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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 18th day of Gathering, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 71 > Continuing Series > Doomsday Rider VII: Military Intelligence - Part Three

Doomsday Rider VII: Military Intelligence - Part Three

by yugo149

Previously on Doomsday Rider VII, the origins of Sabre were revealed as M-I and Kromanè made their escape with the Jadestone. They now have two of the four Sacred Gemstones and before long; they may just have all of them.

Sabre and I both wheeled around and stared into the face of a silver Shoyru with a scar over his heart. Sabre's eyes lit up. "Dimee! But, I watched Hyper Ienou kill you."

     Dimee laughed for a moment. "No, he didn't kill me. He came close, though. The only reason I'm still alive is because Zing-Lau healed me."

     "What?! ZING-LAU?!" I shouted. "But you're not evil! Zing-Lau would never help someone who wasn't evil."

     "Wrong, Doomsday_Rider," Dimee explained. "After Delfanel nearly killed him, Zing-Lau became a hero." That last sentence hit me harder than a freight train. Zing-Lau, no longer evil? It didn't seem possible. After all the death, destruction, and chaos he had caused in his wake, he had finally switched sides.

     "Well, enough sentiments," Sabre said, suddenly turning serious. "We've got to get an army of powerful warriors together to combat Ienou should the need arise."

     "Yeah, you're right," Dimee said. "Hmm...but how to get the word out?"

     "Hey! I know! Several years ago when Armos and Scorpio attacked Neopia, they had some kind of machinery that interrupted every broadcast on every television in Neopia. If we can find that machinery, we can get the word out," I explained. Dimee thought it over for a moment.

     "Yes, that might work. But do you have any idea where it might be?" Dimee asked.

"Erm...I think it would be in the Needle Floater...that was...melted down," I said slowly, realising how futile that idea was.

     "Well, there went that plan," Sabre said, trying to think of another. "Hmm...if we get the Opalstone and Citrinestone before M-I and Kromanè do, we might still have a chance."


M-I rushed into the Contra Jungle, with a small Kanena floating in front of him. It wasn't very big, but it could destroy the entire jungle should the need arise. "Strange..." M-I said, looking around carefully. "I was sure there would be a guardian here like there is in the San-katahn Forest." A few minutes after he said that, Squire emerged from one of the trees.

     "Who are you, and why are you here?" Squire asked. M-I stared up at him, trying to figure out who he was.

     "I am M-I, and I want the Opalstone," he said, his eyes narrowing.

     "What do you want it for?" Squire asked.

     "I want it to destroy two irritating Shoyrus. One blue that has reached Hyper form stage 2, and the other white with one eye and tremendous power," M-I explained.

     "Are they in league with Anubis III?" Squire asked. M-I was surprised at the question for a moment, then began to answer, although he did not really know the truth.

     "Yes, they are allied with Anubis III. If I do not obtain the Opalstone and the Citrinestone, they may conquer Neopia," M-I said, as if he were trying to save the planet, rather than destroy it.

     "All right then, I trust your motives. The Opalstone is near the heart of the jungle, located along the walls of the Canyon of Death," Squire said, disappearing back into the tree.

     "Very well," M-I said, disappearing in a flash of blue and reappearing near the lip of the canyon. "Now he said 'along the walls', so where is it?" He asked, zipping forward in his hovercraft. "Aah! There it is." He zipped toward the Gemstone and picked it up in his left hand. "I've been looking for you. I wonder how Kromanè is doing searching for the Citrinestone?" M-I asked, disappearing in a flash of blue.

6:37 PM NST: M-I's Fortress: Fourth Floor
     M-I reappeared near the centre of the floor in a flash of blue light just as Kromanè entered the floor carrying the Citrinestone. "Aah, excellent," M-I said, zipping over to Kromanè and taking the Gemstone from him. He flew up toward the generator carrying the two Gemstones, put them in their proper place, floated down, and activated it. A square of electricity appeared connecting the four Gemstones. The top of each Sacred Gemstone gave a share of electricity to the generator, and M-I's fortress was powered.

     "Yes, this is truly excellent. The security doors on each floor are now active, and all of the machinery is at full power," M-I said, watching several monitors as the third floor of the fortress began to light up. "And since the machinery is now operating, that also means that the second floor guardian is active as well," M-I said, grinning.

     "So, if Steel Sentinel is the second floor guardian, and I'm the third floor guardian, then who's the guardian of the first floor?" Kromanè asked.

     "You'll find out," M-I said arrogantly. "But first, it's time to get the word out that we exist."

6:45 PM NST: My NeoHome
     The television screen was covered in static, and then the face of M-I appeared, accompanied by Kromanè sitting in his hovercraft. "Greetings, people of Neopia," M-I said. "My name is M-I. I am a synthetic life form that the Neopian Military was working on. Needless to say, the experiments worked. However, that is not why I am broadcasting this," he said, the expression on his face changing from an arrogant smirk to a solemn and almost grim frown. "I have just completed work on my fortress and figured I would let you all know in case someone decided to try and be a hero by defeating me. My fortress is heavily fortified, so if you try to infiltrate it, then be sure to bring a squad of atomic bombers with you and you might manage to break down the front door. Well I've got to be going now. I hope to see at least a few brave warriors show up," M-I said as the broadcast returned to normal. I looked up at Yugo and he looked at me. I got up, put the sheath for my Million Degree Sword on, and ran out the front door.

