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Neopian Cuisine

by juicybubbles

If you haven't checked out the other editions of Neocuisine before, go see how it started!

"Hello, and welcome once again to Neopian Cuisine! I'm your host, as always, Calianja the Acara! Today, we have a very special guest. She's here to kick off our salute to Faerie Foods. Straight from Faerieland, here's the ever popular Light Faerie! Hello Light Faerie, thank you very much for being here!"

"Thank you very much for having me here Calianja! I've always loved cooking, it's a passion of mine!"

"Well, that's great Light Faerie!"

"Oh, Calianja, just call me Light."

"OK, Light, what are we going to make today?"

"Today I thought we'd make two of my favourite Faerieland dishes, the Crazy Crisp Taco and the Faerie Queen Burrito."

"Well, that sounds just lovely! Shall we get started?"

"Of course! I think we'll start off by making the Faerie Queen Burrito. For two burritos you will need:

2 Flour Tortillas
1 small can of Refried Beans
1/2 pound(8 ounces) Ground Beef
1 small Tomato, chopped
2 Lettuce Leaves, shredded
Cheddar Cheese
2 tablespoons Sour Cream

OK, first of all, you want to brown your ground beef. After it's browned, you should drain all of the juice and fat out of the pan. Then add your refried beans. While the beef and beans are cooking and heating up, put your tortillas in the microwave for about 15 seconds to warm them up. After the beef and beans are done, spoon half of the mixture onto the middle of a tortilla. Add the cheese, lettuce, tomato, and sour cream. Fold the ends together and Voila! There's your Faerie Queen Burrito!"

"Well, Light, that sounds awesome!"

"Thanks, Calianja!"

"OK, we'll be right back after this commercial break and we'll all learn how to make Crazy Crisp Tacos! Please Stay tuned!"


"Welcome back everyone! We're here with the Light Faerie!She just showed us how to make the Faerie Queen Burrito, now she's showing us how to make the Crazy Crisp Taco! Isn't that right, Light?"

"Yes, it is, Calianja, and let's get right into this! For two tacos you will need:

2 hard Taco Shells
1/2 Pound (8 ounces) Ground Beef
1 tablespoon Taco Seasoning
Cheddar Cheese
1 small Tomato, chopped
2 leaves Lettuce, shredded
2 tablespoons Sour Cream

First of all, you want to brown your ground beef. After you have the beef browned, drain the fat and juices out of the pan. After that, you want to add the taco seasoning. If you don't have taco seasoning on hand, don't panic, you can just substitute 1 teaspoon chili powder, 1 teaspoon ground black pepper, and 1/2 teaspoon salt. Stir the mixture together. Then, you want to carefully spoon the mixture into the taco shells, add your cheese, tomato, lettuce, and sour cream and enjoy!"

"Wow, thank you very much Light, I really appreciate you stopping by here!"

"No problem! I enjoyed being here today!"

"Well, that's all the time we have for today folks! I'd like to thank the Light Faerie once again! And I'd also like to thank Health Frog, the Breadmaster, and Neopia Fresh Foods for their ingredient contributions! This is Calianja for Neopian Cuisine saying, Good Night and Thank you!"