
The Kontana Scroll: Part Five

by kiwifruit487

Pozialle, the only one who wasn't on a Uni, stared at Exlund in the eyes for a full minute, looked at the broken leg and said, "How about if we make this easier; hand over that piece under your foot."

"Easy?" snared Exlund, "Ain't gonna be that easy, because I never give up easily."

"Hey, I meant no offence, buddy," said Pozialle, "but if you want a fight, I guess we'll give you a fight." He stepped forward.

"Not so fast," said TrailMixed, stepping in front of Pozialle hiding Exlund behind her so he could pick the piece up, "you want a real fight? Fight me, not the one injured."

"Count me in," said Yamakarasu as she jumped in front face to face against Pozialle. They were so close that their noses were nearly touching. Pozialle, looking fierce as he is, said, "Humph, good luck fighting the whole royal army."

At this point, Gotenks79 and Kikugoku jumped down from the Unis ready to fight. Just when the three knights and the army were charging in, the group of friends activated Smoke Screen and then took flight as the army started choking.

Gotenks79 looked up and cried, "After them!" The knights flew up chasing after the eight NeoPets as the friends flew down and started running as fast as they could. Chelses ran towards a Y-looking tree and turned just in time for Kikugoku to get stuck in the Y. As Gotenks79 and Pozialle ran, the left behind Kikugoku yelled struggling to get his head off the Y, "Hey! A little help here maybe?!" Pozialle ran back struggling to get Kikugoku's head out of the tree as Gotenks79 carried on chasing. Just then, Yamakarasu fell forward as she gets tripped from a stray rock, Gotenks79 caught up, grabbing Yamakarasu. Gyka stopped, looked back, and ran towards Gotenks79 who was trying to fight Yamakarasu unsuccessfully. Gyka leapt into the air and on to Gotenks79. Gotenks79, hurt from the jump, started rubbing his back as Yamakarasu trips on him and rolls down the hill. Gyka left the moaning Gotenks79 and ran after Yamakarasu. Soon, they caught up with the rest of the group, but Yamakarasu kept on rolling down the hill.

"Noooo!" cried TrailMixed, "she'll scare the fishy nibbles off the hill" and ran after her. Flamie_500 and Chelses, who were with the still injured Exlund, ran with speed, but left behind, so KawaiiMika stayed with them trying to help. Gyka and KawaiiMiki still ran on after Yamakarasu and TrailMixed.

"Ouch!" said Yamakarasu, as she hit something solid. At this, TrailMixed stopped and looked up for once instead of Yamakarasu. In front of them stood a small stone hut with green smoke coming out of the chimney. Then suddenly, something caught the girls' eyes; it was a piece of cloth on the left windowsill, a piece of the Kontana scroll. TrailMixed tiptoed forward and reached her paw towards the piece. At the same time, the door of the stone hut opened and Gyka and KawaiiMiki appeared, panting. Standing at the door was who looked like a witch.

The witch crackled an evil laughter and said, "Children! Do come in... I have a surprise waiting for you!" The four NeoPets did the first thing that came to mind, run back up the hill to KawaiiMika, Flamie_500, Chelses, and Exlund. Suddenly as they tried to escape, a strong magic force pulled them back, all the way to the witch's feet. Luckily, TrailMixed had gotten the piece of the Kontana scroll, but unluckily, they were caught by an evil witch.

The witch took the four friends inside to a dark damp misty sort of room. On the walls were hundreds to thousands of bottles, containing brains and eyes and other things that grossed the four friends out.

"Now, my darlings," said the witch as she magically put them into cages, "you will practice been fat!" KawaiiMiki raised her eyebrow and said, "hey, I'm not fat!"

The witch glanced at KawaiiMiki and said, "Then you will become fat with my fatten up potion!"

"Hey, that’s no fair," wailed TrailMixed, "if she gets to be fat, how about me? I could eat some fishy nibbles!"

The witch signed a fake sign and with a sly grin, said, "Sure dears, I will make sure you will become fat, and how about the Unicorn Usul and the purple Zafara? Don't you two want to join your little friends?"

