
Flying Through Water: Part Three

by Diaz73

I started to go diagonally. I was still running forward, but at an angle so I would go slowly to the side of the herd and out of the way of the stampede. It took me ten minutes to do it, but when I finished I was proud of my quick thinking and even prouder that it worked. “That was close,” I said to Undeann as we met. “Too close” she agreed.

We walked the rest of that day. We found a nice spot to rest and went to sleep. We were so tired that we didn’t even care about food. When I got up that day I was aching all over. “Time to get up.” I cracked at Undeann.

She got up and fell back down again. “Too tired to get up!” she mumbled.

“OK, go back to sleep then.” But she already was.

I shrugged. “I’m going to bed too,” I said to myself. I laid back down and closed my eyes…….

A red grundo sat in a field of purple grass. “Aipoen si htron dnuora eht gib ananab eert htiw sekips no eht mottob.” I woke up. It was late in the afternoon. I thought, what a strange dream. Then, did it mean anything? Then I suddenly understood the message. Grundos speak backwards.

“Neopia is north around the big banana tree with spikes at the bottom,” I mumbled to remember. Undeann and I had set off to find the big banana tree with the spikes. “Is that it?” she said.

“No,” I said back.

“That one?”


“How about the one over there?”

“For the last time no!”

“Grrrrrrrr.” It went on like that for about an hour (I know!) Until……

“How about that one? I think that one’s really it!” exclaimed Undeann.

“How about noooo-yes!” I said excitedly looking at a tree that had bananas on it with wooden spikes at the bottom.

“Noooo-yes? What’s that supposed to mean?”

“Oh, Undeann, you found it, you found it! Now let’s go north.”

We turned the corner after the banana tree. My eyes were wide with excitement at what I saw. The towering tower of Neopia Central. “We found it, Undeann, we found it!” I exclaimed. “Oh, sure, now it’s ‘we’.” But I could tell she was happy too.

As we walked into Neopia Central a pink uni came up and asked “What happened to you?”

“Long story, tell ya later,” I said very simply.

As we walked farther into Neopia Central the same question was asked by lots of others to us, and I always answered the same way. Finally we made it to the hospital. “One bed for my Peophin please,” I said to the nurse. “And one for the owner!” The nurse exclaimed with her eyes opened wide. I smiled. Because I knew our long ordeal was over.

The End