
The Legend of the Air Faerie: Part Three

A little blue Mynci dressed in an old dirty pillowcase with holes cut in it for leg-holes and armholes darted out of the cabin very quickly.

by dragonmagic1313

The Biggest Battle of Neopia: Part Two

"Befvara, take care. Remember, drink Strong Potion everyday so you will not lose your energy."

By xmen_storm and her pets, Ororo77 and Coolwod

Borntobite Flies! Part Two

Borntobite grabbed a loose nail on the wood and pulled it. The door swung open revealing a small tunnel leading down into the darkness.

by Midnight17

Those Crazy Pets of Mine: Part Three

The small group of intrepid adventurers walked downtown Neopia High Street window shopping and laughing at all the prices.

by Selphie_Tilmitt

The Adventures of Cutie Pie: Part Two

We finally reached home. Her house was cozy and welcoming. It was an old Victorian house...

by daisy_2039

The Darkest Secret of Neopia: Part Two

Up to now he had always been that quiet... the story about the wizard must be a real big thing she thought...

by Phifi

Hit the Road: Part Three

Anyway, the... Wocky? Well, some creature... grabbed me in his paws...

by aishachick100

Mariam the Stray: Part Four

I was smiling the biggest smile I've ever had because I have never had such a great present from anyone.

by Sylvia_C

The Kontana Scroll: Part Five

Pozialle, the only one who wasn't on a Uni, stared at Exlund in the eyes for a full minute

by kiwifruit487

The Adventures of The Neo Detectives: Part Four

But suddenly, Bouncer cried out excitedly, "Wow! Looky here!

by witchkitty89

The Adventures of Quia the Gelert and Lupe: Part Three

Greise’s ship wasn’t ready to leave the island yet. There were still more things to explore...

by theexplorer1f6iop