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S.W.A.R.M. -- Leiah the War Wocky's Legacy

by crimsonangel1 with help from cid_highwindZERO

I had just turned sixteen, and that's when the Bugs attacked.

My father, who was a War Wocky of top rank, was put at the front lines to stop the bug invasion. He was the pilot of the Wocky Tank, a weapon of great power, and not-so-great maneuverability. When he left to put an end to the invasion, he told me he'd be back, he promised. Me? I didn't believe him, so I did the unthinkable--I followed. My name is Leiah, and this is my story. I wish to share my pain with fellow Neopians, let them know the true cost of war--our happiness.


I stayed deep undercover in the camp the soldiers had set up. I caught a glimpse or two of my father, once in a while, but that was it. He didn't know, and I didn't want him to know. What would I have said? "Hi, dad, I followed you here against your wishes, even though the bugs can skin me alive"? No! I couldn't let him know I was there, at all. That was my biggest mistake.

The guilt I feel now... no one knows how that feels. Sure, my friends try to tell me that they understand... but they don't! They never will! Silverwing_ZEROFF7 is the worst for this... ugh... but... let me get back to my story, so you all will understand.

A lot of you don't know what I look like, aside from the fact that I'm a Wocky. Well... I'm blue, unlike my father. He was yellow. My eyes are dark, and I very rarely speak to strangers. Shall we continue?

That fateful day, I stood by my father's quarters, listening in on his conversation with a fellow high-ranking officer.

"I hear the bugs are s'possed tuh be attackin' t'night," the officer said, and father nodded.

"Yes, I have heard the same thing," he trailed off, and thought for a moment. "Prepare my tank, I want to surprise those insects."

The officer saluted him, and darted off. I stepped aside, hoping to be out of sight, as my father stepped out. He looked at me.

"What's a young soldier like you doin' out here? You should be gettin' the others ready for the fight tonight!" he exclaimed, then smiled warmly. He left not too long after that. I thanked the gods that he didn't recognise me.

The cries of the injured, the sounds of gunfire, were more than I could stand, but I kept my eye on that tank. My comrades had fallen around me, and I, with my Frost Cannon, was busy blasting away at some bugs that had separated from the swarm. That's when I heard an explosion, and my father crying out in pain. I spun to take a look. The Wocky Tank had been hit, and he had been flung from the cockpit. I rushed to help him.

"Father! Father!! What happened?!" I exclaimed. He looked at me, puzzled.

"L-Leiah?" He asked, weakly.

"Yes, it's me... I followed you... I wanted to make sure that you'd fulfill your promise..." I said quietly.

He just smiled. His features, though hardened through time, were soft now. I could see tears in his eyes. "Aw, Baby... you shouldn't've worried like that..." he coughed.

"I've got to get you out of here!" I cried, but I knew I couldn't do that with the bugs still running around...

The bugs...

Rage filled me, and I got back to my feet. "Daddy, I'll be right back," I muttered. I climbed into the damaged tank, and looked around at the controls. Just like a computer game.

"ALRIGHT, BUGS! YOU'RE GONNA PAY FOR WHAT YOU DID TO MY FATHER!" I screamed, and let out a volley of gunfire. I heard bugs screeching, and managed to dodge most of the shots. The tank screeched with the pressure I was putting on it, but I had no choice! I just kept firing, blindly at best, and maneuvering the tank as best I could.

Before I knew it, however, I heard cheering.

"The bugs are gone!! He did it!"

"We're saved!"

"Three cheers for the War Wocky!"

I stuck my head up out the top hatch, then pulled myself out after getting a good look at the crowd.

"I am not the War Wocky you speak of," I said. I could see him staring up at me. I looked directly at the crowd.

"I am Leiah War Wocky, I have avenged my father-" Before I could finish what I was saying, I collapsed, exhaustion taking over.

If only I would have taken a look at that battlefield, would I have known the brunt of my accomplishments.


"Ms. Leiah, wake up," a deep voice roused me from my sleep. I opened my eyes, and was very shocked.

"Your majesty! K-King Coltzan!" I sat up very quickly, much to the old Lupe's surprise.

This was long before he was murdered, keep in mind. He smiled a little, and that's when I noticed young Princess Vyssa beside him. She bowed politely. I did the same, as best I could, with a sore back.

"You took a real beating, Ms. Leiah, but you managed to protect my people, and home. How can I thank you?" Coltzan asked. At that time, I didn't care about a reward. I wanted to know if my father was alright.

"Where's dad?" I asked.

That's when Vyssa's started to stare at the floor, looking sad. Coltzan, who was standing on my right side, moved out of the way. My father was lying in a hospital bed, hooked up to the heart monitors, and other such devices. He looked terrible! His breathing was shallow... Vyssa helped me out of bed, and I placed a paw on my father's. He opened his eyes, and looked at me. Those eyes were as clear and calm as I had ever seen them.

"Leiah... War Wocky... I like that..." He smiled a little. "I never... ever... thought you'd... do anythin' like that for........ me." He trailed off, looked away for a moment, then sighed.

"I don't have much time left...... Leiah...... I'll be leavin' soon..... but I want you to know that.... that..... I'll always be watching you," He told me, barely able to contain the sadness I'm sure he felt inside.

"Daddy!!! Don't leave!! You've hardly ever been there to begin with!!!" I cried, tears immediately beginning to take over.

"You're a strong girl... don't let me down..." he said quietly. "I love you, Leiah... you're... just like your mom..."

"Mom... Dad..." I stared at my feet. Tears rolled down Vyssa's cheeks, and she looked to her father for support.

"King Coltzan and... his family... will be happy to... look after you..." He was growing weaker.

"Dad, don't leave-"

"Good-bye, Leiah... remember... be strong... don't let me down..." His eyes closed, he let out a deep sigh, and was still. I backed away, and sat on the floor.

"F-father..." I whispered, and started to cry. Vyssa and Coltzan hugged me, and the Princess and I cried together. But neither of them understood at the time, what it was like.

Soon after, I bid my farewells to the Royal Family, and told them I would be back soon. They referred me to a man named Cid, a Pilot who currently lived on Mystery Island. I went to find him, at first without much success. In the Neopian Registry, his name was Cid_HighwindZERO. When I looked that up, I found him without much trouble, and he took me in.

This is the first time I have told anyone my story... please... keep it alive in your hearts, and don't let anyone forget that fateful battle.

~Leiah War Wocky.

The End