
The Adventures of Cutie Pie: Part Two

by daisy_2039

Home Sweet Home

We finally reached home. Her house was cozy and welcoming. It was an old Victorian house, with blue shutters and white trim. When we got inside the girl told me that she was called Daisy, and that my new name was Cutie Pie. She gave me some Neggs on toast for a snack. "You must be starving you poor thing!" She led me outside and said I could fly around the backyard a bit while she got a bath ready for me. A bath! I was trembling with excitement! I unfolded my wings and drew in my talons. Hundreds of flowers had been arranged in shapes and colors to look like the Faerie queen, that all of Neopia worshiped. They whizzed by me as I sped past trees sprouting colorful Neggs There was a beautiful cascade of blessed water next to a set of swings.

Sleeping beside a large bolder that had a picture of all the NeoPets carved carefully with great detail into it was a large field of daisies. "Cutie pie, your bath is ready. Come in sweetie," called daisy from the doorway.

As I flew in I knocked over a vase. My eyes filled with tears, now I would go back to the pound for sure. "It's OK. I'll clean it up later. Now come in, I've put some sudsy rainbow Negg scented bubble bath in it," she said. After my steaming Jacuzzi, Daisy brushed me so well I thought I had the shiniest coat in all of Neopia.

It was about 8 o' clock, and I was rather hungry, but I didn't say anything. "Time for dinner. Lucy, cutie pie, come sit at the dinner table then you can go out and play." I sat down and wondered who Lucy was. Then, Usul came down stairs. I nearly screamed with joy! I had always wanted a friend! And that Usul had been the one to get me out of that disgusting adoption centre. We had a delicious turkey dinner, served with rich creamy gravy and mashed potatoes. Daisy said that after dinner she would have a special surprise for me. I finished dinner daisy took my hand in one of hers, and the Usuls in the other, and led me to my new bedroom. On my bed was sitting a little Puppyblew! I must've said thank you over a million times! It had a silky blue coat and shining eyes. Then Daisy told me that my Puppyblew and I had to go to bed now. She tucked us in and kissed me on the forehead. "Goodnight!" she whispered, and the Usul bent down and said in my ear: "I'm glad you've come to live with us CP!"


One day daisy told Lucy and I that we were going to the park. I was so excited, I ran to the hall closet and snatched up my Puppyblew's collar and lead. On our way to the park we saw a Lupe running past us. I was scared. I leapt into Daisy's arms. "Don't worry. That's just the Lupe that patrols the park, and takes care of all the NeoPets, making sure they all play happily. His name is Allen," Daisy announced.

I sheepishly climbed down from her arms and glanced at Lucy. She just smiled at me, and led her Angelpuss over to a group of PetPets that they seemed to know. I ran over and tied my Puppyblew by Lucy's Angelpuss. What a beautiful place Neopark was! Tulips bordered the play sets. There was a little river gurgling by, (I saw an Acara swimming around in the water). and there were several sets of swings and a VERY large slide with several smaller slides forming a circle around it. "I'll be home if either of you need me, call me with your cell phone. I'll come to pick you up in an hour." Daisy handed each of us half a milk chocolate Mynci, and walked through the gates. I took one look at Lucy and ran for the large slide.

"I go fir-" Lucy Started to call out.

"No, I go first!" bellowed a large voice.

We looked up and I saw a big, mean, gruff looking Skeith. We looked up slowly, dreading what we were about to see.

"Whoooo uh...arrrrrre yyyyou?" I stammered.

"I'm Chad and I'm the king of this park!" he yelled.

"No you're not!" I said trying to act brave even though I was writhing with fear. He laughed, and lunged at Lucy and I, toppling her to the ground.

"Leave my sister alone you big bully!" I screamed jumping in front of Lucy. She stood up painfully, and brushed dirt off her ribbon.

"I'm the king of this park and what I say goes! And I say that you and your feeble little sister here are going nowhere!"

"Leave them alone Chad!" growled Allen.

"We can take care of ourselves!" I assured him, but I wished he would take Chad away.

"Are you sure you are ready to take him on? I mean, you don't look that strong lil' lass," said Allen.

"Yessir, I'm fine sir, thank you!" I gulped down my wobbly voice.

"All right then, it's against the law here in Neopia to stop any citizen from taking on an enemy, especially with the Battledome opening in two weeks!"

He looked proud, and, adjusting his badge, waltzed away to break up a cat fight between two Aishas. I threw myself at Chad with all my might. "Get of me you weakling!" Chad screamed in pain.

He pushed me off and then I remembered that my old master had equipped me with a rainbow gun, when I had been his only NeoPet. I pulled it out, and pressed the button. The rays struck him in the ugly, flat face.

"I'll get you for ruining my reputation!!!" he cried, and ran away.

"I'm so proud of you sis! I never began to imagine that you could fight like that!" said Lucy, taking my hand. "I never was much of a fighter." She fluffed up her ruff self-consciously, and batted her long eyelashes. I giggled at her Usulness, and dialed the number to our home.


One day when Lucy and I were playing in the backyard, Daisy called us in and said she had to tell us something important.

"We're moving," she announced.

"Moving?!" Lucy and I both asked at the same time.

"To where?" I wondered.

"Mystery Island, it's a wonderful place and there are many new friend you will find there. I just thought it would be nice to have a little "tropical" in our lives," she said, "Do you to mind?"

Lucy and I both looked at each other. We knew that any choice that daisy made would be the right one, besides she really looked like she wanted to go.

"No," we both said.

"Great! I've bought a beautiful large house next to the beach! And I heard some of the most handsome NeoPets live there," she said as she winked at us.

We both smiled. "So hurry and go pack, OK? I've already rented a moving truck and boat."

Lucy and I ran upstairs and I scooped up my Puppyblew. "We're moving!" I started to feel a little happier. "You know, I really think this move isn't gonna be to bad," I told her.

"I know, but you're not as used to this place as me. I was born here," she answered.

"But I'm happy too," she said again.

The day of the move came. We'd put the Angelpuss and Puppyblew in our laps. We drove in the car for about an hour then we reached the edge of Neopia and we saw a ferry boat and we put all our luggage and suitcases in the boat. We sailed into the sunset.

The End