
Demonsong: Part Four

The ground around Incubus and the Lupes exploded from fireballs, showering them with clods of earth and dirt.

by dragonsfang

Dreamscape: Part Four

As the five pets began to settle in for a good night's rest, Dr. F. Sloth was getting closer to the antidote.

by moonsaiyanprincess

Flying Through Water: Part Three

A red grundo sat in a field of purple grass. “Aipoen si htron dnuora eht gib ananab eert htiw sekips no eht mottob.”

by Diaz73

Mariam the Stray: Part two

Since then there have been over 100 adopted and new pets. But they're all gone now because Joella1988 got bored with them...

by Sylvia_C

Tales of the Frozen Tundra: Part Three

Now, he was not hunting for fun. There was a certain sense of urgency as he accelerated into the vastness.

by diamonn

The Gift From The Mysterious Stranger: Part Three

They wandered down the road until they found ghosts stealing everything they could get their hands on!

by AmyEarth13

The Infinite Food Potion! Part Two

I poked my ear against the wall and listened. I was confused at the silence I then heard.

by erin50

The Kontana Scroll: Part Two

Cadbury_Bunny announced the meeting and soon there was a crowd of NeoPets surrounding the long golden table in the private meeting room.

by kiwifruit487

The Adventures of The Neo Detectives: Part Two

"I've seen it! I've seen the Kau! It's stolen from me too!" the boy blurted out, urgently.

by witchkitty89