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What is Becoming of Neopox Pizza?

by kazolar

Upon reading an article in the Neopian Times on the 28th day of Swimming, I realised that grimivydown, the author of "The Eccentricities of The Neopian Market and How To Benefit From Them", was right about Neopox Pizza and Poison Mushrooms.

After testing his theory, that if you give a sick pet a Poison Mushroom it would get Neopox, I realised he was correct. For those medicines that you just can't afford to buy, this one would be a cheap alternative, costing only 565 Neopoints - though that price may go up.

Many people read the Neopian Times as I do, therefore they read his article. After doing what I did and testing the theory, or just going on plain belief, they may buy Neopox Pizza and sell it for a higher price. Everyone will follow suite and TA-DA, Neopox Pizza will become very expensive.

Why, I know me, myself went out and bought 41 Neopox pizzas for under 70 Neopoints each after testing this article out. I am now ready for the huge downpour of Neopoints coming after everyone sees this cheap alternative to other medicines - quick, easy money for them!!

But there is one disease it cannot cure, and that is the Bloaty Belly :-( Your NeoPet will not eat anything but the cure.

This is just one person's opinion to wrap this story up: Buy Neopox Pizza before it's too late, or you may find yourself in the lurch when the price soars sky-high in just a few days, or even hours. Already I have notices the increase in prices.

I wish you all good luck with this new development, and I shall keep you updated as to whether my theory and grimivydown's theory are correct. Please Neomail me with your questions and theories.