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The Power of the Ring: Part One

by Pyphracket

NOTE TO READERS: If you haven't already, I suggest you read the first 'book' of this series, "Every Carnival is better than the Neggst", first.


The Shop Wizard sat among piles of requests for cheap healing potions, brushes, map pieces, and other odds and sods that people search for at the cheapest prices. Scratching his fuzzy head in frustration, he threw down an order for Wellington Boots and stood up to stretch. (The Shop Wizard is the only Jubjub to be able to stand up on his feet, walk more than ten feet without falling down and compete in the long jump competition [he came last because he tripped over his feet just as he was going to jump]. He cast a spell on himself so that he got arms - which turned out to be very small - and for some reason the arms allowed him to stand up without falling down.) Four evil Fuzzles walked in carrying another stack of requests balanced between their four heads, each head under a corner. (They're not evil - just misunderstood adolescents! *See Fuzzle Evolution)

"What? More requests! Why can't people find these items themselves?" Dumping the stack on to one of the already mountainous piles of requests littering the tent's floor the Fuzzles turned and ran out the door, knowing how grumpy the Shop Wizard could get. Grabbing the nearest piece of paper the Shop Wizard sat down again in his small valley amongst the piles (Jubjubs detest chairs - ever try rolling sideways out of a chair? It's not easy or fun!) Touching a finger to the sheet, a white glow grew out of his finger and gold writing appeared on the paper. Magic Wand at Flouish and Blott's for 250 NP. The wizard sighed and shook his head. These weren't true wands, but true wands did not exist anymore.

Hearing a sound from the entrance of his tent the Shop Wizard looked up to see a Shoyru enter. Interesting enough, this Shoyru had a sword at her belt that gleamed as brightly as her silver skin. A small black bandanna with white lightning bolts was folded into a strip and encircled her head. Two small light blue M's in the center of the bandanna marked her as a guild member. Judging from the resemblance of a pirate, she must have been from one of the pirate coves in the large Neopian peninsula.

"What do you want?" the Shop Wizard grumbled, "You're supposed to fill out the forms in the line outside and then hand them to my assistant Fuzzles Why are you in here?"

"What?" the Shoyru looked surprised, "Oh. Sorry. I'll do that next time, sorry. In the meantime," she coughed and put on a gruff voice, "me matey, why don't ya find me a Koi Tales book. Arrrr."

"Here take this one and don't you 'Arrr' me. I was once part of the Jubjub Cannonballers and navigator of the pirate ship 'Jub'."

With a snap of his fingers a book appeared in his hand (you couldn't actually see the hand itself as it didn't reach past the long fur of his body so the book appeared to be sticking out his fur.) Thrusting it angrily in her direction he turned quickly back to work.

"Man," she said coming out of her pirate jargon, "you looked stressed. You should take a break or something."

"I don't need a break, Miss Nosey! Now Shoo!"

"Really! You are such a grouch! Look at you! You're a wreck. Why that rock monster Dr. Sloth summoned looked better than -" She never finished her sentence. The Shop Wizard had one finger raised in the air pointing at where she had been. Nobody said he was worse than one of his creatures. (For those of you wondering, she was transported to the back of the Shop Wizards line up - which is quite a long line up - but she was alright.) He did need a break.

But he couldn't just leave all this paperwork...could he? It wouldn't disappear if he left. He would have to come back, but a small vacation? He did deserve it by now... A decision was met. He would go. He would leave now and be back when he wasn't stressed anymore. That seemed reasonable. He checked his hat for all his equipment and, finding it all there, turned for the edge of the tent. Lifting a flap he turned sideways to roll out, the preferred Jubjub method despite his walking option, when he noticed a small orange clump near the door. Leaning so he could look around a pile of papers blocking his view, the wizard saw a small orange Fuzzle - his nephew. Lint looked at him with a curious gaze as if he was asking, "Where are you going?"

"Oh, Lint," the Shop Wizard grumbled, "I need a vacation. I'm going to take a break from all this stress." The Fuzzle's look turned to sadness. "Don't worry. I'll be back soon."

Hopefulness spread into the eyes, "Oh no, you can't come with -" the Fuzzle started to flop awkwardly to the doorway, "Wait! Don't tell anyone! They'll find me and bring me back to work or somehow make me do it. I know they will. Don't tell them," panic had filled his voice. Looking over his left foot one last time, Lint continued to toward the exit. Jumping over a pile of papers and dashing forward the Shop Wizard quickly bent down and snatched up the Fuzzle in both of his small hands. Cradling the Fuzzle, the wizard scowled, "Fine. You can come with me, but be good." The Fuzzle rolled out of his hand in reply, "What now?" As best he could, the Fuzzle nudged a paper with his foot. "A note? Okay. Okay. I will."

Grabbing a large white quill out of thin air the older Jubjub wrote a letter with flourish: Gone. Don't worry - I'm fine. -S.W.

Lint frowned disapprovingly. "That's all they'll get out of me," the wizard cried as he snatched the Fuzzle up and slipped out of the side of the tent.

To be continued...