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The Editorial:

The Editorial section has changed. To make it more useful to everybody we have decided to take the most frequently asked questions we receive each week here so you can get a thorough answer straight away from one of the creators of NeoPets. Here are the most frequently asked questions NeoPets support received this week:

1 - Can you feed your Petpet?
No, Petpets are fed, groomed and played with by your Neopet. You can talk to the Petpet and name it. To do this, go to 'Quick Ref' and click on the picture of the Petpet that you wish to talk to/name.

2 - When I update my shop description It keeps going to this same page that says I wrote something bad, what do I do?
If you get an error message when editing your shop, it is becuase of a security measure to stop people posting rude or nasty messages, if you get an error message and you didnt type anything rude or nasty, please email the address stated in the error message with the actual text you were trying to include.

3 - How do you find out about new things happening in Neopets?
The best thing to do is to keep checking our news page. You can access this at anytime by clicking on 'News' in the yellow side bar. We update Neopets daily, so there is usually something new everytime your check.

4 - Lately I have been getting neomails with this message about neopets being too crowed, and I need to neomail 10 people. Is this true?
No, it is just a stupid scam chain letter. Neopets is not getting overcrowded, nor will you get any Neggs or other prizes for neomailing other people. Just delete the message and report the user to Do not neomail the message to anybody else, it is just a stupid chain letter.

5 - Where are the Underground Caverns?
This is an area underneath the main shops map. Click on Shops and then on the sign that says 'Art Centre'. There are several contests, galleries and a coffee shop down there.

6 - The Description of on a Meerca Magical Pushie says it will alter your neopet, How and Why does it alter your neopet when it plays with it?
There is only one way to find out :)

7 - Will neopet plushies be selling world wide?
You will be able to purchase Neopet plushies from anywhere there is an internet connection. At present there are no plans to have them sold in shops, but you can order them online and they will be delivered to your door.

8 - Does Grundo's Gym improve your Neopet's agility?
Yes, If you complete it 5 times your Neopet's agility will increase.

Need more help?
If you have a question that you think should be answered here, e-mail it to The most common ones will be shown here next week.