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The Golden Negg

by dreama870

"Come on Karmalla PLEASE!?"

"No way Karmalos! That's WAY too dangerous! What if we get caught!?"

"What if we don't? What if we find it! We'll be rich!"

You see....Karmalos is a very smart Chia. And a creative one too. Almost every morning she gets out of bed, combs her fluff of top hair and as Topenga gives her a bath she tells her all of the great ideas that she thinks up.

Topenga isn't really enthusiastic about these "ideas" but she ignores them anyway. "How can a plain old Chia like mine create a time machine? Or trick the Faerie Queen?" She was about to find out what Karmalos had in store for her.

"Karmalos," sighed Karmalla, "You know that you always give up in the end why not now?"

"Because I know we can make this happen! Just me and you! C'mon? Please?"

"Dreama870 isn't the richest Neopian ya know! She spent all of her money to adopt me from the pound because of the hard life I had before. She spends all of her Neopoints just to keep me the way I am! If she loses me...she'll be lost!"

"Oh I don't've ALWAYS wanted to be a Faerie RIGHT?" asked Karmalos teasingly while waving a Faerie paint brush in front of her face.

"Where in Neopia did you get that!?"

"Owner wants to paint me Faerie...she bought it...but if you REALLY want to do this I could THINK about passing it on to a certain Chia"

Karmalos was now making Karmalla drool with temptation. All she ever wanted to be was a Faerie! Just to fly above Neopia with her big blue gentle wings...a nice cool breeze flowing around her face.

"OK! OK! Just....get that tempting thing out of my face," she put her stubby blue hands over her eyes."

"So you promise that you'll help me sneak into the snowagers cave and steal the golden Negg?"

"Well...if you promise to give me the paint brush....definitely!"

"So it's a deal?" asked Karmalos once more to be reassured.


So the two blue Chias shook hands and went home to take a rest before the great journey began.


About 3 hours later Karmalos waddled out of her NeoHome, a suitcase at each side, while Karmalla waddled up to her and helped her with them.

"So did your owner buy it?" asked Karmalos


"I think she's a little know how she is...but she pulled through."

"Yeah...I mean going to the mystery island with cheztur and mufflin was a pretty good excuse huh?"

"I guess..."

They went down the Side walk were missus_poogle was waiting.

"Hop on!" she said.

And the two happy Chias jumped on her back.

When they landed they felt a cold breeze swish around them.

"Good luck!" said missus_poogle as she flew off into the distance.

The two Chias looked around them, there were a few shops and a huge igloo that had a big wooden sign hung over it: garage sale. They quickly ran into the igloo to warm up and find something useful. Karmalla found a M*YNCI Jacket and Karmalos, two flotsam sweaters. They quickly pulled them on.

"Ya got the Neopoints?" asked Karmalos.

"What Neopoints!? I thought YOU brought them!"

"Oh deary me..."

The two Chias, who were about to turn into Chia pops, took off the items and put them on the tables. One of the Eskimo-Chias asked them why they put the items back, and when they explained their problem and their story the two Eskimo-Chias laughed like mad Moehogs.

"What's so funny!?" asked Karmalos, rather angrily.

"You actually think that you can get the golden Negg?!" laughed the first Eskimo-Chia

"I pretty much think we can!" said Karmalla shaking her fist at them.

"Here!" said the second Eskimo-Chia throwing them the sweaters and jacket, "You can have these! I may as well throw in a few more things."

The Chia threw in Neopox pizza, an ice crystal Negg and packaged it all very nicely in a bag.

"Thanks" murmured Karmalos. His eyes were slits as he peered at them menacingly.

The two Chias walked down the road where they met a Chomby being mistreated by its owner. The Chomby looked like it was in deep pain. It appeared that its owner fed him a poison mushroom and he was doing it on purpose.

"Hey! Leave him alone!" yelled Karmalos, "I'm going to notify chief of the Neopian police guild!"

When the owner heard this he widened his eyes and ran away. While the poor Chomby lay down and cried. Small red spots appeared all over his back and chest.

"Uh oh....I think you have the Neopox," said Karmalla.

"What's your name?" asked Karmalos.


"Well c'mon Vanria let's get you out of here," she said as she pulled off one of her sweaters and put it on Vanria's back.

"Th-thank you," he said with a Tyrannian accent.

So the two Chias set off with their Chomby friend.

Some time later they arrived at the entrance to the "ice caves".

"Totem!" said a funny looking grinch that seemed to be guarding them. "Totem?" asked Karmalos, "What totem?"

The grinch started talking gibberish. Karmalla an Karmalos looked at each other and shrugged. But Vanria nodded and said after the grinch had stopped talking like a maniac:

"You need totem to enter cave or you must fight grinch."

"Fight him?" Karmalos giggled, "But he's so puny!"

"We have no other choice right?" asked Karmalla.


