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Economical Questing

by grimivydown

Since my first article got such a good reception and generated a lot of feedback, I've decided to follow up with this article since many were wondering what I meant about not ever having to use Codestones to raise your pet's stats. I've seen similar articles on alternatives to training school before but in this one, I'll try to give a more detailed account on each quest and when it is worthwhile to complete it.

Kitchen Quest
The Maraquan chef needs you to find him ingredients for his recipes. The main draw about this quest is that there is actually quite a good chance that he will raise a random stat of your pet as a reward. Other times, the reward is a useless item and some Neopoints. Usually, he asks for aquatic food as well as slushies, candy, sandwiches and Neggs. Most of the time, his quests are pretty rewarding if the ingredients are cheap. Most of the slushies and chocolates are. Neggs and aquatic food most certainly are not. If one of the ingredients are Neggs and such, it is not worth it to finish the quest. Ignore it and return to him in a few hour's time. However, when the ingredients are cheap, you can usually make a profit from the quest as he is pretty generous, usually 400+ Neopoints. A short list of the super expensive ingredients would be any flavor of Neggs, gummy amebas, mint Usuls, any flavor of Pteri, buzz honey, stick-o-mynci, escargot, scoop chops, pork snout and rainbow Neodrops. Any other ingredients shouldn't be that expensive.

Rewards: random item and 400+ Neopoints OR random stat raise
Final Rating: ****1/2 (as long as ingredients are cheap (total under 1000))

Crashed Time Machine
This Wocky asks for Tyrannian food as well as omelettes. I've gotten a level up for my pet with this quest as well as 2 faeries. However, the payoff rate isn't as often as the kitchen quest but still worth doing if the ingredients are cheap (where have we heard this before ;P). Neopoint rewards almost nonexistent. To avoid list would be Tyrannian water Neggs, burnumups, hot peppers, sporkle leg, cheese omelette, tomato omelette and tomato and pepper omelette.

Rewards: useless item and little NP OR level up, Faerie, Codestone or rank increase
Final Rating: ***1/2

Snow Faerie's Quest
She needs ingredients for a spell. Mostly they include slushies, medicine as well as motes and faeries. This quest is just for some chump change. Worth doing if she asks for medicine other than Flat-U-Less since the NP rewards are decent. NOT worth doing if she asks for motes, morphing potions, faeries and jugs. (spent 7k on a Hail mote discovering that)

Rewards: random item (gotten a salt mote before) and 200-700 Neopoints
Final Rating: ****

Witch's Tower
Under no circumstance is this quest ever worth doing. She asks for varied stuff which isn't that expensive but she rewards you with some cheap spooky food and a couple of Neopoints No chocolate chip-o-lantern cookies as rewards here.

Rewards: spooky food
Final Rating: 1/2

Feed the Esophagor
You need to feed it twice to get your Brain Tree answers. It asks mainly for spooky food and give you one half of the brain tree answers each time. Generally worth doing since the Brain Tree pays pretty well to the lucky few. Not worth doing if it asks for lime rats and toe nail with lint side order.

Rewards: answers to Brain Tree quest
Final Rating: varies

Brain Tree
Quite expensive but may be rewarding in the end. A friend got an Attack Fork from the Tree as well as 30000 Neopoints I've only gotten about 1400 Neopoints from it at most though.

Rewards: random item and 500-40000 Neopoints
Final Rating: varies

Last section on other ways on raising your pet's stats

1.) Playing Faerie Crossword, Poogle Solitaire and Cliffhanger will raise your pet's intelligence.

2.) Completing all 5 levels of Grundo's Gym gets you an increase in agility. It's a very good moneymaker as well.

3.) All Faerie quests are ALL worth doing except for the Earth Faerie The Light Faerie increases the level of one of your pets for the price of a trading card. The Dark Faerie wants a toy for a 2 hp increase. The Air Faerie asks for some beauty products in return for an increase of 2 in agility. The Fire Faerie needs some clothing and rewards your pet with a +2 increase in strength. The Water Faerie requires a book and will give you +2 defense. The best of all faeries is the Faerie Queen. I've only gotten her quest once and all she wanted a Flight Attendant Usuki. Her reward was a level up, +3 to strength as well as +3 to hp.

The reason why doing Faerie quests is worthwhile is because a +2 increase in any stats would cost 2 Codestones if your pet is below level 20 which costs 10000+. What they ask for is usually very cheap compared to it. The reason why I have several sets of grooming products in my box :)

Granted, this article isn't as detailed as I would have liked it to have been but I hope this still helps people who've been spending a fortune on Codestones or those who want to avoid doing so. As always, feedback is appreciated and look out for my articles in the future. I have some thoughts on treasure maps after a brief period in selling maps as well as cards, furniture, gardening and books.

PS: For everyone who asked and for those who wrote in advising me to, yes, I am indeed stocking up on gardening stuff in hopes for the Neogardens.