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Chia Time with Ebbel - Chia Bombin'

by royal_t_123

Everyone has heard of Geoffrey the heroic Chia that defended his neighborhood from eeeevil Chia Bombers. But look at a Chia Bomber's point of view. How would you feel if a little squirt came running at you chucking water balloons?

Chia Bombers are most likely discriminated against because of their less-than-appealing appearance. Geoffrey the cute little hero versus a big, ugly, (literally) mudslinging brute. Obviously everyone sides with Geoffrey

Today in the studios of NTV, we have Ebbel the Chia reporting. Ebbel?

EBBEL:Thank you, royal_t_123. I'd like our studio audience to welcome... Grackle the Chia Bomber, leader of the Chia Bombers!

*scattered applause*

GRACKLE: Hi, Ebbel. Being a head Chia Bomber is a tough job, believe it or not.

E: Oh really? How so?

G: Well, I have to plan strategic maneuvers and explain them to the army. They're all not as smart as me, you know. And I have to fight against *shudder* him.

E: You mean Geoffrey?

G: Ah, could you refrain from saying that name? It's sort of a sensitive matter, you know, my army failing against him.

E: Of course. I understand. So Grackle, what do you do besides raiding helpless Neopians' neighborhoods?

G: I prefer to call it "profit from slightly forceful interactions within fellow residents' living areas." But besides profiting from slightly forceful interactions within fellow residents' living areas, I have a family back home. My wife Tibarga and I have seven children. There's little Grackle Jr., an aspiring profiteer from slightly forceful interactions within fellow residents' living areas. And Mooga, my sweet little darling daughter. *waves to camera* Hi sweety! Look, daddy's on television! Oh yeah, and there's Eemool (he likes playing Kiko Match), and Doogdey (she is a very good flute player), and there's--

E: *interrupting* I'm sure they all love you very much, and support you in your career of pillaging.

G: Uh, Ebbel, it's "profit from slightly forceful interactions within fellow residents' living areas."

E: Yes, but "pillaging" or "raiding" is shorter.

G: You, sir, are politically offending me! Say it right or don't say it at all!

E: Oh please.

G: Oh yeah? *whips out a mud-slinging bazooka*

E: YEAH! PILLAGER!!!!!!!! *whips out a Red Frost Cannon*

G: Worthless wimp! *fires a heaping helping of mud at Ebbel*

E: Brainless brute! *ducks and slams Grackle with some Red Frost*

G: *Oof!* Buttheaded bugger! *hits Ebbel hard with more mud*

E: Egotistical eel! Oh, whoops, big word, could you understand that one? *flings aside the Frost Cannon and hurls himself headlong at Grackle....
Uh, looks like we're, uh, out of time! Good-bye for now from.. Chia Time, featuring Ebbel the Chia! Heh heh! Bye for now, folks!
both Chias drop their weapons and attempt to wrestle each other to the ground
screen goes black
Hosted by Ebbel the Chia With Grackle the Warrior Chia
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