
The Kontana Scroll: Part Two

by kiwifruit487

"All are informed, my queen," said Cadbury_Bunny, "and Stefang is here."

Queen Kihalai nodded and said, "Emergency meeting, Cadbury."

Cadbury_Bunny announced the meeting and soon there was a crowd of NeoPets surrounding the long golden table in the private meeting room. Everyone looked serious and some of the weaker ones where even shaking with fear for they all heard the terrible news about how the kingdom is in danger.

Queen Kihalai waited for everyone to settle down and then said, "Lords and Ladies, knights and friends! We have come here because of one reason: this kingdom is in danger and if we don't do anything about it, everyone will destroyed, and I will stress that, EVERYONE will be destroyed."

There was a long silence, and then Kikugoku asked, "But what can we do, my queen!? If we have no protection..."

"There is protection, Kiku," answered Queen Kihalai promptly, "I have hired Stefang and we do have Yamakarasu and TrailMixed including many other strong NeoPets in the forest, but they will only give us time. Time, is what we need to save this kingdom, but within the time provided, we need to figure out how to save this kingdom."

"I don't understand," said Gotenks79, "how could the unrecognized royalty save us all? Is he or she super strong or what? Because then we could just look for the strongest."

"No, that is not how it works," said Queen Kihalai, "it's a powerful magic, something deep inside his heart. I may not know how he will save us, but no matter what, we must find him first!"

"So where do we start?" asked Selbie. There was a short pause, and then Kikugoku said, "The scroll of Kontana! We have one piece of it in here!"

"Kiku's right," said Gotenks79, "and we should increase security of this castle and that piece of the Kontana scroll."

"All right," said Pozialle after carefully listening to them, "how about Kiku, Gotenks, and I guard the piece; we will miss a few quests, but if this kingdom is doomed, we won't need quests anyway."

The NeoPets discussed more of the matter and of how to secure the piece of Kontana scroll as well as the possibility of where the rest of the Kontana Scroll could be. The scroll of Kontana was an ancient scroll written by the famous Kontana, a green Usul who found the way past the Kontana Mountains (it was named after he crossed it) to the Strannams Village he founded. He also knew all the legends and believed them all and was the only one who knew how to solve it all. Kontana wrote the answers in 600 scrolls and spells, and now 556 of them have been ripped and their pieces were separated.


Meanwhile, the NeoPets from the friendship hut were all in Gyka's room.

"So that is the piece, Gyka?" said Flamie_500 staring at what looked like a ragged dirty piece of cloth.

"Yes!" answered Gyka.

"I don't get it," said KawaiiMiki, "how did you come by this piece at all?"

"Well," said Gyka sitting down on the nearest chair, "my owner used to have the whole scroll, but unfortunately one day, someone attacked and stole the scroll. And just before the attacker got away, my owner got a piece of the scroll. The rest of the scroll wasn't given to the dark hand we found out, he was just stealing to make money, and because the scroll was so old and ripped, he threw it away and the scroll ripped and got to different places or people."

"Cool!" said Chelses, "but I wish we had all of it though."

"Nothing is that easy, Chelses," TrailMixed sighed.

"Forget it all, guys," said Yamakarasu, "we haven't even read that piece yet!"

Gyka looked over the trampled piece of paper and read, "The first line says 'tree the answer lies' and the second line is 'witch burns her magic fries' and the third line 'the one unexpected'"

"That," said Flamie_500, "makes no sense." "That is why we need to find the other pieces, Flamie," said Chelses, "and it's not totally out of sense."

"Well, we know the answer is probably near or on a tree, and near a place where a witch burns her fries and that something is unexpected," said Yamakarasu.

"And that I do not know the answer," said KawaiiMiki, "and that we do need more food."

"Count me in, Miki," said TrailMixed. "Will you two stop that?" said Flamie_500, "you are making me hungry!"

"We can eat later," said Chelses, "because right now we have business to do.

One of the pieces is in the castle, but they are bound to raise the security, so we need to find a way in and obtain the other piece and somehow the other pieces from somewhere."

To be continued...