"No thanks," said Gyka, with his nose high, "I am not eating."

'Neither am I!" said Yamakarasu.

This made the witch very angry, but an evil laughter came from her again as a bell ran and she started walking away, "Good night, darling!"

After the witch went away with the light, Gyka activated his torch ability and lighted the room. Then, a voice from the cage behind him said, "That Star Zafara and the Speckled Usul are pretty dimwitted, are they?"

"Hey! Who said that?" Gyka and Yamakarasu cried at the same time.

"Yamakarasu!" said another voice, "help, we are all going to be eaten tomorrow!"

"Tenzo_Tanaka!" Yamakarasu said in the recognition of her brother's voice, "what are you doing here and who's your friend?"

The other voice spoke again, "I'm Jay_Bee, and Tenzo and I were playing at the Crontans Village below this hut when we decided to play hide and seek and winded up at this witch's place."

"Bother," said TrailMixed, "Now I can't buy Levren her favorite sweater in that shop, and I'm going to miss my fishy nibbles!"

The night passed with much tension and worrying, and occasional tears. By the time the six captives woke up the next morning, if the sun went up, they wouldn't know in this windowless place.

Yawning and stretching, they heard the witch say, "More dinner, how delightful!" KawaiiMika, Chelses, Flamie_500, and Exlund were caught. The witch took the four NeoPets inside and gave them each a cage. Then, the witch said, "Now, who wants to be my breakfast? Ahh, you, star Zafara (meaning KawaiiMiki), be right to be my breakfast." KawaiiMiki shook with fear and stepped back in her cage. Then the witch crackled with evil laughter and then went into the adjacent room to brew a cauldron. After a few minutes, the witch came back with a big evil grin on her green face, towards KawaiiMiki.

By this time, KawaiiMiki's captured friends already had a plan. Yamakarasu and Gyka activated Smoke Screen, then borrowed their underground out of the cages causing the witch going frantic searching for them and choking as she finally lets go of KawaiiMiki who was sending electric spark at her. While Yamakarasu and Gyka were fighting the witch, KawaiiMiki was setting everyone else free. But what they didn't know was the real strength and power of the evil witch. She said, "Bubble my potion, Shribble my powers, HOME!!!" A strong gust of wind got all the NeoPets captured straining and crying on the floor from pain. Soon, the pain was so unbearable that there was but silent screams. Their mouths either wide apart in the act of screaming or shut with teeth sawing.

Suddenly, a Poogle appeared out of nowhere and she was carrying a bottle of nasty green bugs. She jumped up from behind and threw the bottle at the witch. The bottle shattered into glittering pieces as it hit the witch's backbone. Soon, the green bugs were swarming around the witch, destroying her. The witch lost control and the spell on the captured NeoPets broke. The Poogle motioned with her paw for the NeoPets to follow her and they did.

Finally, the friends were free and back in the forest. Then the Poogle said, "I'm SapphireFire the Poogle and of course I know about you guys, the ones who broke into the castle for a piece of the magical Kontana scroll, very brave. And the Lupe, joined you guys on the hunt for the pieces. That leaves two more of you, just two other captives."

"Nicely defined," said Flamie_500, "so how did you know what to throw at the witch?"

"Well," said SapphireFire, "I have a friend who is a witch, a good one, and she's pretty too." SapphireFire laughed at this, then said, "So how many pieces of the Kontana scroll you got?"

"We have four," said Gyka, taking two pieces out and the pieces Exlund and TrailMixed got, "but we-."

"Need one more piece," SapphireFire finished off his sentence, "and it's a pretty important piece too."

"How did you know?" asked Chelses, "do you have the next piece or what?"

"No," said SapphireFire, "not exactly, but come with me."

All ten NeoPets (KawaiiMiki, KawaiiMika, Chelses, Flamie_500, TrailMixed, Gyka, Yamakarasu, Exlund, Tenzo_Tanaka, and Jay_Bee) followed SapphireFire to her hut on the north East End of the forest. SapphireFire invited them in and they sat down around the big round table drinking Hot Chocolate while SapphireFire said, "The last piece is hidden in the Hielion Dragon's lair." All of the NeoPets looked up, with a surprised look on their faces.

