
The Adventures of The Neo Detectives: Part Two

by witchkitty89

Outlaw Kau

Bang, Bang, Bang! Went Dragonboy's hammer. Easter and Dragonboy were posting up wanted ads all over town. The wanted ads had a drawing of the Yellow Kau on them. It said : Wanted: Small Yellow Kau. Dangerous Burglar.

A few days after the signs had been posted, there was a loud knock on the door of Lindsey's house. When she opened it, there was a boy stading there with a Fire Lupe and a Blue Kiko.

"I've seen it! I've seen the Kau! It's stolen from me too!" the boy blurted out, urgently. "Why don't you come in? Then you can tell my pets all about it! They're the real detectives here!" Lindsey smiled, and opened the door, letting him in.

"By the way, my name is Dean. This is my Lupe, Courage, and my Kiko, Fly Boy!" He and Lindsey walked into the living room, where Easter and Dragonboy were discussing the mystery.

"Guys, this is Dean, Courage and Fly Boy! They've been in the same situation as us!" Lindsey said to Dragonboy and Easter. "Pleased to meet you all!" Easter said politely. Dragonboy eyed the Fire Lupe.

"Wanna challenge me at the Battledome? Huh?! Huh?! Betcha I could beat ya with my hands tied behind my back!"

The Lupe raised an eyebrow then turned back to the two children talking. "Where did you see the Kau last?" Easter asked Bouncer.

"Near the wishing well! It grabbed Dean's rare codestones!" Bouncer said, excitedly.

"It was pretty small, and it was yellow, and probably male!"

"Well, we already know that..." Easter said, disappointedly.

"Oh yeah! And it was wearing a collar that said 'My name is Milky. I belong to Shirlie.'" Then it wandered off, and settled down in front of the television.

"What?! You saw its ID? And you didn't tell me!" Dean exclaimed, shocked by this new information.

"Well, it's not very useful information! I mean, it would be if there was someplace where we could look up the names, but- Ohhhh yeeaaaaaahhhhh!! There is!!!" Bouncer said, a smile spreaded across his face. Dean sighed and rolled his eyes.

They all walked to information office. A red Aisha wearing glasses, was sitting in the office. "May I help you?" she said, turning her computer on.

"Yes please! We're looking for a Kau named Milky!"

The Aisha was typing and clicking away, and typing and clicking away. Finally, she looked up from her computer. "Well, I found who you were looking for-"

"YAY!" everyone cried out happily. "-But, the Kau and its owner have moved from their previous residence." Everyones' mouths dropped, and they groaned with disappointment.

"Can't you find out where their new home is?" Lindsey asked, hopefully.

"Everyone in Neopia is entitled to their privacy. And the Kau and its owner have decided not to be listed!" One by one, each of them sighed deeply...

To be continued...