6:51 PM NST: Neopia Central
     I ran past a group of Neopets. I recognised Dimee and Sabre, but no one else. I walked over to them and Dimee introduced me two three of them. There was a blue Shoyru named Gambit537, another blue Shoyru who was just ten days older than me, whose name was Shusario, a green Ixi named Doomsday_Ixi. I said hello to them and they said hello to me. Shusario gave me a sort of smile that reminded me of forU and made me blush slightly.

     "Erm...I've got to go," I said, trying to keep from blushing any more than I already was. I took off running, and about two blocks away from them, I went into hyper form stage 2 and rushed to M-I's fortress.

7:02 PM NST: In front of M-I's fortress
     I skidded to a stop about thirty feet away from the fortress' front door and saw Belgora, Majin Shadow, Tical, Midnight, and the legion from earlier frantically attacking the door, trying to break it down. Majin Shadow fired a Dark Kanena at the metal door, but it simply ricocheted off and fired past all of them at me. I moved my head enough to dodge the Dark Kanena, then yelled out to all of them.

     "Let me give it a shot!" I shouted, charging up a Kanena. Everyone stepped out of the way and I fired the Kanena at the door, and it shredded through like butter. All of us entered the fortress and looked up toward the top tier of the floor. The floor wasn't very heavily guarded, and it had a staircase at the far end that lead up to a door on the top tier.

     "Hmm...this looks almost too easy," Belgora said. "Surely he can't be that stupid, can he? Aah, well. If his fortress is as fortified as he says, then we'd better take what we can get," he said, running toward the staircase, followed by everybody but me.

     "Ugh," I said, shrugging, then chasing after everybody. We all emerged into a giant room. Along the back wall, a dark Shoyru was hitting his fist against a giant metal security door, trying to figure out a way was Cushidra.

     "Hey, Cushidra!" I shouted. He turned around and looked at me in confusion, he didn't recognise me in my second hyper form. I went down to my hyper form, and his eyes lit up.

     "Doomsday_Rider!" Cushidra shouted, a smile appearing across his face. "And Belgora, and Majin Shadow. I haven't seen any of you since MTL-Rider attacked."

     "Yes, I know," I said.

     "Hmm. How's your girlfriend doing?" Cushidra asked, not realising she had been killed. I just remained silent and stared at the floor. "Oh...she was the Usul that got killed by that monster?"

     "Yes," I answered simply.

     "I'm sorry to hear that," Cushidra said. There was the sound of a metal door sliding open, and we saw that the security door had opened itself. We began to walk through, and it slammed shut behind Sabre, leaving all but Cushidra, Belgora, Majin Shadow, Sabre and myself to battle the guardian.

     "Oh, this is just wonderful," I said, punching the door with my fist.

On the other side...

     A hole opened up in the floor, and a platform raised the Spider Wolf into the room. He snarled menacingly at them, but Midnight stepped forward. She stared into Spider Wolf's eyes and didn't even blink. Spider Wolf began to glow blue, and in a matter of moments, he had deteriorated into dust and smoke. Although, the door did not open.

     Belgora had his ear to the door and was listening to the short fight. "Heh. Sounds like Midnight used her special attack," Belgora said, acting like the Anubis half of himself.

     "Be warned, Rider. This is what a fusion does," Cushidra said, joking. I laughed a little and Belgora snorted.

     "That was not funny," Belgora said, snorting again.

     "Anyway, on to the second floor," Sabre said, pointing toward the next door with his thumb.

     "Hey, I'll race ya," Shadow said, going into his hyper form.

     "Sure, why not?" I said, grinning. The two of us launched past Belgora, Cushidra, and Sabre and through the tiers of the floor. Shadow had won but just three inches. We had to wait on the others for what seemed like an eternity.

     "Any idea who this guardian is?" I asked.

     "Yes, he is known as the Steel Sentinel," Sabre said. "He is very powerful, so we'd better watch our step."

     "Uh-huh..." I said, raising my eyebrow as the five of us entered another giant room. The door slammed shut behind Belgora, who was bringing up the rear. A giant steel humanoid dropped from the ceiling and landed near the middle of the room. His massive steel arms looked powerful enough to crush a house between his fingers. Belgora began by firing a Bioshock at him, but his body caught it and wrapped around, then he fired it back at Belgora, only he had supercharged the attack. Belgora lay in the corner, twitching. I went back into my second hyper form and charged up a Kanena.

     "Take this!" I shouted, firing the Kanena at Steel Sentinel. He absorbed my attack, made it more powerful, and launched it back at me. I looked on in horror. The Kanena, the attack Yugo taught me that was never supposed to fail, was flying back at me.

To be continued...

Next time on Doomsday Rider VII, Majin Shadow defeats Steel Sentinel, allowing the group to advance to the third floor. Although, the only one that makes it through the door is Doomsday_Rider. Now he must face off against Kromanè. Who will win?
Previous Episodes

Doomsday Rider VII: Military Intelligence - Part One

Doomsday Rider VII: Military Intelligence - Part Two

Doomsday Rider VII: Military Intelligence - Part Four

Doomsday Rider VII: Military Intelligence - Part Five

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