"It's true," said SapphireFire, "but getting past fierce dragons is not that hard when you know the basics; Dragon's weakness is their eyes." After much discussing and planning, they finally formed a plan. It was decided that only TrailMixed, Exlund, Yamakarasu, and Gyka should go and the rest stayed at SapphireFire's warm little hut.

Nervously, the four bold friends went towards the Hielion Dragon's cave. It was decided that Gyka and TrailMixed would distract the dragon while Yamakarasu and Exlund would go in to retrieve the last piece of the Kontana Scroll. TrailMixed and Gyka shot everything and anything at the Dragon's eyes causing the Hielion Dragon to come out and block the whole cave. The two Usuls decided that this wasn't working, so TrailMixed ran towards the Dragon's left foot making the now blind Dragon to follow. Gyka started shooting water jets, one to stop the Dragon's fire and to prevent the Dragon destroying TrailMixed by distraction. As the two Usuls led the Dragon towards the sea, Yamakarasu and Exlund ran inside the cave retrieving the last piece, and another great thing was, the two Usuls led the Dragon so well with team work, that it went SPLASH into the sea.

The four NeoPets hurried back with the last piece of the Kontana scroll and then everyone sat excitedly as Gyka pieced the Kontana scroll pieces together...

And this was what came out:

100 feet from the thunder tree the answer lies
In the firehole where the witch burns her magic fries
The one expected is always the one unexpected
The firehole will be where the magic intercepted
Jump in and the last out will be the king
He will save the heart of friends and kin

Just when the friends finished reading, the magic scroll expanded by it self and a second note appeared at the bottom:

When in the firehole the fries will burn
All the NeoPets and faeries will learn
That not everything is always free
Someone left in the firehole you see
To sizzle and burn
p.s. you have till 9.

At this, KawaiiMika freaked as the clock struck 7 and held onto Gyka tightly. The other NeoPets stared at each other with disbelief.

"We went through all that hard work and now someone has to be destroyed?!" exclaimed Flamie_500.

"Um...yeah," said KawaiiMiki, "I wonder what dying feels like..."

"Maybe burning and crazy!" suggested TrailMixed.

"We don't have much time, let's go to the castle," added Yamakarasu, "and this time not by breaking in."

Jay_Bee sighed and said, "Grrr... we should have plenty time to be goners, not in two hours, humph!"


"Arrest them," said Queen Kihalai as a guard came in telling her that a group of NeoPets wanted to see her and that seven of them were the ones who broke into the castle at an earlier date.

At this, Cadbury_Bunny stepped forward, "But they are innocent, just give them a chance!" The queen looked at the guard who shook his head and then at Stefang who was nodding, she said, "All right, let them in." Within minutes, the guard came back with the group of eleven NeoPets.

"My queen," said Chelses importantly, "the Kontana scroll is completed and actions must be followed precisely." And at this, she let Gyka walk up showing the scroll to the Queen.

The Queen, obviously surprised, said, "Well! It seems you have done quite a good job on this!" And Cadbury_Bunny winked at Gyka. After reading the scroll carefully, the queen said, "Ah, we will lose someone, we cannot let that happen. All those with stats over 60 must make sure no one will be sucked into the firehole! Cadbury_Bunny, Kikugoku, Pozialle, Gotenks79, you must inform all the forest citizens immediately. And that leaves my friends, I will apologize for mistaking you as criminals, and now, we must go to the firehole now!"

At her speech, everyone followed their orders and the group of friends and the Queen hurried to the firehole. "I wonder where is it," said KawaiiMika as they marched up to the thunder tree.

"Ah, 100 feet from here," said Flamie_500. The NeoPets searched and searched as the group got larger and larger with the citizens from the forest. Finally, a squeal from Tenzo_Tanaka was heard, but it was only a pile of burned wood. Then, they decided to just walk around the Thunder tree, except 100 feet away from it. Exlund found a dusty wooden shield and lifted it; while he was gazing and wiping the shield, a white female Lupe gasped.