The two Chias stood around the grinch ready to fight. But they were in for a surprise!


One blow from the little grinch and the two NeoPets flew into the air like crazy Shoyrus.


Another blow and the two NeoPets fell bruised and swollen. But what was this? Vanria was running...and charged into the grinch. This sent the grinch flying to the mystery island.

"'re one TOUGH Chomby!" said the two Chias at the same time.

Vanria just smiled. The spots on her back were redder than ever though. She needed some Neopox pizza...and fast!

The two Chias helped Vanria into the cave along with them. Just when they got in an explosive snowball hit Karmalla in the face.

"Ow! What the?"

The three friends took a visit to the Negg Faerie to trade in their ice crystal Negg When Karmalos reached into the bag he felt something squishy...almost like bread covered in...wait a minute! Pizza! Neopox pizza! He grabbed the pizza and held it out to Vanria.

"Eat this!" he said, "It will make you feel better!"

Vanria looked at him doubtfully, but took the pizza anyway and took a big bite. Instantly some red spots disappeared. He took another bite...the same. When he finished the whole pizza...all of the spots disappeared and his health was fully restored!

"Oh thank you!" said Vanria.

"No problemo!" said Karmalos.

The two Chias finally got around to paying the Negg Faerie and got a few Negg tokens! They used them to buy a few happiness Neggs.

"Finally! I was STARVED!" said Karmalla.

"Yeah me too!"

"MGHMRLOUGH!" said Karmalos with his mouth full. (Translation: Me too!")

So the three friends walked down to the front of the cave after a while. It was time to get that Negg Time to show all those other NeoPets what these Chias were really made of! They walked a little more inside. They felt a small vibration around their feet. Yes! Snoring! He was asleep. Some NeoPets were now gathering around. Small whispers surrounded the three pets.

"They're gonna get eaten alive!"

"No way! They're probably gonna get smushed! THEN eaten!"

The two Chias entered the cave, along with Vanria. Gasps came from all sides of the crowd. It was dark inside the cave. That is it WOULD be dark if there wouldn't be a huge pile of Neopoints and treasure right in front of them. There were Neggs of every kind! Sneggs, Genius, Cool, Faerie Queen, Purple, Blue, Yellow, Fish...and more!

"Whoa..." whispered Karmalos in the lightest voice. But a tiny "whoa" is enough to wake up the mighty Snowager! The huge snake-like creature reared up and was about to blast them when something stopped him. All of the crowd was stunned. The huge Snowager fell right back to sleep! And out of no where came little_cloud__ and Semfara. They hypnotised him!

None of the NeoPets said another word. But just when Karmalos thought he saw a glint of gold, Vanria stepped on a glass Negg The crack awoke the great creature once more. The Snowager reared up and sent a cold icy blast towards them...What? Something was happening! The NeoPets stared as karmalos sent some kind of a power back to the ice blast. The ice bounced back to the Snowager...but THIS was fire and heat. With a mighty PLUNK the Snowager fell to the ground. The crowd gasped. Had the Snowager actually been defeated?

After what seemed like hours of silence the crowd broke into a cheer. Yes! The Snowager is gone! Karmalos searched the treasure for the golden negg...but he couldn't find it. It just simply wasn't there! He emerged with his friends. Empty handed.

The crowd went wild once they saw the heroes. Every Neopian seemed to be there! Kauvara, Nigel the Chia, Brucey B, Capara, Princess Fernypoo, Spectre....they were ALL there! The two Eskimo-Chias were there too of course.

Just then...something amazing happened. A large purple light flashed and there standing before Karmalla's and Karmalos' very eyes was the Faerie Queen!

"You've done some great magic to Neopia today Karmalos," she said this in a loud voice so all of Neopia could hear, "I knew you came here to find the golden Negg I knew that you don't think it exists. Shame on you Karmalos! You have already found the golden Negg!"

Karmalos stared up at her confused. "I did?"

If the Faerie Queen heard Karmalos she didn't seem to care because she kept on speaking.:

"You've found that golden Negg today. And you haven't even noticed! How silly of you! The golden Negg is in your heart. And if you look deep enough, each and every one of you has one."

She looked out to all of Neopia and then continued:

"Even the Snowager has one. The Faeries created him."

More gasps emerged from the crowd.

"Yes....we created the Snowager," she said as she sent a trail of blue sparkles toward him, "And we are bringing him back."

The Snowager reared up and stared at all of the Neopians. But the Faerie Queen sent a trail of sleeping powder to him. And with that he fell asleep.

The Faerie Queen disappeared and so did all the rest of Neopia When karmalos and Karmalla got home they were greeted with wide open arms and kisses.

"I knew we could do it!" said Karmalla, who was now a Faerie, that night.

"Yeah," said Karmalos, "Me too."

"Me too," Said Vanria.

"What's our next adventure gonna be?" asked Karmalla.

The End