper Ienou's hands, they became two of the strongest warriors in the universe. That's one of the benefits of having Majin Shadow and Princess Tical for parents," Dimee said, beginning to rattle on.

     "They're powerful, we know that Dimee, but I just don't know if they can defeat a monster like Hyper Ienou. It just...doesn't seem possible," Sapphire said.

     "Don't say that!" Sabre shouted. "Mom and dad are the two of the most powerful Shoyrus in Neopia. They've got to defeat Hyper Ienou, they've just got to!"

     "I wouldn't be so sure, Sabre. You've seen the destruction Hyper Ienou can do. Nothing like him has ever set foot in Neopia before," Sapphire argued. There was a long silence. After a few minutes, there was a knock on the door. Dimee jumped up and ran to the door, hoping it was their parents returning from battle with good news. He opened the door.

     "Yes, Sapphire, Sabre, and Dimee? I've got some bad news. Your parents have been killed in battle," Yugo said, choking on the words. Nobody could say anything. They all just stood there and began to shed tears. Suddenly Dimee looked up and out the door, a look of pure hatred in his eyes.

     "Sabre, Sapphire, you both, stay here," Dimee said in the sternest voice they had ever heard from him. He picked up his Fire and Ice Blade and began to walk out the door.

     "What are you going to do?" Sapphire asked.

     "I'm going to get revenge on Hyper Ienou for this," Dimee said, running out the door. Sabre ran out after him, and Sapphire followed Sabre.

     When Dimee, Sabre, and Sapphire reached the battleground, Hyper Ienou was flying about one hundred yards above the ground, rapidly flapping his gossamer wings to stay in the air.

     "More challengers?" Hyper Ienou shouted. "You cannot defeat me, but give me your best shot!" Dimee rushed at Ienou and was struck down by a Kanena Spear through his heart after about seventeen seconds. Dimee was slowly dying, and both Sabre and Sapphire knew it. Sapphire was the next to attack Hyper Ienou, blinded by rage. She was struck dead after nine seconds at most. Sabre fell to his knees and cried by the side of his two dead siblings. His wings began to grow longer, he grew a few inches and his tail grew four spikes. Sabre was entering his hyper form. He rushed Hyper Ienou and gave him the fight of his life. Sabre's stats were growing as the seconds ticked by. Eventually, Hyper Ienou could no longer withstand Hyper Sabre's onslaught. Ienou ran away, leaving the saddened Sabre by his dead siblings' sides.

     There's only one way to fix this before it happens, Sabre thought to himself. I must return to the day when Ienou was first born in his two factions: M-I and Kromanè. I must gather the Sacred Gemstones before M-I does and I must become my true hyper form and defeat M-I and Kromanè before they become Ienou. And that is exactly what he did.


As Sabre told his story, I shed some tears along with him. It was such a sad tale. I had never realised that Majin Shadow and Princess Tical were in love, and I had never realised what might happen if we were to fail to defeat an evil such as M-I. It was then that I'd realised that M-I and Kromanè MUST be stopped at all costs...for the sake of generations to come, for the sake of generations of this time, and for the sake of generation long since passed.

     "Come on," I said, trying to cheer Sabre up. "With some help we can crush M-I and Kromanè before they do any real damage."

     "Yes," Sabre said, looking toward the sky. "It is time to honour Dimee's dying wish that revenge be exacted from the head of M-I."

     "Yes, but we must first gather our forces," a cheerful voice rang out.

To be continued...

Next time on Doomsday Rider VII: Military Intelligence, Sabre, Rider, and their forces launch a full-scale assault on M-I's fortress, and what's this? M-I and Kromanè have all four Sacred Gemstones?! Watch out, Hyper Ienou may just come yet...
Previous Episodes

Doomsday Rider VII: Military Intelligence - Part One

Doomsday Rider VII: Military Intelligence - Part Three

Doomsday Rider VII: Military Intelligence - Part Four

Doomsday Rider VII: Military Intelligence - Part Five

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