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Magical Plushies Much Cheaper Than Morphing Potions

by virtualplay

As I was looking for an Aisha Morphing Potion, I noticed the prices in the Shop Wizard were pretty steep. I didn't mind, though. I figured it would take a lot of magic to actually change a NeoPet's species. Knowing from past experiences that Magical Plushies also change a NeoPet's species, I decided to get an Aisha Morphing potion for close to the same price as a Magical Chomby Plushie. Figuring that someone would want a Chomby while I want an Aisha, I went and got a couple of these Magical Chomby plushies. After winning them, I went to see how much the average price was for one on the Shop Wizard. The actual price of them shocked me.

I saw Magical Red Chomby Plushies going for as low of a price as 285 NP! My first reaction was, "Chombys probably aren't very popular NeoPets; After all, Aishas are #19 on the list while Chombys are #36." Then I went and looked up the Red Chomby Morphing potion. To my great surprise, the cheapest I could find was going for 63,013 NP!! And the rest were above 100,000 NP!! That's when I decided to get some more proof. So I went and won three Magical Meerca Plushies, one yellow, one red, and one green. After that, I went to see how much each plushie was going for, and how much their morphing potion counterpart was going for. Well, I found basically the same results.

Magical Red Meerca Plushie = 174 NP
Red Meerca Morphing Potion = 20,000 NP

Magical Green Meerca Plushie = 100 NP
Green Meerca Morphing Potion = 9,499 NP

Magical Yellow Meerca Plushie = 150 NP
Yellow Meerca Morphing Potion = Not Being sold

As you can see, the magical plushies are going for a lot less than the Morphing Potions. With the Yellow Meerca Morphing Potion not being sold, that should make the Magical Plushie worth more NP. I'm amazed at how much of a difference in Neopoints there is between two items that do exactly the same thing!

I hope that you please take time to consider this piece of information before buying a Morphing Potion or selling a Magical Plushie.