Her name was Vivarosa – Exlund’s girlfriend - and apparently, under the shield, was a small hole slowly expanding as Exlund lifted the shield. Soon, the forest started disappearing and all the NeoPets found themselves inside the hole except Queen Kihalai, who was already a royalty, and was on the top. The wind was blowing very hard and then suddenly TrailMixed burst out, "Yeppee! The tooth Faerie just visited me and I got 231 Neopoints!" The Queen lifted her eyebrow at the outburst, but soon, the firehole started turning and the NeoPets were all very dizzy. After 20 minutes of fierce turning, the NeoPets were beginning to get thrown out of it. In the very end, only Vivarosa, Gyka, and TrailMixed were left inside and all the NeoPets looked on tensely.

As the firehole continued to turn, the three pets inside knew that one of them wouldn't make it and so they tried to call out their good-byes, but weren't able to because they were so dizzy, they weren't able to move an inch.

"GYKA!!!" KawaiiMika called out; it was very difficult scenery for all the NeoPets and then Exlund also called to his girlfriend Vivarosa.

Suddenly, the firehole started to slow down and the three NeoPets stuck inside started to regain their consciousness. They wanted to climb out as soon as possible and try to fly out or climb or anything they could do, but the firehole held them steadily. Then, the witch who owned the firehole appeared and dropped enormous fries into it and then threw some green powders. At this, the firehole burst into flames and Vivarosa was suck into it, yelping with pain. Gyka tried to go back to help but TrailMixed pulled him away. Then, TrailMixed was flung out and landed with the thump next to her sister Levren. The firehole started closing up, and smoke was coming out of it making everyone choking with pain. There was much confusion and noise as dangerous objects flew out of the firehole injuring some nearby NeoPets.


KawaiiMika opened her eyes to the clear blue sky. She tried to sit up, but realized that her right arm was in a painful position and was bleeding with blood. She moaned quietly and then she remembered, the firehole and Gyka! Then, a terrible image came to mind, what if he is hurt? What happened? Just as she was struggling to get up and sobbing with pain, someone held her up. She looked around and saw hundreds of NeoPets in pain, and some walking around helping others. She turned to look at who was holding her and gasped; it was Gyka. "But how did -" she tried to speak, but Gyka said, "You are OK now, Mika, come on, I'll explain."

After 10 minutes of busying around, everyone was finally healed with the healing water and faeries helping them. Then, Gyka stood upon a rock with the hundreds of NeoPets below him.

He began, "Fellow citizens, you may have been wondering what happened after I was still in the firehole. I survived, but barely. I realized that the firehole closed and I was on top of the originally small hole with the wooden shield on. I ask you not to open the hole. Yes indeed, people call me the new King, but I want you to know that I am still the same friend as ever before, the same Usul who tripped on ice last year, the same NeoPet who was created and raised by my owner! Our kingdom is ours, and we are safe in here, because as a team, we work together, and produce wonderful things. Sometimes, when in danger, we must protect ourselves, and this is one of those times, but I can assure you that the evil is defeated! When I came out of the firehole, I had a battle with the evil Jokétorisa de Mondaliĺ Kînń. I expected to lose against such a strong opponent, but when you all were here, our powers combined and the evil Jokétorisa de Mondaliĺ Kînń is dead... and our worries are over! We work as a team, and we win the battle!"

There was a thunderous applause, and then Gyka knelt down next to Vivarosa and said, "Vivarosa sacrificed her life for us, thus we must honor her!" At this, Gyka created a Giant Feast with his ability and lifted a wine cup, "to Vivarosa!" The rest of the Neopians followed suit and then after honoring Vivarosa with a grand statue next to the firehole, they celebrated all night long.

The next night, when everyone was asleep, with Queen Kihalai back to the castle, Gyka back in the hut - after refusing the castle - with his friends, and the rest of the citizens having sweet dreams, a red Acara in the kingdom/land next door sat with her mother on the bed as the mother finished the story of the Kontana scroll.

The Acara said, "Will they be OK?"

"Yes," said the mother, "they lived happily ever after."

The End