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Beating the Trophy Case Blues

by krazcat47

Today it seems like everywhere I turn I see these people with packed trophy cases. They are champions in a gazillion different games. Then I go look at my trophy case and its…….EMPTY!!! AHHHHHHH!!!!

There’s just all this blank white space accept for the header and this little message in 12 point Arial font, like they are afraid to say it:

“You don’t have any trophies in your case.”

This is depressing. I am on 0 high score lists. And I have lost every one of the 5 battles I have fought in. What can I do?

First I decided to mope a little bit and investigate all of the super gamers out there. I was surprised, and not happily.

I was looking at high score lists and clicked on the champion of one of the games. KillerChicken (I changed the name so that we don’t all riot against our fowl friend) had a VERY impressive trophy cabinet. The stats: 30 trophies for games, 21 of which are first place!!!! KillerChicken is also a Tyrannian Battle lord and a Lost Desert Battler, and has a Battledome average that knocks me out. I’m jealous.

How do these people do it? Maybe I’m the only one out there that has this problem, but I doubt that. There are only so many trophies out there, not everyone can have one, I guess. I started snooping for an easy trophy fix.

Guess what? I found one. In Cheat!, my own “I’m desperate for Neopoints, please help me!” game gives out trophies. Cheat! is exactly like the game that I play with my friends, accept that my friends are a lot smarter than the computer. I wonder why. Win the 3rd round, 5th round, or the final round (number 7) and you get a trophy. Good deal, considering that for a little practice, 50 Neopoints, and half and hour you can get a trophy and a thousand Neopoints One trophy there.

Now, for one of those “I’m cool, I’m in the army” kind of trophies, I headed for Tyrannia. The friendly folks at the War Tent were generously giving out Battle Trophies for saving Chomby from the Fungus Balls and completing the Professor’s quests. A trophy there.

Submitting poetry and art and stories and articles to the galleries or the Neopian Times get you pretty trophies and possibly Neopoints. Just take some time to edit. And check with your parents if your still a minor like me.

Also, try playing “Better Than You”. The scores ARE beatable, and you get 1000 Neopoints with a medal or a trophy.

Well, now my trophy case is not completely empty. I have a trophy for being a champion at Cheat! and I am a private in the Tyrannian army. I have a 3rd place medal for “Better than You”. If you’re reading this, I have a shiny trophy from the great people at the Neopian Times. Not very impressive, but at least the little message is gone :)