
Vol 1 Issue 42 | Neopia's Finest News Source | 2nd day of Awakening, Yr 3

Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked NeoPet questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of NeoPets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Fan Site Competition

Have you worked REALLY hard on your pet's Web site here at NeoPets? If so, enter it in the Site Spotlight Competition! You can learn how to enter the competition here.

The Neo-Market Report

The former President of Moehog Fidelity Investments...is here today to warn others about the dangers of committing Stock Fraud.
Get the gossip here!

Earth Faerie Aces!
There is a new game in town that will challenge your skill. Check it out!

Have you seen the new Chocolates at the Chocolate Factory! WOW! Go get some for your pet today!

Guild Spotlight
The Lamunine Institution is a Battledome guild that specializes in the art of bat...(OK, enough of that.) They offer friendly help and advice to members that are eager to get their battle on.

Want to make more Neopoints? Who doesn't? Make your pet more powerful? Boy howdy! Then the Powers of Neopia guild is something you should definitely check out. They will really help you get to where you want to be.

Calling all owners of Faerie Pets. Calling all owners of Faerie Pets. The Faerie Pet Allience is a brand new guild with a lot of promise. They will have competitions to win Faeries and will even help you train your Faerie Pet! Members get free medicine for sick pets, so there’s no excuse.

We want to know what you think about the new Neopian Times! Your opinion counts. Let us know at...