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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 12th day of Storing, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 76 > Short Stories > Erick: My Story

Erick: My Story

by swiftbreeze

Untitled Document

You know, you are always hearing about evil Neopians; I mean have you seen how many articles there are about Dr. Sloth, Count Von Roo, and Balthazar? They even have articles in the Neopedia. But what about me, Erick the Cybunny? I know many of you are thinking to yourselves right this very minute, "Who the heck is Erick?" Has anyone ever told my story? No, thank you very much, they haven't. All I got one measly collectable card. So, I've decided if no one was going to tell the story of my life, I would just have to do it myself….

     I wasn't always a crazy, deranged wizard. It's not like I was born that way. At one time, I was your everyday normal Neopian citizen. I had a loving owner, fun brothers and sisters, and life was perfect. I loved my owner with all my heart. She was kind and loving, and I really did look up to her and respect her. I did stuff with my owner, hung out with my friends, went shopping, all the things everyone else does. She even promised to paint me when I was older. That is, until they came out with a new kind of pet. I can't even remember which one it was, but my owner wanted one. I never saw it coming. One day, right after the Cybunny Carnival, she invited me to take the ferry over to Roo Island. It was a beautiful day, the sun smiling down on us, the breeze ruffling my fur, and I was feeling great. We stepped off, and my owner went to do some shopping. I was to wait for her at Grandma Roo's Café, just like I usually did. I had always loved going there. The Blumaroos are such cheerful, friendly Neopets. I waited and waited but she never returned. I was devastated. I had placed my trust in her and she had abandoned me for a 'cooler, better' pet. She didn't even say goodbye. I was forced to live out on the streets. I hated begging, but it was the only way to stay alive. People yelled at me all the time, but they didn't truly understand.

     I guess you could say my luck changed one day, but some might also call it my downfall. I was out begging by the Spring Shop, there were always a lot of Neopets there, and it was a favorite spot of mine. Out of nowhere this old Blumaroo appears. He was wearing a tattered and faded cloak patterned with stars and moons. He carried a bulky staff topped with a gleaming green ball. Quickly he pulled me aside into a dark alleyway. "Hey kid," he whispered, "I have foreseen a great potential for magic in you. Come with me and I shall teach you great secrets of power." I accepted, of course. Anything was better than out on the streets, even if it was with some crazy old Blumaroo, and I was interested in power. I followed him what seemed like miles until we came upon King Roo's palace.

     "You live here!?!" I exclaimed. I was shocked. I had seen it in the distance and often wondered how great it must be. Seemingly, I had gone from tramp to royalty. He was not some crazy fool; he was The Archmagus of Roo, the king's most powerful wizard. I lived with him for a long time, learning more everyday. I became quite powerful, second only to Archmagus, and even then not by much. We served the king, strengthening the island and improving life for all kinds of Neopets. I loved it. I always did wonder what happened to my owner, but that was all in the past now. I had a new life, a good one with powerful allies and wealth.

     I guess that was part of what led to my demise. I was getting used to the life, making friends to put myself in higher places, using others, always wanting more, and maybe getting a little too greedy. I can't recall how it all got started, but Archmagus and I began working on a plot to remove the king from his throne, and eventually take over all Neopia. We had it all worked out, telling only very few people of our full intentions and gathering a great army. Where others had failed, we would not. We probably would have succeeded too f not for that dumb Techo Eureka. Despite his odd appearance (his humped back and odd way of speaking), he seemed so faithful and devoted to our cause. Stupidly, I had entrusted him with everyone single detail and aspect of our plans. He was incredibly loyal…to the king. He was the one of the king's many spies. Because of him, the king had time to prepare. He mustered all of Neopia to combat our great army. I was too cocky, and foolishly went ahead with the plan. The battle was long and hard, but in the end the king triumphed. Archmagus, myself, and many of our supporters were captured. I had never seen the king so furious. He was livid. I thought he would kill us, for that certainly would have been a deserving punishment. What he had in store for us was worse, eternal imprisonment in a damp, dank maze of tunnels. It's horrible in here. Things that you cannot see move about in the gloom, and strange noises can be heard at all hours. Beasts guard the entrance and yet worse than all of these things, I am terribly lonely. It was in here that I went crazy. But there is hope for me yet. I may yet find a way out of here I am sure it can be done, or possibly some bold and daring soul will come and rescue me. When that day comes, King Roo and Neopia had better watch out.

The End

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