
Tales of the Frozen Tundra: Part Three

by diamonn

"Please, I am in no mood for 'Hide and Seek," exclaimed a truant Synicle walking through the doorway of the igloo. "I've brought you some friends to play that with."

As he trotted in closer, he dropped the chirping Chias out of his mouth. Fortuneon was indeed not hiding. He couldn't smell him in the igloo and the television was off (meaning that Fortuneon was gone). Turning around, he noticed footprints leading into the woods. Tracking them, he could tell where they led to...the lair of the dreaded Snow Beasts. Growling, the Lupe leapt and bounded through the Ice World. Now, he was not hunting for fun. There was a certain sense of urgency as he accelerated into the vastness. Nearing the woods, he sped up once more - not sure if it was too late.

All the time he as running, he was rather confused. This was not an order from diamonn - a mindless completion of a task. This time he was motivated by desperation?...no...anger?...maybe...love?...

He had never stopped to think it, certainly never speak it. But, the piggy back ride he gave the 335 miles to the Ice Caves was not an order either. The food he let him have, nor the games of Black Jack he had played with him out of pity, not the Chias and 'Cheeks he brought home. Neither of these were orders. But, he did them...and now he may never get to see why!

Lurking into the woods, Synicle could make out some of his brethren howling at the moon. The trees loomed long shadows on the night landscape. Eyes stared back through the darkness, even some squinting for they would most certainly have a meal tonight. He was unafraid though, because the first Light Faerie that had blessed him and told him this truth: "Success will follow you all of your days." He had now determined what the smell was - the blood of a fellow Lupe!!

"They will pay," Synicle promised himself, turning the corner into another tunnel. "For that and more so for my...friend."

Stopping, his nose had taken him to the source, bloody footprints led into the catacomb Fortuneon was fighting for his life. The bigger of the two beasts was sitting in the corner while the other was attempting to bite into the presumably soft fur ball. But diamonn was no fool, he knew he should build up the defence of his considerably 'tasty' pet, so the beast was having a surprisingly hard time.

Sucking what little heat that was left in the room, Synicle was enraged. He struck the dining beast with a Level 2 Spark that was twice as strong as the mere jolt Fortuneon had given him. The beast immediately dropped the yelping Jubjub - broken leg and all.

"What are you doing?," intrigued the jovial beast, laughing at his futile attempt. "You will join our feast!!"

Lunging, the beast swiped at the swift Lupe, missing and smashing his hand into the wall of the cave Unharmed, he swung with another hand, connecting with another Spark Synicle had projected. The other beast did not move from his spot. He seemed amused that such a small and weak creature was putting up such a fight. The smaller beast was not amused, however, as he quickly grew tired of the cat-mouse game, smashing his hands together to send a shocking sound wave through the heart of the Lupe.

"Hmmmmm...you think you can kill me! You and your STUPIDITY?!," pounding his fist into the palm of his hand for emphasis. "YOU?!..I EAT LUPES!!..I CRUSH THEIR BRITTLE BONES IN MY TEETH! I AM INVINCIBLE!!"

Lunging at the ailing Lupe, the beast tossed him into another wall of the cave.


To be continued...