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Alicia, All That

Alicia was once a regular Aisha. A cute, nice, green Aisha. But then one horrible day

by oddball246

Best Friends

Being the only Poogle at Mystery Island Elementary School was hard.

by tampternite30490

Chia Problems

He walked into the guest bedroom to find it looking entirely different.

by tali_dudin

Crooky and Nip

Closing his book, Crooky sighed. "Why can't Lupes and Chias just get along?"

by Baron1876

A Faithful Steed

Griffin, the male fire Lupe, known for his exploits in saving and helping Chias, was getting ready for a long week ahead of him...

by dragonshark173 and her Chia-loving Lupe, Griffin337

The Golden Negg

Topenga isn't really enthusiastic about these "ideas" but she ignores them anyway.

by dreama870

The New Adventures of Korbatman and Meercaboy

It was another fine, sunny day at Neopia and Korbatman and Meercaboy were relaxing for today was their holiday...

by segaman25

S.W.A.R.M. -- Leiah the War Wocky's Legacy

He was the pilot of the Wocky Tank, a weapon of great power, and not-so-great maneuverability.

by crimsonangel1 with help from cid_highwindZERO

The Ugliest Techo

One night, the evil Dr. Frank Sloth snuck into the little Techo's bedroom and fed him an evil potion...

by vanilladreamcloud

The Discovery of the Vines Cave

The ocean was calm and the sky was blue with the sun up high.

by thinkinggal147