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Return of Mechachiazilla?

by Dragonsheart2001

If you've been keeping up with the Neopian times, then there's no doubt you've heard much about the obelisks and their secrets.

Strength: The obelisk located in Tyrannia.
Faith: The obelisk located in The Lost Desert.
Wisdom: The obelisk located in _________.

I rose to the challenge, and decided to do some research on the myth of Floatlantis. Supposedly, Floatlantis disappeared when Faerieland used the magic for its own use. Being Faeries, they guaranteed the safety of Floatlantis. And Faeries do keep their promises, one way or another. My theory is that Floatlantis does indeed exist, frozen or protected otherwise. And as soon as Faerieland is stable, they'll no longer need the magic. So, they'll return it to its proper owners, and Floatlantis will wake from its wet grave, and along with it will come the third and final obelisk, Wisdom, creating the triangle. And then the monster will come. "Neopia will choose it's own fate." But who will this monster be? Surely not Sloth, he was just defeated, and needs to rebuild his army. But perhaps the same danger that already threatened an underwater civilization? Will Mechachiazilla come to gain revenge? And when he does, will Chiazilla be reawakened and ready and able to protect Neopia?

We must prepare for the worst. If Chiazilla is unable to come to our call, we really will be left to choose our own destiny. All the pets out there who choose not to fight, we might need your help. You can choose to let the fate of Neopia rest in someone else's hands, unsure if you will survive the encounter, or you can take matters into your own hands, and help to protect the place many, many people call home. If all 20,000,000+ pets stand up to whatever nightmare this third obelisk brings, and if we all try with the knowledge that we might not succeed, but continue to help, then we shall be victorious. Do not let your name be the only one who chooses not to fight. Because now, Neopians, is the time we band together to protect our piece of paradise. Be ever prepared.