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Grarrls Are So Misunderstood

by gibwib

So you've noticed that Grarrls aren't the most handsome creatures in the world I mean they have huge teeth and a huge nose. But that is not true have you ever noticed a Grarrl's eyes they look evil but deep inside they can be kind and caring creatures.

My NeoPet
My Grarrl, Tommyka, is a Fire Grarrl and though he looks fierce he is actually very kind. His pet Spike the Warf he looks after so well. He scratches him behind the ears, ruffles his hair, plays fetch with him, cuddles him and takes so much care of him. He is at level 8, his defence is 12, strength is 12 and he's average on speed. But he is also very intelligent; he has an IQ of 70, making him a total genius.

He fights in the Battledome, but I admit he'd rather read while Spike snuggles up on his lap. He is very interested in Kikos--he finds them amazing, and whenever he plays with his Kiko Toy he gets very happy.

Grarrl Beauty
Well, you can't say much for the Grarrls beauty but you can improve its looks with some Paintbrushes these are:

Desert Grarrl: Looks good, but its skin colour looks weird.

Fire Grarrl: A blazing Grarrl with flames streaming down the front and back. A+++.

Gold Grarrl: Looks like a gold ornament for the hood of your car.

Invisible Grarrl: Well, I can't say much about this one. *cough*

Stone Grarrl: Looks like a statue.

Striped Grarrl: Looks nice, a bit to "girlie", UNLESS its a girl Grarrl, then it doesn't matter. It shouldn't really matter anyway.

White Grarrl: Looks like vanilla ice-cream.

In my opinion I would choose the Fire Grarrl or Striped Grarrl, but its your choice. Also, you might have to save up because those paintbrushes cost alot (think Rainbow Fountain, people). If you are good at editing pictures, you may be able to win the beauty, that is if you can make a Grarrl look more soft and kind and beautiful.

Grarrl Personality
There are two types of Grarrls:

1. The fierce, strong Grarrl with battle scars
2. The kind, fun, book reading, PetPet caring Grarrls

If you were hoping to have a fierce Grarrl who wins lots of battles I would choose #1. If you want a nice, kind Grarrl who cares for everyone well I'd choose number #2. I mean Grarrls like meat because they're like a T-rex and, well, they're meat eaters. And I found they quite like Lovely Lime Easter Neggs. And would you believe it, I think Grarrls are Psychic... I mean my Grarrl only got a few cards wrong but you can't blame him :)

So maybe I'm going a bit over the top but just remember: Don't judge a Grarrl by its teeth ;)