
Why Not Adopt a Meerca?

by beanboy712

"Look at all those NeoPets scurrying about down in Neopia," the Faerie Queen sighed.

"We made too many of them...maybe we should make one for only the faeries in Faerieland..."

The faeries gathered around her throne, mumbling and whispering silently as the Faerie Queen spoke. They all had puzzled and shocked looks on their faces wondering about this new pet. "Oh well, maybe we won't," the Faerie Queen said to herself.

She hummed softly to herself as she doodled long squiggly lines in the air for entertainment. She then carelessly drew a small circle shape and without looking, she just put some dots. The Queen sighed and put away her wand. Suddenly the pointless doodle drawing she drew that hung in the air began to twitch. The shape swerved about and sparkles of light began to bathe the figure. With a loud POP a new NeoPet was born!

The Faerie Queen gasped in shock as the small plump NeoPet bounced around on its long tail. The crowd of faeries stared blankly as it happily skipped around the throne.

"MEERCA!" it shrieked! The NeoPet suddenly stopped and stared around her. "MEERCA!" it shrieked again. Then it continued her annoying bouncing.

The Queen Faerie thought for a moment then brightened up and announced, "Our new NeoPet Meerca!" The Faeries gossiped silently then applauded. They took Meerca to a machine where tons of Meercas were created. They all bounced high into the air happily yelling, "Meerca!"

The Light Faerie, Dark Faerie, Water Faerie and all the Faeries owned one! This was going to be a great NeoPet for them to have for the rest of their life! Or at least, that's what they thought.

The first Meerca hopped around aimlessly around the border of Faerieland when suddenly she lost her balance on her wiggling tail! The cloud beneath her dissolved away as the Meerca fell helplessly down to Neopia! "Meerca!" it shrieked as she grew smaller and smaller in the distance.

All the happy Meercas stopped suddenly with wide eyes. They exchanged worried looks as they hopped quickly to the edge of Faerieland. "Meerca Meerca!" a yellow one screeched.

"Meerca Meer Meerca!" a blue one replied.

With out another sound, the Meercas all jumped after their falling friend. The Faeries gasped as all the Meercas one by one fell over. Down in Neopian Central, some Eyries and Scorchios were flying around when suddenly some Meercas fell on their backs. They looked and shook them off. "Is it raining or something?" a Scorchio asked.

Soon all Meercas were down in Neopia where users slowly began to find them all over the place. From then on, the Neopian Council established them as the official 40th NeoPet! Why not adopt one now?