
The Biggest Battle of Neopia: Part Two

By xmen_storm and her pets, Ororo77 and Coolwod

Two months later, after what had happened, Kauvara found the solution to the problem. If a close-knit relative would personally go find the staff, the staff will maybe return to its rightful owner--the Battle Faerie. First, they need to find out where he lives. Kauvara worked overnight, losing many hours of sleep. Finally, he came up with a potion, called the Finding Potion. It will find its way to wherever the owner wants. It can be used countless of times too. Before Kauvara sent his daughter off, he said, "Befvara, take care. Remember, drink Strong Potion everyday so you will not lose your energy." With a wave of Befvara's arm, she used the potion and commanded, "To the home of Battle Faerie's attacker!" She teleported there, safe and sound.

She teleported right into the jungle in an island. She walked about a mile ahead when she spotted a house. Outside, hanging in midair was the Staff of Battle Faerie. "Wow! This place is so deserted, no wonder he can afford to put it outside without worrying it will be stolen," Befvara thought.

She walked over to the staff, put her hands on the bar and commanded, "Staff of Battle Faerie, I, Befvara, daughter of Battle Faerie and Kauvara, commands you to return the staff to its rightful owner."

The staff emitted a bright yellow light, which repelled Befvara's reflection. She landed about ten meters away. Befvara then thought of an idea. She had a Crystal Boomerang with her. She can use it to steal the staff. She took out her Crystal Boomerang and shoots it towards the wand. The boomerang suddenly repelled and fell to the ground, breaking into many pieces. "Of course! My mom put a spell on it, making it invulnerable to Crystal Boomerang and other stuff that steals. How stupid I am to forget this!" she chided herself.

Suddenly, a bright light appeared and the Faerie Queen appeared in front of Befvara. "Faerie Queen! Your Majesty, what brings you here?" said Befvara.

"Now! Don't you your majesty me! I am your aunt!" said Faerie Queen.

"What? Aunt? OK Aunt queen, what brings you here?" said Befvara, whose face registered shock.

"That is better! I got news from Kauvara and I decided to follow you here. Now let's get the attacker out first," said Faerie Queen.

"Whoever is in there, come out now and face me!" commanded Faerie Queen.

Edwin came strolling out, his face expressionless. "Now give us back the staff or you will be sorry!" Faerie Queen commanded.

"Why?" said Edwin. "Why don't you take it back yourself…"

"I will do that." The Faerie Queen walked to the staff, got hold of it and commanded, "I, Queen of all Faeries, the ruler of Neopia and sister to Battle Faerie, commands you to return to its rightful owner!"

This time the yellow light enveloped the Faerie Queen. A few seconds later, the Faerie Queen came out, her face became as pale as a ghost. "It…It…sucked my powers…" Edwin then smirked and went back to his house.

Befvara then hurried over to the Faerie Queen. "Aunt, please don't go! Please!" Befvara sobbed.

"Sorry…I had to go…I would return after ten years, in which my powers will return. When I disappear, I will leave down my wings. Befvara, take the wings and put it on. You will be the Faerie Queen. You are part Faerie and have lots of magical powers. You will take my place until I come back. Make sure Neopia is kept peaceful…" with that, the Faerie Queen disappeared and left her wings behind. Befvara put on the wings and became the Uber Faerie Queen. She flew back to Neopia and began to think of another plan to get the wand back.

To be continued...