
Selfishness Dies, Caring is Born

"I can't believe it. Irishiafu likes me. How can this be? After the way I've treated him how could he possibly like me? Maybe I should try being a little nicer to everyone," thought Deane.

As the five pets began to settle in for a good night's rest, Dr. F. Sloth was getting closer to the antidote. "This is unbelievable. Just as I'm close to making everyone my slave my plans are close to being ruined. Those darn scientists trying to foil my plans. We'll see who will prevail," said Dr. F. Sloth.

A couple of days past and our five heroes continue there journey. "Hey have you noticed that Deane hasn't said a thing or complained at all. It's a miracle. I wonder what got into her?" whispered Tobiasu.

"Yeah, I mean she usually is a pain in the butt. Today she is quiet," whispered Arekandera.

As the five pets got closer to the area that everyone from all five worlds was located, Deane's feelings grew. "This looks like a nice place to sleep tonight," said Irishiafu.

"You're right! We're near fresh water and there's a lot of berry and fire bushes near by. This is great!" said Deane.

Soon the five pets tired happiness would soon be replaced by fear. "I've finally spotted them. Eureeka. Oh boy! I can taste the world domination," said Dr. F. Sloth.

All of a sudden Dr. F. Sloth revealed himself. "I've got you cornered. I'm gonna start by turning your sweet princess into one of my slaves," yelled Dr. F. Sloth. WOOOOOSH!!!!! A beam of light headed towards Deane. "NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!" cried Irishiafu.

Irishiafu ran toward Deane to protect the princess. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!"! cried Irishiafu.

Irishiafu fell toward the ground.

"NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!" cried Deane. "Why did you have to protect me? How could you take him away from me?" asks Deane.

"Once I get my happiness I shall prevail," yelled Dr. F. Sloth.

As Deane sobbed silently, her back began to move and a light lit up in front of her. "Look. Deane is growing her wings and her sword!" said Arekandera.

Deane's eyes turned a ghoulish red. Her wings spread out and she took hold of her sword. Deane began walking toward Sloth. Sloth shook in fear. The Dr. thinks he can zap the princess. Deane's wings unfolded and covered the princess completely. The ray won't effect her.

"NOOOOOOOOOOO this can't beeeeeee!" cried Dr. F. Sloth.


All the five worlds were now safe. Within twenty-four hours, the five heroes revived everyone. As crazy as this may sound Deane and Irishiafu lived happily ever after in the Royal Empire of Galactic as King and Queen. As for Dr. F. Sloth, he was never to be seen again.

The End