
Defending the Rich

by phillryu

It seems as if everyone is against the rich. The poor say that we do not deserve it. They say that we never donate. They say that we aren't good people. They Neomail me and ask for free faeries, and when I say "No", they say that I am rude. Now is it just me or does this seem a little unfair?

Don't be surprised, but I was once a poor Neopian also. I started almost a YEAR ago, and I finally reached the point where if I sell my stocks, I have a couple million NP. (In fact, I used to have 14 million, but a hacker got in a few days ago and stole it.) Anyway, I started out scrounging for NPs too in the beginning. I played Kacheek Seek everyday with my pet and sold faeries in my shop.

My shop which I named "Faeries R Us" specializes in faeries. I think that I made a good choice there. I started by selling a few faeries, maybe 5 or ten, because although I was poor, they were only 200 NP at the marketplace. Eventually, my shop grew a little bit larger, and I sold a few more faeries at a time. Over the months, my shop has grown to a specialty shop that when restocked, holds roughly a million NPs of items. This was only established after months of grueling work however.

Nowadays, new users have an advantage. They can make thousands of NP a day from the treasure hunt, or they can benefit from multitudes of sponsors and tons more Lenny Trivia. In my opinion, people who claim that they have 17 NP, or ask for free faeries is a bit pathetic. It is EASY to make thousands of NP a day without spending any NP!

And being rich has its disadvantages too. Someone directly targeted my account for hacking, and I have lost so much money. People don't like me, and I am peppered with e-mail and Neomail where people BEG for me to give them stuff! And when I don't, they give me a hard time for having all this stuff. The people of Neopia have to realize that most of the people who are rich got the money from HARD WORK. I 100% Guarantee that if you spend an hour a day doing it my way it'll keep poverty away and there it will stay. (Kinda catchy, isn't it?)

Just follow some advice and join a guild. In fact, I'm a leader of a guild called the Faerie Guild (in the Fire Faerie Neighbourhood) in which members help out each other. It has grown tremendously over the past few months, and I am very proud of it. Inside the message forum, questions are answered, and help takes place. Guilds are a great place to get help!

If you still think that rich people ignore the poor and that they don't care what the poor people think, just Neomail me at phillyru. Hopefully, my response will change your mind. = )