
The Gift From The Mysterious Stranger: Part Three

by AmyEarth13

Amy: AAAAhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!! Oh, it’s just you, Justin. No big loss.

Justin: Just because I am your friend doesn’t mean you can put me down!

Katy: [shy] Hi, Justin.

Justin: [cool] Hi, Katy.

Katy: [angry] You never answered me!

Amy: Answer what?

Just then a poogle came out from the bushes.

Poogle: What you are doing here? We have mission.

Lyndi: So are we! A person named Me gave Amy and Katy powers so nana bo bo! Stick you head in do do!

Galhurt: [to Lyndi] No need to go any further than that!

Justin: No way you talked to Me too! Way cool, so did I to rid Neopia from evil? That is my mission!

Amy: Same here. Hey Katy, you take Galhurt for a while so we each have one NeoPet for protection, Okay.

Katy: Are you sure?

Amy: Yes.

Katy: Galhurt?

Galhurt: It would be my honour to protect you.

Justin: Shut up and let's get moving!

Amy: Hold on I’m glad that I brought extras. Everyone gets a sword!

Everyone took a sword.

Amy: Now we can go Katy, Galhurt, Lyndi, Justin, and Cleoform his Poogle.

Cleoform: Thank you, Amy!

Amy: Aww...it was nothing.

They wandered down the road until they found ghosts stealing everything they could get their hands on!

Amy: Stop or I will shot you ghosts.

Ghost: You can't shoot us, we're ghosts.

Amy: Hahaha...do ya really wanna find out?

Ghost: You can’t hurt us we are spectral beings.

Katy: That might be true but Amy's energy can beat your ectoplasm any day.

Amy: [angry] Katy! I mean that's right ghost.

Ghost: Bring it on!

Amy bravely fired green electricity on the ghost they fell but got back up and winced with pain Amy firted over and over again until they just dissappeared. Then they heard a voice. It was Me!

Me: Very good job all of you...keep it up.

Justin: Uh Me...come back! Please???

Galhurt: You know, Justin, we never found out what you can do!

Katy, Lyndi, Amy: Yeah Justin.

Justin: OK, well I can do this!

A bolt of lightning struck the ground!

Justin: And this!

All of the sudden Justin vanished!

Lyndi: Justin???

Then Justin appeared again.

Amy: Very nice!!!

Cleoform: Let’s keep moving.

Katy: Well I dunno about you but I like seeing Justin more than seeing him vanish!

Just then, as those words were spoken, a silver net flew over them and entangled them like spaghetti. Then as if the net was alive, it constricted them until the could barely breath...

To be continued...