
Mariam the Stray: Part two

by Sylvia_C

Liane and Leeward

When we got to our new house we stood waiting for the place to load. We entered and we saw a prissy red Shoyru painting her nails blue and a blue Lupe playing with a red toy car. "Oh, hello," greeted the Shoyru with out looking up.

"My name is Liane and that's Leeward. You must be the new arrivals."

"Yeah, we are." I said defensively. "Do you have a problem with that?"

"No," Liane replied, surprised, "It's just that we were the first ones here. We were born on Lupe Day, in the Month of Hunting, Year 2. Since then there have been over 100 adopted and new pets. But they're all gone now because Joella1988 got bored with them, or thought they were ugly, or they got sick or they wouldn't eat something. And you, little Aisha, look like your getting the Neezles. Ashmaq had the Neezles. He was the last one."

"My name is Istar, not little Aisha and Joella1988 won't give me up. She won't, right Leeward?"

"Well that is exactly what Sylvie said and now she's gone. I know it's harsh, but you better be carefully. And don't listen to Liane. She is always like that. She like to scare the new ones." Leeward said and I knew I could trust him.

"Dinner time," Joella1988 said, "Liane, you get Ergy Broccoli, Mustard Ice Cream and a NeoTaco. Leeward, you get a Turkey dinner, an Organic pear and a Strawberry Ice cream. Istar, you can have Strawberry and Cream Baby Food, A hot dog and a Mint Chocolate Peophin. Mariam, you can have onion rings, a Carrot and a Orange Chocolate Kacheek. Mariam and Istar, since you look so hungry, you can each have a sweet!"

"Thank you so much Joella1988," Leeward, Istar, and I said.

"You are very welcome!" Joella1988 replied.

She waited a minute to see if Liane was going to thank her but she said nothing. "Aren't you going to thank me like your brother and sisters?"

"Heck no! I hate NeoTacos and you know that!" Liane argued.

"Well excuse me for not making you starve!" Joella1988 yelled.

"I hate you!" screamed Liane.

Joella1988 couldn't take it anymore. She surfed over to the agency and I screamed. "A-A-Are you t-t-taking me and Istar there?" I stuttered.

"Please, no, I hate it there."

"Don't worry Mariam, I'm not taking you or Istar there." And with that she shoved Liane in.

To be continued...