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Alicia, All That

by oddball246

Alicia was once a regular Aisha. A cute, nice, green Aisha. But then one horrible day, her owner dropped her off at pound. When she was adopted by Alyssa....

"Sweetie, you look darling!" Alyssa just dressed Alicia in a desert outfit.

"Yea, mom, whatever!" Alicia went to go get her brand-new cell phone Alyssa just bought her.

"Hi, ya Tracy, ready to go shopping?"

"B-but honey, we were going shopping!" Alyssa said sadly.

"Yea, but I umm...Promised Tracy like.....A while ago..." Alicia said. Alyssa looked disappointed, but gave the Desert Aisha ten hundred Neopoints.

"I really think I'm going to run out quickly, but oh well, let me be an outcast!" Alicia said in a fake sad voice. And of course, Alyssa gave her an extra 100 Neopoints.

"So, Tracy, what are we going to buy?" Alicia asked her Uni friend.

"Ummm, duh, like, make-up!" she said in a snooty voice.

"Of course, do you think I would look good in sky blue, or purple?"

"Purple eyeshadow and blue lipstick would look great together!"

"So, have you seen the new boy in school? Michael?" Alicia asked.

"Yea, the stars Shoyru? He's a dream!" Tracy replied.

"Let's buy all this hot stuff, so he will notice us." Alicia said smartly.

"Hi, honey, you are back so early!" Alyssa said when Alicia finally got home by midnight.

"Yea, whatever, I'm going to sleep, tomorrow is school."

"Darling, eat your hot cakes!" Alyssa said to Alicia.

"I'm on a diet!!!!" Alicia yelled, and off she went to school.

"Hi Michael." Alicia said girlishly.

"Hi, wow, you look mighty nice today," he replied.

"Thanks, how sweet."

Pretty soon, they were a match. In days, Alicia was the most popular girl in school. Only one problem. Kate.

"Get out of my way, you poor NeoPet brat!" Alicia said to a red Lenny reading a book by her locker.

"Excuse me! But this is my locker, I have every right to stay here," Kate replied.

"Well, I have every right to tell you to get OUT of the way!" Alicia shouted.

"Nope, I'm not moving. This isn't your school," Kate calmly said.

"Oh yea?"


"I could turn the whole school against you."

"Oh really?"


The whole school did the silent treatment on poor Kate.

"Listen up, Tracy, I hear there is a school play, NEOTANIC. I'm trying out for Rose Deaisha."

"Oh, really, I bet you are going to win."

"I know, I heard Kate is trying out for her too."

"Ha, what a laugh!"

"I know, I almost feel sorry for her."



There was a laugh.

Kate was smarter.

"Every night in my dreams....." Kate was singing in a lovely voice.

Alicia dropped her jaw.

"Great! Kate gets the part!" Miss Singo said.

"What?" Alicia yelled.

"Don't worry, Alicia, you get to be one of the third class passengers!" Miss Singo said cheerfully.

"Yea, Alicia, your character doesn't make to the end of the play..." Kate teased.

The whole school laughed at her.

Conclusion: Alicia was abandoned because Alyssa went bankrupt from buying all of Alicia's make-up, and Alicia was adopted by a strict woman named Lubby. Alicia was the laughing stock of the school, and now Kate was the most popular girl in school. Of course, Michael dumped her and started going out with Kate. Tracy is now best friends with Baily.

The End