
The Adventures of Quia the Gelert and Lupe: Part Three

by theexplorer1f6iop

Greise’s ship wasn’t ready to leave the island yet. There were still more things to explore, for instance, the cave where Quia usually slept. Tiffer, Greg, and Aze walked in. They saw pictures on the wall and writings next to them which read as the following:

I forget what I just said or wrote every-

I forget what I just said or wrote every 6 sec-

I forget what I just said or wrote every 6 seconds.

I have to write this very fast in order to-

I have to write this very fast in order to finish it.

I think I have two brains.

I think I am 1 made out of 2.

If I do not put this sharp rock down, I will write this over and over-

If I do not put this sharp rock down, I will write this over and over-

If I do not put this sharp rock down, I will write this over and over-

If I do not put this sharp rock down, I will write this over and over-

What am I? By _________ <---I will write my name when I get one.

P.S. How did I learn to write?

"Did the kid write this?" asked Tiffer.

"Guess so," said Aze.

"Look over here," said Greg.

They walked over. There was a drawing on the wall. It showed a drawing of a Lupe and a drawing of a Gelert, and them forming into one. "You think he was really two at first?" said Tiffer.

"I guess Lupes and Gelerts don’t get married," said Greg.

"I’m going to go check on the kid," said Tiffer.

Quia was staring at a slave in the other room, and had thought out a plan to get him out. He reached his arm out of the cage as far as he could and knocked on the nearby door.

"I don’t think I can d-huh? What do you want?" he said, half asleep.

"Plan, get out," said Quia.

"You’re a kid, you can’t help me get out of here," he said.

"Someone’s coming!" yelled Quia. The 24-year-old Lupe ran back inside his room.

"Get back to work!" yelled Tiffer in the other room.

"Someone’s coming!" yelled Quia again.

Tiffer opened the door into Quia’s room. "Were you warning him?" asked Tiffer.

"No," said Quia.

"So how did you learn to write and talk?" said Tiffer.

"Yes, I don’t know," said Quia.

"What?" said Tiffer.

"Huh?" said Quia.

"I said…how did you learn to write or talk?" said Tiffer.

"I just woke up here one day," said Quia.

Tiffer stared at Quia, than walked out.


"So we’re leavin’?" said Aze.

"Yep, we’re done with this island," said Greise.

"I wanna get back home," said Zaww.

"Me too," said Aze.

"You know what that boy does?" said Zaww.

"What?" said Greise.

"He goes to sleep, wakes up, then goes to sleep again, he’s like a cat," said Zaww.

"He’s also as dumb as a doornail, he says things twice, because he forgets what he just said," said Aseeil.

"That’s as dead as a doornail, you twit," said Mary.

"Am I talking to you?" said Aseeil.

"Yes, you just asked me a question, you don’t even know if you’re talking to me or not?" said Mary with a laugh.

"Stupid wife," mumbled Aseeil.

"Stupid husband," mumbled Mary.

"Were leaving, everybody! Don’t leave anything on the island!" yelled Greise.

Tiffer wiped the blood from her nose. "Slave! What’s this coming out of my nose?" said Tiffer.

"Bl-Blo-od, ma’am," said Vine, a slave.

"And just how did this blood drip out?" said Tiffer.

"I-I- hit y-you?" said Vine.

"And why did you hit me?" asked Tiffer.

"Because…(gulp)…you deserved it," said Vine.

Tiffer grabbed her and threw her across the room. "And do you know what we do to slaves who hit they’re masters?" said Tiffer.

"Um, no…" said Vine.

"We throw them off to the ship on a island with nothing to eat!" yelled Tiffer. And that’s just what she did.

"Please don’t! No, please, I didn’t mean what I said I-(ugh)" said Vine, getting pushed off the boat. Quia woke up.

"Okay, we can leave now!" said Tiffer.

"No! Don’t leave! Please! I’m just 18! Please!" screamed Vine.

"Foolish girl!" said Tiffer.

"What an idiot! Ha!" said Zaww.

"Why do you guys have slaves anyway? Can’t you just do everything yourself?" said Aze.

"Be quiet," said Tiffer.

"Yeah, put a sock in it," said Greise.

Quia had enough of this slave business. He pushed the cage and it fell over and broke. He got up and walked into the room where they were steering the ship. He walked up to Aseeil, grabbed his leg, and threw him backwards and turned the ship back to Vine.

To be continued...