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The NeoNational Anthem (Chias Included)

by mc_leigh12

I read the Inter-World Neopia Anthem by Impiric the other week and noticed, not all pets are there! So here's the NeoNational Anthem (not that there was anything wrong with the other one):

While Chias smile,
And Meercas bounce,
The wise old Lupe is there
Ready to pounce.

The Skeith is big,
The Pteri is small,
Jetsams scare the Flotsams
And Bruces rejoice, one and all!

Poogles, Chombys and Cybunnies
Are some of the rarest NeoPets
And clever Lennys and Elephantes,
Who can never forget!

Moehogs cheery, and Scorchios
Grarrls, Kois and Nimmos play,
But remember Neopians,
Of the Kacheek and Shoyru today!

Eyries flying in the sky,
While Blumaroos have fun,
Kaus and Gelerts run through the fields,
Before the day is done!

And the Grundo and the Jubjub,
Can also be a friend,
Korbats, Usuls and Wockys,
Will be in Neopia till the end!

Aishas, Tuskaninnys, and the Buzz,
Are loyal mates,
The vain Uni will be a pal,
Should you try and give it cake!

Happy Acaras, Kyriis and Myncis
Watch the NeoPets all enjoy,
A world they share with Zafaras
And with Quiggles girls, or boys!

And lets not forget the Peophins,
Swimming in the sea,
And let's not forget the Kougras,
Playing happily!

Enjoy making a tune to go with it!